Show t I K M i H WK I r til i UNION LABOR r j C Cr DEPA r I if I 1 J I I I I II r X I I Ii i the Auspices Address all Communications to toW toi I i of the W M PIGGOTT Editor 4 c 1 OGDEN TRADES ASSEMBLY l 8 Street Streett i t H H o I LABOR AND AN ITS REWARD i While turning the pages of the An Al Annual nual Labor Lallor Review recently In of ot fomenting good to read our om a n at I was attracted to an au article I Ith the above heading written by h l Mr Ml 0 O P Hoff labor commissioner r of ol I 01 egon We found the article mUel so 80 mill lull milli of i meat and written In iii such a mat mast masterful erful erCul just and unbiased manner that thai we II e C could not refrain from m reproducing it il here II Mr Iloff HoIT said In ln tho the sweat ot or thy face faco shall thou cat eat bread The llie book buol of books booi no matter from irom what standpoint it is IB regarded r stands 8 pro pre preeminent I eminent as the time foundation ot of o all laws lawn and amid the tho above quotation Is not only emily emilya onla a judgment passed on ott mankind but alc a commandment given As a law Jaw of the tho order it places the tho stump stamp of o respectability on labor In lit obedi obedience elite ence to the lie same mme On moral ground to W 0 evade ca o this command Is lawlessness before tho the moral bar of o the highest moral court For Fot I Ol man nan to 0 labor is 16 tile the natural condition of gaining health and amid hap while idleness breeds breed his dis discontent content c degeneration and nud weakness both morally moray and physically Time The setting aside by b legal c al enactment nent a holiday designated as Labor Day Da Is 13 Isa isa a recognition in common law ot of o tilt tile of labor that has stood In all ages as a divine livine law I That there are and always alWs ys havo hao been een men umen who hold labor in contempt Is I ii certain TIlls This even extends to certain tain tala officers whom those hose very er labor laborers laborers ers have placed in iii office by 1 their votes otes However Howee these people should not 1101 be e too loo harshly judged Thou Theil lack Jack of consideration and breadth of oC char character acter and their import mice aiice is more i to lo be pitied than blamed Tho The average laboring la man does docs not find fault because he tie has hiis ha to work Therein does not nol lie He time the trouble but in the lie often seemingly unjust division of the lie proMs profits ot of o the la ha labor labOI hem bor Our sense or see sec that each person Is entitled to compensation for his honest honet efforts as will permit him lo to live all amic rear real a family famil in iii a comfortable and manner This Ph is would not no lie 0 a I I matter mn nm ter if ii justice had the adjusting First a fair price lot for the raw ma material then th n as ns It passes passe through the different hands pay H man is his by hy l right adding the tho same sante to tolie the lie cost also fair profits for roi Tao tw money invested in the plant or tools too rand and the lie risk of such Investment and tho time necessary Cost of of disposing to lo lothe the customers But htmL here c com competition om petition and greed pressing down the time prices wIzen when times are hard each one ono oneas oneas as liS the lie pressure is extended backward taking care that his pmt purt of the trans transaction action yields lel 1 tho the proper profits p until it reaches the tile toller toiler who being heln if he hue h stands alone least able to la take taku care of o himself has to take the prin principal cipal cut in iii downward trend of or the tile article On the lie oilier hand han 1 when times limes are arp ar good the prices are arc fire raised and amid an the effect of it is first noted at atthe the Iho soiling Bolling end nd and It takes takor a long tune timo and often ofen trouble in iii tho tile labor circle before the lie working man gets his liS share sharo in the Increase which ne nC necessarily necessarily ce has hM made the cost ol or his existence greatel greater A laboring mans right In the haro of a t produced value a just pay pa ha for his work should he 10 an amount as will allow him if ho he practices rac Ices tices Industry economy and intemperance ance and being free from any an un unusual usual amount of oC sickness or misfortune tune I nile to live up to lo the Uie standard ot 01 othis hit his Ii is surroundings su giving gi his hi Is children I the best of education and anil to save up sufficient to lo keep himself and wife ilfe hon the infirmity of old age uge retires him from active work worl I living does docs not mean menu to live and amId dress on tho the smallest amount possible Ilo to exist but butt to restrict the expenses to the lie minimum necessary 10 lo conform to lo tIm Iho American standard landard ol ot living lhing In our onward march what was a luxury last lost year ear anti and none noue Is In 5 moro responsible for foi this than the tho employing or wealthier part oC or time tho community who sets the time pace mince In a fads farl I nail and fancies as well we as ordinary mat leis t Humanity must be lilted in En a lump and not In parts or by ii classes If I our ow Improved and amid still sUll advancing civilization tion tiomi shall bo be entitled to the lie commo commendation dation Cation of oC just and sensible ble When employers by reason renson ol oJ moro more comfort c in their homes liner finer texture I in their clothes better