Show S r o 3 I J JL JY l L Y r ri 1 1 J A 4 I I T RT PASTE rAS ono halt cup each cacti butter butler r rand and Icid mixed l In two cupi cup Hour dour ope half CUP milk One to odd spoon tartar ono one halt bat teaspoon t teaspoon VEAL EAL LOAt 1 Pound enl ent pound salt cult pork jut iut through meat buttor ono on sage nage i 1 pepper r to taste e two w leo lea spoons o wait dal I ou cayenne r onne I two c wall uell Ii beaton beahm beat n cavon Vun c rolled roil rOI d and ond yUh A n 1 little boiling water thou then nix mix nil l nl 1 Pother Mad form o into lo loaf f and C bake a a h wo home In J A breed J U loaf gi pan n Put o a f vv J a of fat tal pork Jork on 11 UM If II of ot loaf looe I before If ft I you ou wish derlo or cold In 1 lieu Ilea i TAPIOCA lJ Orte milk I t a two uru spot n n corn orn meal f h fl Clip edger one ona hull pup n salt S aty tapioca tl until oft OCt U p t to the tho milts milk In 11 doubts double ho tI n I IT Iter have Hwo the iho meal and agar ugar mixed jinxed 11 ld and cake u a of be the hb milk til lu ht luca ca t thorn them When n milk lk I r adr r rui ui Id III mixture J wall uell w h hon thick udd butter butte bu or else IJ of walnut Put lit lu buttered dull and bake balco bale QUO ono hour INDIAN PIck and 1101 top finely one pint III of or add gild a lab Iu tablespoon of Or bute tad and 11 n Ica POon n of JC curry now p dor and H tie ouch Oh iii white stock Ud ui p Will liI make It tc 4 flitCh pa li Roll Hall ni r vet ver et lilt fold old In triangles triangle am and try ry till hem hemin in inIn In oiling boiling fat tat S ua garnished with pun liars li t Icy ity OC ItA Mix one onu on pound n r raw beef 1 and d B a ar much mu feud h teal l also abu chopped I with four fiur ur eggs CK II On bread breadcrumb breadcrumb S crumb H a litho salt aalt f nutmeg n nar nl lo th thyme mc and it ii of tit onion puce l ct Ural net w ill all 11 well tied And Shape on 01 a n dish Into an oven loaf Co c Cover r with egi SK t aril d dbr br b l f put p In n n a 1 pan tined d with uth slices Ii IiI I of ot perk baste It In III o oven n baking It Bake nak 10 le acne Ro hot hol or ur cold In Ilce Mix ono one und and On lf round pounds of ot Sour flour thre pound butter butler one O tI and one helf pounds p One fine II two twi brown sugar two ounces on 0 Nil r d ginger er otto ono pint throe treo teaspoons j te sf I f coda odi two tun ounces huller and a teaspoon 1 vanilla ot or lemon Let Lot It stand on one hour Hull Hun Into lato thin cakes and bake In Ina Ina a stow oven oen nt at least an hour Half the flue recipe Is lie I sufficient for or a mull fancily CHICKEN A t i J LA MONTI OTI Melt two tablespoons of ot butler In un an earthen or ca j rol ro with onu ono carrot carrel throe jo onions silted diced two sail call pepper Cr and j th thyme Arhl rl l 4 it v j fat faL fowl cut Into r rv h t anti iq lit Idt It V t brown bro I n Then I add d ono one r pint of eOn l l mid cover v air tight Cook j 6 fourths fourth of Qt an all hour It must muse 3 all rho time U tf Ilia tho U la old L l I will w II take to 0 cook II It Add two i I II tablespoons sherry horn a u dozen potato balls l lI I I clod in Iii butler u a 1 dozen daten do c button mushrooms mushroom and pom Dome om hopped chopped parsley Lot Alt it cook cools I ten t n iqs more and serve erv s In tho the e eu uco u dish or tho 1 14 of It U vH wilt bo be lost logu r t r f ru CUP C Half cup ot of r sugar u nr half huf cup of butter butler ouo egg Of l beaten beaton atan f oto ode cup CU 1 of buttermilk la In n It r rone ono one teaspoon of baking n soda ono one o cup ot of colt colto 9 i ono ona of r nutmeg ono tea Spoon tit df cinnamon n teaspoon of fog clove clo v t cups n of f sifted au Hour flour Bake In iii muffin pant pans Tide ThU T makes one ono and ana dozen ien cup cakes I FOR KOn MAKING UlD DOUGHNUTS D G r 1 I hon trying nl doughnuts put Ul ono one 1 teaspoon teaspoonful ful tul of o Into the tho grella and ana the Uin i doughnuts trill II not souk up the tha but buc b g urr I i to 9 bo fight I and nd fluffy ul also o 1 when know when tho greats In is hot enough to V vf f fr doughnuts hold h I a 11 match l Into tJ i 1 fh f l Is Wh a hen n It you jou u will and the tho grease r rend ready ad for tor frying r I DOLLY DOL VAUDES Four eggs l two tir half of ot buttor butter one ono cup 1 cups sugar ul a J cup CUll of sweat w V t milk cups cup of ot tour flour two tea 3 t spoonfuls of baking i powder Take Talce the thc quantity and add adil ono one cup of raisins cut cutIn cutIn cutIn In 1111 halves on one CUP of currants half bait a 0 nuj nut may mep two tI J D of cinnamon two iwo t I 1 t teaspoonfuls j of pt cloves clove v Duke k III lie layers ns on an Inch Inca thick Put lul icing between on 9 I Six cups Pot of meat IS cups cupa ot of i apples apple ono onn pint of ot older elder or ono one cup of ot I vinegar Kor f cup cups of sugar two tabla of ot closes Lloren three tablespoons of ot Un cm j 1 two of I two nutmeg two of tl salt sail tr Iut t In j put oi ff liquor o enough ti to mU males m I It U evil tu to suit null ull I Tako ono one tea tei teaspoon eo i spoon butter three O of water nater ter one ouo cup augur II boll till ready dh 10 to candy ln Throw Throw I In t ails o quarts of o none oom nicely n rely popped tend and Ur t L briskly I S for R a minute ToH from tho t lie i t tand und and continue n f u MM omo hat t cooled I und ud I lt H will be co crt 1 Ono One 0 cup sugar Ulft cup t vinegar ln i Boll to 10 wild udd one cup or of and Ind u a Plc of ot butter butler Ud Iza of ot i walnut Poll Boll till ill Kurd hard when tried In cold coW coldO b and add ono one teaspoon email or of 1410 water O If you like If It In n color r und f foamy ti l when cold This ThU makes make excellent lutfy tuff T i r |