Show PROBATE DIVISION OF THE DISTRICT COURT The Time following matters were passed on In the tho probate division of the dis die district district dietrict court yesterday state Instate l of o Erik Erlic Larson deceased petition for approval allowance and settlement of executors account and andreport andreport report Granted Guardianship of P Duke King and Anna King minors petition for ap proal allowance and settlement of pf guardians account and report Con Continued Continued Estate of Thomas Etherington de do deceased deceased ceased petition for approval allow allowance allowance ance and of final account for 01 distribution of household furni furniture ture Lure and discharge of oC administrator Continued Coat Estate of William Ihl Itt deceased petition peti tion for letters of administration Granted C Estate of James fine Ririe deceased decease petition for or approval allowance and ands settlement s of final account for distri distribution buttion and close of o administration Granted Guardianship and estate of o Annie Cook Coole minor petition for Cor appoint appointment ment of guardian Granted of or Rhoda Butler Dutter deceased petition for letters of administration Continued C Estate of or Charles de do deceased ceased petition for confirmation of ofal sale salo al of or real estate Continued Estate of Joseph Lawson deceased sed petition for fOI discharge of or admin Istra tor tur Granted Estate of or Fred H Run lott deceased decease ed Cd e petition for letters of administration tion Granted Estate of James C deceased ed Cd petition for letters of administration tion Granted Estate of Thomas V Butler Duller de dc deceased deceased ceased petition for of or admin administration 11 ration Continued Estate of Oscar N Browning de do deceased ceased cen ed petition for discharge of ad administrator administrator Granted Estate E tato of or Clara Clora R It Pingree decease deceased ed ell petition for an order to sell SeU real estate Continued Estate E tate of or William A Chamberlain deceased petition for tor an order to mortgage property to pay debts Grant Granted ed cd Estate of Griffith Williams deceased ed cd petition for tor approval allowance and settlement of final account and petition for Cor summary distribution Continued |