Show SINGERS REFUSE TO PAY DUTY ON THEIR COSTUMES New York Tan Jan 9 On lop top of or Oscar financial troubles in Philadelphia comes additional dim difficulties here through a dispute between tome of or Mr grand op Ope opera era ro singers and the United States customs cu toms authorities It Is asserted assorted by Ly customs officers that several of oC the singers have failed to tn pay i y duty on Imported costumes and t t drastic action cllon will be taken unless ss he the the money is forthcoming The amount owed is said to be in the tho neighborhood of or hut hid as the costumes are In ii Inthe the iho possession of the singers they the stoutly maintain that neither will wm they pay nor give thorn thom up till U This stand has hns ha I been taken In spite of or urging on the part of r Mr Hammerstein that the duty dut l bo ho paid Mme Delia Dona one of Mr Hammer r loading hb ln c declared sh ho h would go to w jail rather than pay par payI pari I consider It an outrage said Mme Mine lm Doria Dorla I 1 have hae worn wor all my cos costumes tomes s and after aCter they hall had passed the custom house and into my 01 possession n 1 I got get a bill for 3 O I told the tho In Inspector inspector only yesterday esterday that T I would Co go L O to jail rather than pay par such Mich an un en unjust just jutt jl tax Ho no gave me inc until today to lo toly pay ly and told mo ma that if i I did not nol pay then lien ho h would take mo me to the Tabs But 1 shall shaH never pay |