Show I l CJ ID S 1 I IS S S 4 Ii S I S I w L n VUI time the skirt 8 of ot tho the moment mo lies ileA T 11 several Inches ou ob limo tho floor never ncr hn 1 tho hue feet teet been breD more mure In lit evidence than tho II now umon II 0 the lie I ankle length skirt free tro an tot Its wearer the recto feet If It neatly shod wore With tho ito lifted tightly drawn 11 nud out petti drapery the feet null and ankles aro 1110 positively In lu ito tho ht They stand sta forth fort h thu tiam most moat notice blu part of ol tho hulu toilette Never luns footwear occupied such an nun place pineo In lit womans if t H anti never hums ban tho the Ingenuity of ot the tIme shoe hoe shoemaker umber maker been put to such n a severe Test lest ns IN INno now mint no Not ot only the feet look loo dainty these days but buit also niso the time Inches s above It Is IF not nol that time tho too tip Ip beneath time Iho frock shall convey an effect of ot daintiness The Tho whole holo shoo to the hue last hist top button must fit with whim without without out n a show how nn an surface or tile tho effect of oC the cos COR costume tume tUlUe will ho itt cheapened linn ho decreed that tho tini one olle tone shall be he expressed even In lit tile t foot root 7 j rf mi J Ji l gear If It the gown Is gray there will bo Ito boto I Ito to match It boots hool of ot soft oct gray coin leather with white or smoked pearl henri buttons Tho Time brown blown costume will hn iou completed by brown ooze shoe or on by hy neat patent leather with tops of ot soft sott brown suede Patent leather heather shoes also havo IIno tops tolls of ot broadcloth cut but ut from rom tho tIme fabric of or which h the Jon gown Is made madeA A pair or of pretty pr little boots of at this sort will bo h built by Jj A shoemaker for from front 10 lO to 10 SIS it IA nUll and gray ooze leather boots exceedingly lu lit cut cutI j 1 I ct ctt i 1 t r and workmanship may inns bo ho obtained ready mOIl mado at nt most for tor less hess le 8 coat coit Time The renewed favor for high heels Is an In another another other fashion point established by the Dl DI DIr r mode Ou On the smartly dud clad feet that tripped up anti and down the steep stairs which led to tho tue boxes at nt tho the hOft show bo many tapering Louis rouL Quinze heels were noted A brief Ilet season or so ago the tite exaggerated French heel beel was tabooed by women wOlDen of or refined taste for or street wear Now ow these high heels arc back In prime favor for or It was os proved beyond Ills dic pluto that with tho ho scanty draperies time the feet must be made to look lookas as os small feminine and shod as ns WAS possible for tor on to accorn accomplish plush gen with r the tho short hort walking skirts for Cor street wear wean one ono sees these daintily shaped shoes with short vamp pointed point ell toe tee high arch and narrow Spanish heel heeland heeland and deplores the passing of ot the thc sturdy cut little walking 1 nUlu boot with extension sole HOO broad heel which during durIn the be brief brier Interim of ot nn on athletic fad tad made trig and attractive the time pretty feet teet that tripped about beneath sensibly short Now ow nil all the shoemakers with their accustomed blind obedience to the trend of ot trade trudo are arc offering tho the tilted and aud walk walkIng Ing boot More Ioro women than most folk tolk realIze wear boys shoes shoe for tramping I shop shopping shopping ping pin or ot business wear Ask for tor n a sen sensible sible walking slice In the average shoo shea store uund you ou will bo hue shown a n lIl toed affair cut ou on accepted hygienic MUCH lilies and so 0 monstrously ugly lISI that no woman GO 60 would think of or wearing It Tho nutty natty sold last broad yet ct with pointed toos Coos anti trIm hines about tho ito Instep Is i sold Fold still by b l smart sites shoo merchants who make a n specially of ot tailor effects effect In most fluent shoe stores however hooI onto one must mURt now lion look 1001 for Cor among the Ihu boys bo footwear n m pair pain of or smart little tlc ties for tOl n a boy bo of oC 10 or 11 years may be hue worn equally well uvell by 13 b n a woman with nn an average c size foot Summer footwear following time the lend of ot Iho the winter promises to be more mOle than hint ever everon ceron on out slipper lines Many light lI ht turned soles poles will be bc seen sten WIth exaggerated Louis heels and aurl some of or the time pumps being Jelu void for Southern wear aro slippers III In every for tor the tile tiny leather leat hours bows which distinguish J the hue be 1 t r f pumps pump front from more elaborately decorated evening slippers Bronze Drone slippers 1 of ot timEs this character with r tiny bows of ot the thuc leather heather or little buckles of ot dull dali gilt Slit aro are being made up for summer selling and of ot course courso the hue gray nud oud brown ooze und tics will bo be much In evidence Evening slippers aro are lavishly beautified with embroideries pearl or Jet J Jand anti and with coquettish bows and buckles In tho buckles rhinestone et ef effects bets ore are tho for Cor a pair of these thu pretty trifles with fiery stones set setIn et In III sterling sliver silver mountings mauD tIn otto ono may ala pa pay Y 4 from Crom 1000 up Chiffon rosebuds with rhinestone dew dewdrop tI de drop centers are aro also favorites anti and them mire lire nil sorts Barts of It pert IH rt ribbon ho bows vs topped topP by b buckles huckles or slipper buttons butt ns set Jet Tit I Imitation Jewels Of Ot course tho be slipped and equally of cC I match tho tim frock in lit 11 color coloT course with them aro are worn n ft pair ot of cob C J I web designated by popular custom ai stockings For Kor Bench Beach wear cu tho Its i shoe shops have hac blossomed out wil I I aw snowy footwear of ot buckskin I lot ft canvas Tho TIto white boots boats f walking wear are built hullt on the its I of ot footwear and trl 1 tf cr with delicate perforated These boots for tor str rc i wear In r hn e welted welled soles tos and beds 0 tanned leather House and piazza SUCH i P I and anul tIes tics hn Louis heels j fOt c r tIme the material of tho and light lIht turner turned soles l ip A Cr pair of I r room K very C Care hut pers pore macic to order for a n January I are arc of ot pompadour sill silk In bows huoni 01 ot of p i anti have careless cn relo ribbon blue ribbon on matching tho tIme rl 00 nert PPe which tb the pretty negligee with p will be worn worms |