Show 11 SENATOR TILLMAN lEARNS THAT TROUBLES NEV COME SINGLY Washington Va bi Postmaster Holds Bolds Up Ills His Government Typewriter For Bill BilI of Sixteen Dollars Desk Rifled of Valuable Papers and a Seven Thousand Word Wod Reply to Be Written For Presentation to Senate in Justification of Ills His Acts in Connection With Oregon Land Deal 1 Washington Jan 9 Senator Till wan man is 1 affording an illustration of or tho old That trouble never nev r comoR corno Finely In addition to tho difficulty about the tito Oregon lands Postmaster Barnes Barncs of Washington is 18 trying to collect from rom him a bill of ot 16 for currying carrying through the mails malls a government type tn typewriter writer which the senator had franked from his homo home In South Carolina to Washington Mr AIr lr Barnes Barncs insists the senator should pay postage at letter rates The postmasters notification to Mr TilIman was contained in a let letter letter I ter in which he be said I Inasmuch as matter of this char character charter character acter ter is la not entitled to transmission through tho the malls mails under the frank not net it IS 18 being held for postage The box weighs fifty pounds end and as It Is It is with postage Ht Sit the first class rate which amounts to 16 Kindly remit the amount due and have bae tho the package removed at atour your our earliest convenience As tho the typewriter is ie government governmentS S property Senator Tillman replied to Mr Barnes Barne by saying In effect that he lie could collect from its Ita owner Fol Following Following lowing Is IB tho the full text of his letter leller letterI I rha have e your our letter etter notifying nour me mo that the typewriter mailed at Tren Trenton Trenton Trenton ton S SC C under tinder my frank and ad addressed addressed dressed to mo me here IB Is held for tor post poat ego ngo During my m service In the Iho sen eon senate ate typewriters have been franked to md ind from the some same place as public documents and was not aware of any law or ruling on tho the subject The Thet typewriter t p belongs to the senate and k not 1101 to me and has been Men us used d in tn my nn J public correspondence corre Under Und r the tho B I decline to pay the 16 demanded because it IB is fE not nol justly lIo You may mar sell the typewriter t or op r It to the of the senate as you ou see seB fit Had I 1 known that It was not I could 1 have shipped hipped It by express or 01 But In this case casell Jt t would be hO hOone one department of the tho government nt the property of another a part par of If the Oil government go for the tho collection of postage on matter that has always been franked heretofore Senator Tillman devoted the entire day da to the preparation of or his reply to 0 the Presidents charge against him which he will make in the shape of If a speech In the senate on Monday Monda o has bag found himself embarrassed embarras od to no small degree by b the th loss lose of oC o jt of oC documents bearing upon t the tho case but told his friends that of the disappearance of or these papers he will make a showing snowing that will satisfy saUs them and that thai he had no wrong Intention In connection with I the tho Oregon lands lande k He has hM talked freely with visitors regarding the line lino of his defense but butone has one requested the newspapers to re reI I Iraln Irain from quoting him because his hl hJ deiro not to present his case cade piece piecemeal piecemeal meal His Hla speech will bo be about words In length and will be delivered from manuscript Mr Tiliman TI Is a l rapid talker and It 11 Is IB not believed r that ho will consume consumo more than an hour of oC the senates time Comparatively Lively few senators have culled called on op opI I him today but their failure In this respect say BaY the senators fi lends friends has hM been heen duo due rather to lo a desire to afford him an nn opportunity to get set out his y without Interruption than to a 8 lack laek of or o Interest In him Washington Jan 9 In the preparation Ulon of ot his speech In reply roni to the tho Presidents charges Senator line failed to find a number of pap papers papon papera ers era bearing upon the tho Oregon land case caso in connection with Which tho the present nt controversy arose These pa papers p pore pers p were ho he says saS enclosed in a large larg envelope and loft left In his private desk deeK deskin I in nip ht hi committee room at the capt to when he left Washington lat last latS S Harch on account of oC his Illness but buther they her now win cannot not be bo found Tho The senator does not charge that thai the papers pap j have been abstracted ab by bya b ba a detective who may mar have h en cn shadowIng him but does say sar ih l It would have been boen possible toy for Co any such official to gain access to his hist t room anti and to his desk both of oC Which were ere fastened with only ordinary t locks locke i The papers he says ga 8 art arr ar very vor im irn In the preparation of oC his case casa would o far nr to substantiate his Notwithstanding lug tho the lose loseli Mi li Tillman expressed confidence in his hip hi I ability to malro make satisfactory tor reply rep to o tho the President il h He will be hoisted 1 by his own pe tArt declared Mr Ir a ly h ha |