Show THREE TUREE MEN MN INSTANTLY Two Others Seriously In Ina Injured in Flower Lake Tun Tunnel Tunnel nel lie by Falling Scaffold Salt Snit Lak Lake City Jan 0 Officials of the Western Pacific Railway company In this city tonight received Information Information information tion of an accident in Flower Lake Lilke tunnel fourteen miles west of or Shafter Nov Ncr which caused cause the death of or three men and the serious injury of ot two tivo others At the time of ot the accident the five men mon all carpenters and helpers were riding through the tunnel on a flat fiat flatcar flatcar car A jumbo or Improvised scat scar scaffold fold which was erected over OYer a plat platform platform platform form on the car camo came In contact wIth Ith some timber work on the roof root of oC the tunnel and the Jumbo col collapsed collapsed collapsed lapsed The men were pinioned be beneath beneath beneath neath the tho pile of oC wreckage three of o them being instantly killed When news of or the accident reached Wells Nov Ne a number of oC physicians volunteered their services and anti a ape special special cial train was started for the tho scene of oC the tho accident The ho om officials daIs here bOre have not learned the tho names of o the killed |