Show I 41 I I 4 I vuk i I 1 M 1 I 4 4 i I c I AVE you yon reserved your table yet for tor fi I New NeT ew Years Year Eve Evo No Nol Well then I Iam IAm Iam am afraid you will have haTe to spend the evening at home howe for tor there is not n a table I I to be had at any aD ot of tho the principal hotels for tor tho the love lovo of oC money mone The foregoing Is III ono one of or n a thousand con conversations heard beard lIla dally daily around the tho foyers foyer ot of those thosa hotels where thero women of ot faun fashion Ion sire aN wont oot to assembly assemble each cach afternoon and It will servo leno to Just what Now New Year Ev tie I In New OV York means to tho the proprietors of ot those hotels which only the tho wealthy and folk tolk of ot that and nod other dUes cities patronize There Is 11 one night In every In which tin the as all well OB as the tho smart sot cot of oC New York give 10 themselves up to n a spirit of revelry and then attend the tho obsequies Of ot the old year and in the tho same breath celebrate the birth of oC the tho All re so Is III thrown to the tho winds and every body bodI enters Into the spirit of oC the thu night with au an abandon that eclipses eclipse oven even the scents SCenes of oC tho the Mardi a I Gras when New Or leans U is I en fete fotu The Thu streets street are arc simply picked Packed with a n crowd ot of and tho the restaurants nod fM aro are crowded to their capacity since either wants to take ono one part put lag drink before they climb up on Water wagon for tor the new year yur or er else elso a Q toast tonet to the newborn babe babo Dot Ilet this story will hue hare to d do do with tho o can afford to PRY pay any price de do for their nights nl fun tun and In tOn eon M l jepe they Invariably seek lied their pIous urea ores beneath the hospitable roofs of ot the J the Plaza tho the Now New As AI tor br 7 tho the Knickerbocker or on ous of ot the other largo large hotels hotel for tor which New NeV York Is moos are ora nr to bo be found those men nod whose names arc Dro l bywords In the tion on and Mc Ufe ol ot the thu na no metropolis and should n a stranger happen o In a at any o these thelo boa hos t dries On O Now Eye Ee and have here pointed out ant to t bin Ill all tb the celebrities Assembled ho he would gasp In aston the thea rub h his hb eyes Dd anti look about hou f i I I him and onel acknowledge that tho the stage set pet ct tings for tor such Buch distinguished gatherings 9 were In every particular In keeping with i the tho Importance of or those before him For Por many manI weeks past these table reser reservations have bae been be n in order ord r at the tho quartet of at hotels hero here mentioned At t the Wal nl dort every CloT available inch lach of or room III IK at ot n a premium pr and au were n a Croesus to towander towander towander wander In la there on the thc night of ot December 31 and ask for tor n a table In the cats cafe or fur for turn forn n a private din for tor himself and party ho would be Ill told that be bo was risk ask risking ing big an en Impossibility for tor were ho he to tu pay paya a n thousand dollars n a pinto plato for tor his hili party he be could coul not bo be served there th re na every table had l been heen cen reserved weeks ago ego When Shen It Is 15 remembered that this hotel has ban no noless noless less leSl than a dozen public and nn catcH cafes to My say W nothing of oC the many manI private apartments such ouch a n statement might be regarded by tho the uninitiated an as n a gross gros exaggeration In the beautiful Rose ROle Room tho main that fronts on Fifth Ith l Avenue hundreds of ot persons can be com comfortably served The Tho mens cafe ente on tho the street aide side Is IN Just as us com commodious ns as Is 11 the grillroom at the ex extreme extreme extreme western end cad nd of oC the building There Thero are also al to be he found many man tearooms and lad while the tho grand ballroom and null Astor and Waldorf aldorf galleries are Invariably converted Into cafes for tor this occasion and hundreds of at tables dot their floors doors while the tho boxes overlooking the tho main floor era Are Invariably occupied by gay gar parties ot of men and women who oro there thero to observe and ROIl to be observed ob ened It Li 11 estimated c that be between tween eight and ten thousand nd people dino and aDd sup at nt the Waldorf Waldor on New Now Years Year Eve E mid and In each apartment a I toll full nil orches orchestra ira tra Is III maintained and aad ic Ie several of ot the apartments d artists are em employed to sing and perform for tor the tho patrons hero here gathered Last Iut year