Show TURF U 11 EXCHANGE Private Wires to All Cali Call California California fornia Tracks OVER ELITE CAFE CAPE f I F 1 R I i E l E 1 SA 15 5 Days Only i M Beautiful Bright Sparkling Famous 5 Barnat L Diamond Ring OH J Brilliancy equals genuine genuina detection bat lies n experts fills every requirement of ot the I I I I most exacting pleases es the most mOISt fastidious 1 II ious at only on the cost coat of the tho thereal real diamond md As a means of introducing this marvel marve marvelous ous us and nd wonderful tin gem em and ond Securing a aa many new mends as aa ly s a possible wo we are arc making a special l in inducement n for the new year I We want yOU to wear this beautiful Rin this masterpiece eco of mans handicraft this I simulation that at sparkles with all tho beauty cod and flashes with all the th fire of ofA ofA I A GENUINE DIAMOND 1 We want you to show It to your friends friend II s nd take orders for us UA as it sells una itself 1 Bells at sight and makes PROFIT i for tor you absolutely without effort eff rt on your part r We want good honest representative everywhere very where in an every locality city or coun country country I 7 i try in fact in m every country throughout the world both men and women young cr or old who will not sell un or pawn tho the they y 4 J 1 Simulation Diamonds under tha Y pretense that they ther are Genuine Gems Geme as u I such ch action with simulation diamonds some sometimes sometimes 7 times leads to trouble or as na asI I hown by the following article from The Tha Thet t 1 Chicago Examiner Nov 15 16 1908 r THE KINO OF oc DIAMONDS OI HAJ HA LICENSE TAKEN TAKE AWAY Alleged Bogus Bogue Oem Cam Man A alls 1118 at Newspapers Newspaper I BURLINGTON JA lA Nov Nav N For cn 1 Ms put newt nl p in li Iowa dt kt kv hue beta bres to I l Ith tha of a mm Whom tb 7 called Th e K of ot It th Wh r WM wa noth I IBB hur l in h b bU his bl operations which h con to 10 r by but t hit his hi m methods of pro rno J w ws rc re not net i Ur a to th tM rule H U HI drop d I Into llito K a MUM hous md o T of 01 me ucb and nd pr of t Ibo hoc I on t OM W TO Toad l and nd I a U o n l to bs be d Is Unfed d at t the th at tor a H U r U 1 only emir an so Imitation sod d off r to t isO U DU d the th pace tbs me b hs wb p an n ad aad euc to hi lUne t 1 his hb n Wr Mr rw dl Cd ID lot CIty Auditor oSce ok on I a licci to n 11 bie hL war Ue H bad only MatI be out s a bort lime Chief at linn kar n ed of bbs C Call U In 10 the tb p MUTh be Is r U T d him bin of cl his hb sd ad sY n bIOs back tek thi orr h hs he had paid for far IL It A tb th iw nh had d no crl crime b be w d H B ES w was MU Los for Injuring bU his bl bo bum botn liv If you y u want a simulation diamond dIamonda 4 a substitute for th the genuine don t Wait wai ait ACT TODAY TODA Y as this ad ment may not appear again agin Fill oat out th coupon below and o send end nd at once first come first served The Tha Diamond Co d Building Chicago o S m r rj UH 64 I 8 Offer War Nu Earring l SW Stick PU PUm j I sand lend Fr V Sipio catalon I II I I IH D R o ot oJ oJ oUe H ale t J Ue F P O Box Bo BoL I J I I 0 WI or L i L 1 j 1 v I J il f fil r f I IJ t tI J i f i m I TAKE TAKE YOUR CHOICE TIME riME TB i C JB B 2 CASH CASHWE A WE DONT CARE WHICH Several Pianos Still loBe to Be Sold I And for the balance of this great clearance sale you youcan youcan youcan can buy anything on terms to suit your own purse PLA PIANOS S I TAKE THEM AWAY Price is no object Terms to suit you Every Everyone one 2 of these Pianos must be sold in the next three days ONLY ONE PLACE FOR BARGAINS LIKE THESE THE InC nr OGDEN BRANCH Grant Gra 2447 Avenue Carstensen Anson Co o Ogden Utah b Open Evenings Opposite F I I IA Ir I A f E I r WANT w l ADS i BRING DRING BIG DIG RESULTS I pr WHEN YOU SHIVER AND SHAKE I c oDd end every overy bono in your body 3 aches achee its high time you took k come omo remedies Such 1 colds coMs nrc am dangerous Je it neglect neglected P ed But if d you yU a coW coU co coWes J Io be ready for tor one I Havo a bottle es cough mixture in the Th of GC our 1 house bouse A dose or two l when the i t cold begins will m do moro good than a n bottlo bottle afterward JESSE J Je DRIVER Bell 1260 Ird ind 57 2273 Wash Ave |