Show SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION MADE OF MIND CURE Chicago Jan Tan iThe Tho Rev John Johnston Johnston Johnston ston Myers has hIlS given an explanation of o tho ho objects of or tho the psychotherapeutics tics class which ts forming In his church This Is nn an education enterprise for Cor forthe forthe the scientific investigation of mind euro cure ho he says liIas to cover the whole field of or mental science In III its philosophical Ji psychological his historical medical an aspects The Tl object is to bring into tho tim homos homes ho the assaults of oC the tho best science tho tim soundest t learning and the most re roo recent cent investigations on this subject The time lime Is 18 near when the power to heal henl tho the sick nick as well as to cast callI out devils d may be bo b tho th tout test by which tho the of tho church may mn bo ho gauged Mental antI and and spiritual laws are just an as immutable as those of oC tho phy physical ph realm Everyone should under those thone laws lawn and teach them litem and place In the hands handa of the tho people tho the Knowledge with to heal henl and anti cleanse I |