car It H required nearly seven hun bun hundred bundred dred waiters walters to take en care caro re of or the wants want ot of tho the fashionables who assembled nt at atthe the tho Waldorf to see lIeo the tho old year out and according to the maitre moUn do hotel It U will wW require many canny IrIon moro more ra to assist In dispensing this hotels hoti Los hoj ho hof f r n lW 9 GOI fAK 0 T q DOL cL L APP 2 fc this year let Yet despite these vast o t crowds crowd and the tho Jollity of oC It nil all everything moves along likes a n bit of oC machinery 1 In is lu in n a gala mood and every everybody everybody body Intends to enjoy enjo himself to the full tull fullest est eRt and this they thc do regardless leu of ot ex ox expense pense In former years rears these theto fashionables were wont to wander from one cue hotel to another ou this occasion slon but times have havo changed chan ed and experience has baa taught them where they have been so BO fortunate a as to procure pro ure a n table or It la is better by far to remain there since there thero is little or no chance of oC being so BO fortunate elsewhere Hence when they the elect n a hotel In which to spend the evening nowadays there they thoy stay until the cock cod crows erow and the an nn annual Dual nual revel draws drawn to n D close At tt t the tho beautiful Hotel Plaza among tho the newest of ot the several million dollar hotels fashion holds high revel revelon on New Years Eve ETC Here nerl Nathan Franko Into Inte concert master of oC the tho Metropolitan Opera Company holds forth with his hla splendid stringed orches orchestra tra and society worships nt at his w shrine as DB long Ion as ns he be sees fit Ot to wave his hili baton and drew forth the beautiful strains ant melodies from his bill matchless orchestra or Every Etry available Inch tech Of ot floor space is 15 utilized on this occasion for tor table pus pur poses posca and the ordinarily large luc force ot of servitors is b doubled In an nn effort to care for lor those who are arc here for tor a n good time and to get the very best bait that the tho market affords In the way of oC table delicacies Here too novelties are arc Introduced with surprising rapidity so 10 that all who here hero conic come might tied find those diversions which their Jaded palates and fut fat en cu entitle entitle title them t too o Tho The Plaza Is la strictly n a ahome homo home lome for tor millionaires and AntI hero bere they are areto areto to be found no as thick as uI b bees about their hives The Tho very best net acts known to vaude vaudeville clue ville are provided for tor Now Years YearA Eve Evv Ev nod and then too tte UH tn talle oro ting are arc r e of or tb th d the tb fh of or the old and the birth of ot the tb New ew cw j if I 1 e J l oto L I tt d is t ti t tr r Y l L Lt t tX A 4 k t I Iz z 5 4 r t att O Year Another nother now new hotel to come In for tor n a tremendous patronage from the tIm mot most fashionable Is tho the Knick Knickerbocker Knickerbocker which Is located at nt the very crux of oC the th tide of oC travel An AJI Impressive pile of ot brick and 1011 stone It stands at nt the Junction of oC Broadway nod street arid the tha steady stead stream w Of ot humanity that In anti out ut of ot its doors U is a Il source of at wonder to those who knew this corner the birth of oC the Knickerbocker Tho The Marble Palace ns nl a the Plaza Is often oCt en designated Is III not a n hotel whore where here tins rabble Is I likely to stroll In to watch the thc revels of ot the rich They rhey know there Is 18 no place for them there and no nc ac accommodation have haTe been b n prepared for tor loungers lounger Hero Utro It la III that that Is iii I those who arts are Or known to the tho manage m nn o mont montare are safe to come and anti go 0 DuCt tended sure that thOr thoy will be free from rain those thoo that so 10 o women In public Invariably sonic surprise J Is b here planned planes on Now New oW Years Ee Ie I I antI and ant Jot jo t as us the sonorous of ot tho tig pro ro roI clain the th tK br r nt nf or lt a 1 I choir from swe Ill oreo one of at moo fa rab u lunatic Fifth Due carols l forth and nil all the pleasure seekers I arise reverently to the th melody that fills the th air and holds holda the revelers sp until the lost lest note dies diM away nn Then tho the glass ea Oil n clink tensta nrc are drouk and nil all the good wishes rl hes Incidental to the season OU arc are exchanged with the thc cordiality which marks the seeker who has ban found end and obtained that which ho lie seeks The same scones nrc are enacted nt at the beautiful New NeT Astor whose patrons clamber