Show I I i I 1 CLOSING QUOTATIONS OF WORLDS S MARKETS OPENING PRICES OF STOCKS SOMEWHAT MIXED 9 New York Jan 9 Changes In tho opening prices of or stocks today toda are somewhat mix A number of the I southwestern railroads showed d strength and there were some Iome sharp declines In tho the standard railroad stocks and the New York tractions Denver Rio Grande advanced 1 38 Union Bag preferred 1 I and Missouri Pacific 58 Int Metropolitan tan preferred declined 2 American Smelting 1 and Union Pacific Penn Pennsylvania Penns Pennsylvania sylvania s and Brooklyn Transit large fractions ructions Severe liquidation in tho the Metropolitan stocks led to tl unloading In other quarters and losses lose of a point or more became gen germ general gener eral er l in the active list Low prices Stocks Blocks which have hae been active recent y 3 advanced materially were without and suffered more mor severely severe than general run of ol stocks stock The market closed feverish and ir lr irregular irregular regular There was another heavy hear outpouring of stocks which embraced all u the tho usually active speculative favorites ea orites The Tho general losses of a point or upwards extended In Reading Reaching and American Smelting to 3 14 Union Pa Pacific cilia 2 34 Colorado and Southern first preferred 3 St Paul Southern Pacific Northwestern Missouri Paci lie lIc Wabash preferred Now York Cen Con Contral tr l Erie second preferred Louisville and Nashville Amalgamated Copper and Colorado Fuel 2 or more Metro Melro Metropolitan politan Street Railway sold at a de do decline decline cline dine of or five points The bulls huUs cans caus caused ed cd rome nome rallying when they the covered shorts horts but It was fitful and uneasy NEW YORK STOCKS Amalgamated Copper 81 78 iS American Car and Foundry 19 American Locomotive 51 1 11 American Smelting 85 11 American Smelting pfd 12 American Sugar 58 SS S Anaconda Mining Co JS IS 14 Atchison Railway 99 9 31 34 Atchison Railway pfd lOl 53 Baltimore and Ohio Brooklyn n Rapid Transit 68 65 38 33 Canadian Pacific 78 73 Chesapeake and Ohio 57 14 Chicago Northwestern western 17 18 Chicago Mil and aud St Sl Paul 58 Colorado Fuel and Iron 11 12 Colorado and Southern 65 G 31 34 Delaware and Hudson Denver and Rio Grande G 38 33 Denver and Rio Grande pfd SO 34 Erie r Railway RanVa 31 78 73 Great Northern pfd 58 Great Northern Ore 71 13 12 Illinois Central 31 New York Central 34 Reading Heading Railway nalla 34 H Rock Island Co 24 34 I Hock Rock Island Co pct 61 12 Southern Pacific 38 1 Southern Railway 25 2 12 1 Union Pacific 38 United States Steel 52 2 18 United stat States g Steel pfd ped 31 34 Wabash Hallway 18 IS 31 Western V ostern Union 68 Standard Oil company compan Chicago Livestock Chicago o Jan 9 Cattle Receipts estimated market marke steady beeves T weal ems ons U stockers und and feed fe d I or r cows and heifers helfers H 1 calves 7 Hogs Receipts estimated at IS 15 market markot 6 5 cents lower Light 5 mixed 5 25 heavy 5 rough lough 5 good to choice heavy pigs bulk of sales Sheep Receipts estimated 2000 market steady stead natives 3 75 7 western m yearlings 7 25 lambs lamb native west western era ern rn Chicago Close Chicago Jan ian 9 Close Wheat May Mar 7 S July Tuly 98 OS Sept 94 11 Coin Jan 57 58 May Mar 61 51 July 61 3 34 Sept 01 61 78 Oats May 51 34 July 4 ril 14 11 Sept Sopt P I SS Hs Jan 1635 May Iny 1057 1657 12 1 barbJan Jan 12 May 12 July Ribs Jan May Maj In S iO July Jul 58 12 Kyc Cash 76 May In 78 12 Parley Cash Clover March 9 GO 60 Timothy March 4 10 Kansas City Livestock Kansas City CIt Jan 9 Cattle Re Receipts market steady st a stock ers eis and feeders 3 00 bulls 3 00 calves cal ves 4 00 western steers rs western cows 1 t 75 Hogs Receipts market live five cents lower bulk of or sales 5 05 heavy Joa 5 packers packer and butch era light pigs piss 4 25 No sheep Market nominally steady Sugar and Coffee New York Jan 9 Sugar raw Firm fair refining gal Ca 96 test 3 13 Molasses sugar suar refined steady crushed 5 35 powdered 17 granulated 4 01 L 65 66 COFFEE Steady No 7 Rio 7 ISa 14 4 No 1 j Santos S 38 I Wool St Louis Jan Jau 9 Wool unchanged ed ad and western mediums 17 u l fine mediums 15 7 fine Metal M tal Market New cw York Jan 9 Lead all quiet 4 I IJ 17 J 7 22 12 copper quiet II lot 12 rui H 58 Silver 51 12 |