Show o De T HII GOSSIP OF THE STAGE I t Clara Is playing in a n Paid ll In Full company compan t Dolly Doll Reforming Reforming Herself a comedy I 1 by Henry Henr Arthur Jones has Just been I f t produced In London LondonI Tho The author of Love Lovo Watches Ar Armand Arr ArI I r I j nand mand man who lives In Paris has lIae received r a special invitation from rom 1311 l s 3 lie llo Burke to bo present at tho time one onehundred onehundred onehundred hundred and fiftieth performance of oC the tho play in Inn New York and amid It is likely he will accept her Invitation Young college cOllego graduates havo have lately como come to the front as pla but George Cohan Is rehearsing a play called Tho Counsel For Defense 4 ki j which Is 10 s tho the first play of a old author Ho He Is Henry Heno Irving Dodge DodS Frederic Perry and ami Muriel Starr will bo be tho time principals in iii tile the piece Andrew Mack Macle Is making a success In the west with The Tim Royal Mounted Denman Thompson has resumed his original role of Uncle Josh Joah In rime Tho Old Homestead which is playing its c t S i j season on the tho American stage The Th Never Nevel Nover Never Land by hy Zang Zangwill will Is to bo be produced in vaudeville nu with a cast C Ut comprising Helen Grant Grantley Grantley ley 10 A S Hallott Hallett Thompson Willis Remon and Leo Lao A 1 Kennedy Harry Harm Lauder Lander tho the Scotch S comedian visited tho time New York city alt hall and on the lie mayor and an a number of oC j J i if f o 1 III alderman with Ills his songs and recitations recitations Kolb Korb and nn Dill have a n new piece picco called Wainer and Schnitzel II Robert Mantell Is to play a season of four weeks in Now New York In the thu spring David Is doing an al enormous business In Chicago Louis Mann is to lO make malc his first ap up ap as Shylock at nt a n special matl niall neo nee early In iii February The perform performance ance will be given In Philadelphia Nora Dayes Bayes has written n o sketch called SK Six SI Little Sailors Ralph Stuart Is Js to make malee a new pro pio production Time Tho present Is 15 the tho third successful season of or Tho Rod Mill Milli In which Montgomery and Stone are aro starring It added to Many novelties have been this year cm taken taleen time the t thearl ic who has Grey r Tile Tho V In i part pait arl of or Margaret and will bo be suc succeeded succeeded succeeded Thief Is to retire by Ems Shannon rJohn r i John Luther Luthel Longs play pIa in w which cn I t Is a n Mrs Irs Leslie Carter Carlor Is to appear dramatization of a magazine story Ol of 0 A t r tI tho the author railed call calla n Modo Madame Poppy Popl pop y i u uc o c I 4 i a 7 I |