Show rt II 1 L I T C t SI 5 I roOf I x TOMMYS T i JEALOUSY H j y I C r J I 1 I YI In the manner mannar 1 I d of or the tho masculine I was vat w s showing off oft He lie Hei i harmed I c t about time the oval oal of time tho I drive and amid an up tip time HIP I tops stops to Lo cast him r s sif sH if breathless but bitt I admiring at tho tIme feet feel J of Miss Shelby then I I to look adoringly up I into her face faco until itt i i his small lungs regained their proper supply of o atmosphere and he could I tear oft off again My lIy Tommy Tomm How Ho fast you ou can canI I run runt t 1 Praise was sweet when bestowed I by his own Miss Minnie amid ho I would havo have run his fat little legs lags off oil offIn offin j I In the hot September sun had hind not noL noLI I Miss Mies Minnie introduced a n diversion I by declaring that his pudgy hands I were just right for or holding the skeins I which sue Sho wound into balls of a b roundness and smoothness that thaL fas faa fascinated fascinated Ii the tho boy Ever Eer since Miss Minnie had come cometo cometo I to visit his mother her old school friend Tommy had him film himself self soH her adoring doring slave and nd his night nightly i ly 1 petition at nt his mothers knee was amended to 0 Include prayer 1 An s God OO bless Miss Minnie I an save her for ma til UI I cn grow row up upS S 1 an marry matry her Ier herI i I Under such circumstances It was I l r scarcely 5 to bo lC wondered that Tommy with small favor Howard who hUd had a n regular visitor to lo e the ad iLL advent vomit vent of oC Miss Shelby I The rhe sensitive not nol discern log ing jealousy no na tho tIji cause of or thin tho boys bo s dislike worried over diVOt the Lime hostility and favor favol in vain flit 1111 toys which Limb tho boy hor ho disdained The Time was still in gross when Kinlock made Ills hIs afternoon appearance and ho did Jit not nol strengthen his cause causo Tommy b by promptly offering to Tommy of ot his lila task I like llo to do it il protected Tommy an till Miss MI 5 die aho Just loves lovest to t ino mo hold cm for fol hop hOI l been boen having IH such n love lovo lovoy loeI I 1 y tIme running around the time drive c I explained Miss Misa Shelby with a mean menu meaning meanIng ing glance glanco at Kinlock It Is very et good of him to stop his play and help I r just offered to take lalee his place so solie he lie could play pIny apologized lamely See what I brought you rou Tommy Ho held up lip a ball balla balia a boys bo s ball hall in lit instead stead of ot the tile soft rubber affair that thal ho lie unfortunately offered tho the preceding precedIng ing lug week Dont want sant It said Tommy Tomm reso rose resolutely resolutely not hot turning around to seo see what tho the gift gIrt might be That Is 16 not courteous said Miss ShelbY gently noting noling tho time look of disappointment hat t crossed Kin 1 10 locks face fac ac Mr Mi Kinlock Iel n locI has brought brough t tol you ol u It ball balf a real ball 1 those tile tho hion with and you ou will not Dol oven even look at ilL It Tommy turned and ac uc accepted cepter LimO gift giving thanks as a t gentleman should but not aoL even een tho the possession ims s sion lon of a ball 1 brought joy JO to ill heart henrt and he lie stood uncertainly holding holdin it divided between dc IC Hue to lo try it and unwillingness to piny With a gift of tho the enemy enem hiko It aroUnd In the tho side sido yard ard where It 11 is shady suggested Miss I will not wind any an more yarn until evening You Wont ont let him help 1 asked ashen Tommy pointing to the able ablo a lo KinlocK Kinloch Not a thread promised Miss Shelby Well bo be around In lu a U little while to lo see sec how well you can camm catch it ii Wo We want to lo you u a it chance to practice a Cheered by tilts tills explanation e Tom Tommy my m in kissed his Imis idol and dutifully trot trotted ti ot ted led around Into tho the side yard where ho lie stuck to hits his though thought tile the heavy halt ball hurl hurt hit hl fingers Ilgra 1 SErs and ind