Show m ED D COVERINGS COVERING Q 0 Girls Girls who liko their beds to Wale very er dainty and nud attractive will the th new DOW coverings o ot of white and colored muslin These are fire easy cusy to make nod they arc aio not expensive to buy bu buThe The spread for the thc lied bed Is long b enough lo to nearly reach tho the floor toor IL It la le of oC n white while muslin with a n border or of blud or pink or loloL mus muslin muslin muslin lin The Thc two pillow are arc square pieces of white while bordered bord roll with the thc color rhe are ure put on over Ocr the lh lied bell with thc the upright pillows after It has hus boon beau u made ui u up In the usual manner ar foi tor 01 the day daj Instead of oC putting on a t Marseilles spread it Is much better to use spreads of or plain white striped These are arc left leCt on at night to pro protect protect I teel the thc blanket after tho the fancy line is removed fl They Th should o ld ho ha housed housed used on every evor bed unless ono has tho the French double sheets heeLs which are arc twice the thc length of oC the bed These servo serve no the same mc purpose as the little dimity top ones do They The tuck In at the thc foot as itA a regular shoot sheet then thon are arc folded backward over the thc top lop blanket until they reach rca h the tho foot ooL of oC the thc bod bed whore they the are arc not tucked In but loft left l lying not lint on the surface They The are finished with a hem und and have hac tho the initials of the tho house straight across the thc center done In heavy hea padded embroidery embroider r 7 |