for tor places pisces at table In Rome come ono one of at Its many beautiful dining rooms where good cued cheer is Js dispensed with n Il lavish band Here nil all the tho very latest Innovation tion that go 10 to make mako the tho visit of ot its patrons one long hong to be have havo been bean Installed and the tho service accorded Is la as us near perfection ns us It Is 19 possible to make mako it New Years Year Ev Eve Is tho the ouo night nl In tho the year when everybody on a cOmmon basis bail and good fellowship Ii is reflected Strains of ot beau beautiful greet the tha lie car ear from every finale arile AfI l lI It II U 1 In the tho main malu dining room the mens mOb cat cafe sometimes the tile Hunting floating Trophy Room or the beautiful fish ful 11 grill room known a 0 1111 to tb American Il x in In earli alb of this tbt apart rt i inu 1114 tiit rt 1 arv at r we and aid wb bIt tile the lat III t of or tl ti tb tt rijs around there U is I a 1 lI fur for IJ o iW 54 f fD I Ij j I i e I I II I i t pt t t fAw ek i e o I room by somo belated aspirant who hopes hopeD against hope that some one ono has hal ailed 1 to come como and claim his hl table Reservations Reservation for tor between six and eight hundred persons have hOTO been madu hero bero for tor New Years Eve Ee vc und and ant In fact tact were mouths months ago So great Is the de do demand demand mand for tor tables table hero that as much as Oil a hundred dollars Is la frequently offered for tor such euch reservations Tho The beautiful soft Koft lights bights that flood this house abed Ib tI their e h u ii 0 vuu ly I gowned aggregation allon of ot women that are arc wont font to beneath one ono roof root on n a 1 single night Here are to bo be found tho most exclusive grand dames of oC society touching elbows with some seine stage celeb lIeb celebrity rity while nearly all nil the thc song birds of oC tho the two grand opera companies s located ll llIn In Now York make this their headquarters toss Naturally unusual preparations have havo to be made for tor caring carlol for tor a crowd mode made up of oC no ito many nationalities and ond nd of ot BO so o many celebrities from this country as aswell aswell well as fiB those from foreign clImes Tilt The tusk task is a n difficult one but eli all moves moes smoothly and the musical and en n programs pro are arranged with rare discretion and with tine due care that every cery manner of oC taste might be gratified d dIt It Is ie no uncommon sight eight to see ecu silken n ropes roped stretched across acro the tb entrances to tOo various dining apartments in the Knick Knickerbocker Knickerbocker a n silent reminder to late comers comer that bitt there Is la not room for tor another BOU soul ul within that apartment The Thc beautiful main room on the thc first floor U is 1 no nomore nomore more moro popular on these occasions than Is iii the tearoom adjoining or he the grill be beneath beneath beneath neath or the beautifully proportioned banquet halls balls and hall ball rooms room above Each has hall Its devotees and lUd hero they gather and unil enjoy themselves ns as only a 11 anti wealthy group of ot men and women can enn Outside the ceaseless stream of ot hu humanity inanity manity that Is confining Its celebration to up and nd down Broadway contributing their mite to the din that arises from every quarter pauses Wan doris dern In looks about and then strolls forth to seek refreshments fit at some somo moro mere modest establishment recognizing ut at a n glance that there la 1 no place within for tor them Some Somo say that New York goes crazy crary each Now New Years live and to judge from this the thousands upon thousands thou of ot poe poo pie who stream through gh tho the streets from sunset to one would v uld not think the persons making this remark romark liar far from I No Xo o c In Lu the tho hi civilized w can nn equal It na nod J there t ro is much tOUch In j tt tk celebration C n that strongly smacks of ot the uncivilized It Is veritably n a night t z i I of or fun tun a Il night of ot revelry and tho participants r pants give gho themselves up to unrestrained Joy JO well knowing that nil au restrictions have havo b been en cast by b custodians ot of the tho peace and as ns long 03 ns the fun Is la con coc conducted cOnducted ducted along innocent and harmless lines t there thero Is no limit to It It is the one ono night In tho the year yeat when tho New ow York street urchin can turn to his hili erstwhile enemy tho the copper and tell him to t go chase cl SO himself without I fear tear of ot being chased ch sed in turn and this thia they do to their hearts hearte content COD tent |