It Il made his small muscles ache acho to throw It Jno Int tho time alt all It was no moro suitable than had b tho the boft soft rubber bull ball it hail hucl rp placed but bitt it had been a very ver long longtime time lime Ime since laid hud linen boon a tt l boy bo Ho was only 30 but ho hI was at a the timo ago age when boyhood seems aO fat far f t moro distant latant than thun In u It later lutor hay day It Its 10 1 omo work iu d Tommy was waa shut glad whon nt lIt last Kin jock and Miss their helm t lIe He could not show off with sp ED a ball bail and when ed rell to play uia catch time the man oman of his lila sent SCot s nt time tho balls too swift siR swiftly ly 1 at nt at lost laSt had to 10 fall all I halt for pain painI Miss I is Shelby Shelb with WI t Ii hUh thy took toole him hini in I a her hem arms rimma a rind a buro him Ii I mm back to the time piazza Kinlock I i n lorle followed contritely bearing the tho tI hall ball and ii mat as ns time the girl rocked tile and with I gentle voice olee soothed I ith l ruffled spirits I tho man maim helplessly and if f II it Was that chil children i dren Iron and anh dogs unerring In their ther I instinctive i likos 11 ke and n d I Kinlock got on ou admirably with dogs ml then he Ime understood u dogs logs better hetter than LImn he did lid children I A telephone 11 li took Miss Shelby j Into tho time house and lInd Kinlock sought to lo solVe the time riddle Why hy dont you y u like me mc Tommy ho demanded when they thc two v 10 c calone I alone alon I Because you want to marry man my amy m Miss Minnie explained Tommy not seeking Hecl to t dodge the issue 1 yoU Od calit bati marry her pro pio protested tested KI n Can so Insisted Il cl Tommy ro Sho SM told toM mo mime r I could Did see sno tell you you could 7 elt made mado sign of oC r negation or Milo nito q lie tho If lf ono fino to fo lilio him fines to Walt Wait until J I up til then lien I waro going tb to br h timid mid thrpo kinds nt port and eon 1 kinds of or Ice Ico What are 1110 the Uto seven seen kinds asked Kinlock with WIlh ith a laugh I 1 dont know limit were wore going to have ct Ma ifa said we wc could have loven kinds hinds but bull 1 think that seven It Iii I dont you I agreed l I ii with V tim a I IL look Tommy You nrc nis I only i t It it will bu ii w at l lest st 30 21 yours rOlliS before roro you ou can set gt married Think of that I I S I I L I I TOMMY HAD H CONSTITUTED HIMSELF HIM SELF MISS MINNIES ADDING tl I SLAVE SLA Miss Minnie says shohi watt walt dp clamed Tommy confidently But why wh t you lend len me mc Miss Minnie in Ip the Iho meantime hue urged K iii I lock hock gravely tilH Ill lil her cr untO until uJ you yell 01 ft et grown up 1111 and then n f tc h seen coon o o chic uh o pil QU would I miner luthI marry miln i why wit u II nun nan marry Misu 1 isu Minnie yourself aliU uh Ill lil tad Hud au an I wife Of or course 11 ll Ill her Insisted I Tommy n with sublime mo faith In iii his lila l Bit B 13 Li il If tf you her i tit t I lieu u MOSS cross your our II hOI hie 0 back Im low my I Ii il pi b l ft to tu die chic aol eol ill It I y m hook with a u faint fint ol or tin tim c c I 1 1 Its a v r 1 He Ic I he hold held I his I Is hund anil 1111 a jid T i my 1 plate I Imis own FIU J within vI Ii I it tho I ho Ime others at hers grass d t tAt At h t 1 that thai by re returned y turned Lii loon What V Ii t Is s this pact 1 the I he aa Is hl stood III In time the doer dor J way Wit I Im going IP to lend u tu to Mr MI Al I Kin Kinlock j i look lock until I got sot lug bit lIllISh to 1 i iOl ou Ol explained Tommy Ho i iwas was promising to give you back when j I jI II I want you rou ou I Miss holh dodged into the par parlor lor hilt But Presently they appeared upon the again and caught Tommy up and swung sWims him to his bin shoulder cr L Thomas ho cried Hurly wc we aro are going down town lawn to buy bur a it ring Come Coma with us 15 you shall hall have bue your pick of o nfl all 11 tho Jw in me IC stoics as Miss MinnIe 15 on tho thu loan Joan willing to I t i 3 |