Show I SECRETARY CORTELYOU COMP COMPTROLLER COMPTROLLER COMPTROLLER MURRAY AND DEPUTY I COMPTROLLER KANE OF THE i TREASURY DEPARTMENT WHO ARE BACKING A THOROUGH RE REORGANIZATION REORGANIZATION REORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION OF THE SYSTEM OF NATIONAL BANK EXAMINA EXAMINATION EXAMINATION I TION t i c cj t 1 j Wahington Wi Jan 10 With all Its boasted strength and solidity It Il Is a awell awell well known fact that thal tho national banks are tint not receiving the attention at tho the hands of oC the bank examiners that thal many man think they should In con contrast contrast contrast with tho the average state banle ex their work Is far tar below helow what it should s bo bp This Tills Is not nol tho thu fault of tho the examiners for they the are all competent men but hut it is due duc to lo tho ho system 8 now in vogue Under the tho th fee system a comptroller 1 does doos not direct the routes route of or the ho ex ox examiners These Theo men pay thou their own expenses out of tho the gross amount of or their fees fes and therefore there Core lay la out routes in such a manner mannor that tho the expenses expense I may ma max he kept kepl to a minimum following I a certain c program month after month I and it if Is IB to their ad advantage antage to hurry hurr the lie examination to lo the Uw utmost When Whon n it Jt is attempted to examine a national I bank In anything an like a n thorough man manner mannel ncr ner In the one to three days das allotted for examination the lac work becomes far fat too arduous for any set of examiners to lo accomplish The treasury department under the Ibe Ib direction of Secretary Cortelyou Cort I oll and an with WIll the cooperation of Comptroller f Murray and Deputy Comptroller Kane Cane has taken this matter lip up and now nov are aro asking for or a complete reorganization of o the he inspection They Th plan ilan to put pitt the examiners on a i salary per or diem and expense basis and abol abolish abolIsh ish the present pr Benl feo fee system This will involve a considerable Increase In ex expense expense expense pense but It comes Upon tile tie recommendation of or many mans banks who would themselves be the ones to lo lose loso by b the Increased expense The Tho more conser conservative national bankers fool feel that tho the additional expense would be more than made up to thorn them by bs having a thorough thoroll h examination of ot every oer national bank |