hetter food lood and high higher I Cl er priced spend moro more money to lo live the arc are Just Iv lv entitled to their theil proportionate baro f In this higher civilization There is a proof or 01 at least may ma be he accepted as such that lint the lie employers I profits mire are increasing and that tho the business can stand stani higher wages wage I when whon ho he changes his mode of or lite 30 o that his lila expenses increase and he lie h himself becomes responsible for the tho demand that will win be he made on him for tor better belter pay 1 by hy 1 those who hio assist him himin himin in tho creation of his added aidel wealth There is Impressed on Oil my lilY mind miami another nn ther phase of this matter mattei maU n regard inn irr time Iho ability of the Iho average work working ing lug man as well wel as man mal to lo Keep Iop up ll wilh wih the Iho general advance and il it I Is one of vital lal importance Mar Marriage Marriage Is the tho institution of physical and nud moral morl necessity The condition that lint tends Lends to make this hits happy or otherwise should receive the tho most careful attention even from tho time side of oC a 1 or and amid his pay pai pa Love Lovo Lovein Looi ia in i supposed to be bo time Iho foundation foi foia Foma rot rota a happy happ union of man and amId wie wile I f I doubt that lovo loio will wl last J sl long oh It respect for tho the object of love lovo do tie tieP parts P Thom Thero are arc a Tow fow tho ho women still sti I 1 believe bel e I hat but Ten low mind and will wi retain islam the tho proper rc no feet spec for a husband husban who barring barming sickness and misfortune fans falls to t hB hIm own in the general g advance I The Tho ho old saw Daw that flint when lien poverty po rt comes In al at a time the door 1001 love hoe 00 lies out at al atthe the Ul window has hm much lo to it Mau Maun n a trouble and anti oven even divorce suit stilt has hns been boen started d principally because the the wife rIfe wie by comparing her lier lot ht l l with that of others as S to the tho lh necessities com corn comforts r forts and u luxuries furnished or rather ra lher j t z J that wore were not 1101 furnished gradually k BOS her respect for foi her husband I 1 hat a a divorce under ule such circum circumstances stances would be c no credit to her does ilos not mend the matter Few pow will wil call cal to mind a divorce asked lor fOI a woman oman who had har respect for oi her hm hus husband ht hu hand band A thoughtful man man when whon ask asic asking ing 1111 in a woman to share his home 1 him for far Im life le has calculated on his hs h ability to 0 keep keel her In as good a no nodal fn I dal jul position as an when they tle first be he begun I Igan gun gait and to hold holl his own on Now when prices go up tI when tho ho cost of or livin In every eel ever branch Is advanced while the I wages are arc left at the tho tie old rate rte If it no noa argument a no pleading on his part will wil change tho tIme wage scale what can he lie heto le leco to co 0 but strike for hotter better ottel pay strike i ifor I Ifor for home strUm strike for tho the maintenance l lor of or the love and anil respect ot or his wife wl his Ids partner the mother moter of or his ils chill chil children dren U The Tho 10 laboring man nina and auld labor laborers ers ers children ch possess ounce for ounce on an nn average avo rage as much brain and as ns asgood j I good a quality as a the tho balance of or tin tl luce ce and the tl only gulf of j in this his country countr is that of Ignorance l j It I becomes the duty awl and should be le bethe j i the tho aspiration of all aU parents bo be they the I Irich rich or em poor 1101 after aftem acel giving their I Idren dren moral morl precept and training to i give gic them Item tho lie best possible education I I when the thu higher highel rungs of the social i political and an 1 financial ladder are arc In iii II I I reach of each and all al To this tIlls ant and I true rime friend of the poor pOOl hut hue j I aspiring toilers should stand for fC the tite j I liberal treatment of or every evemy In i of learning learing from the he lowest lowis to the time highest and anti so o make It pos IJO nible Dible for the poorest to reach re ch lie theer ed cd educational summit summit A thorough education Ion tion lon theoretical and practical will wil In Insure sure the tho lifting up imp of the th working I mans conditions I Speaking of or education I will wi say sa I that lint every working man and every ever j j working woman should themselves i and also see sec that their thou children and al I I friends study the lie economic condition j I and good common business sense anti and j I lenin learn some sOle of tho the simplest facts that II seem s m to be he overlooked by hy so 80 o many malY mami That many mIlan acting in il unison have mote moro power lower than the individual l I acting alone Ilone that to get goods made mad I by b your friends use u o none that ha hanot I not your friends brand on them that I to o 0 vote for your friends If It known to Lo tobe Lova be va men of honor honD to fill fU the public of I flees from legislators to I judges who will maho equitable lo con i Is 6 better he than to go on oh a strike i ifor for rC Ic the same saro And lat last I t but not miot least i ito Ito to tc learn lear that thit to practice these prin primi principles I is better beleI than to theorize about i ithem them |