Show A Womans Jealousy ARY ISABELLA the tho beautiful mAny I W Id nob hesI ess of Rutland who ho was wan vice Ice LI U at nt Dublin In 1757 was con considered conI the most moat beautiful of o all nil the women of ot an 00 unusually brilliant court courLAnd I And she was Jealous of or her beauty and the tho homage It brought her tier tierOne One day doy her lIer husband was most ex cx extravagant In his hll praise of ot a n certain Mrs Irs Dillon DUlon whoso whose social position precluded any nil possibility of ot her presentation ut ot court She Is the tho most beautiful creature I have havo ever eer seen Been one of ot the tho court of ot officials exclaimed rapturously Tho The Duchess was piqued She Sho deter determined det determined r mined to see lIeo her rival Alone site she drove droo to the street where here Mrs Dillon lived anti and unannounced Into that ladys sitting room Looking fixedly at her for tor some Borne moments she otto finally exclaimed Yes It Is true You are aro the most beautiful woman In the three Ling king donut I IThen Then she nhe turned about amid left tho the bouse bousu as ns Informal Informally as ns she sime bad hud entered |