Show 1 r THE MORNING EXAMINER OGDEN UTAH SUNDAY JANUARY JA A 10 1909 09 I 2 1 TUE fX MINER Published Every Day In tho the Year Yearby Yearby YC by The Standard Publishing Com Coin Company Company pany Entered as ai OJ matter at atthe t the Postoffice Ogden Utah under Act of Congress Communications to this paper aro limited to 20 words r SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by br Carrier in tJ City Including Sunday Sund torn Morn MornIng 1 lag Ins Examiner in advance At end of or month Single copies 50 I BY MAIL MAILIN IN ADVANCE The Tho Examiner IB is sent Bent by b mall mail outside of or Ogden per year At least quarterly quarter In adv It FEARLESS and INDEPENDENT Tho The Examiner IB Is a strictly hide Inde Independent pendent newspaper It IL gives iv Cs all aU ar an equal show Tho The Examiner nab no favorites and arni nl no enemies to punish It IL will III give birO the tho news unbiased end and nd un unprejudiced unI I prejudiced I Communication will bo ho on all aU subjects l In TO II language rom from mill Indi Individuals but bat the tile true name must muL mu muLI t no I published In tn run full All AU letters Ic toS nail and signed by do plumes or namOi will oe a n In the tho waste The bravo brac man never nove hides an U assumed name Dont the tho th Editor to bo be responsible for tor or what you are aro ar ashamed of Subscribers will confer a favor by informing this office of oC failure to receive The Tho Examiner be ra r I their breakfast The Morning Examiner Examine ran can Yio to found on sale salo by br tho the Independent News Co Salt Lake L City On all through trains Ogden on The Southern Pacific Railway I The Tho 1 Jalon J ilon Pacific Railway RaUn and Tho The Oregon Short LIne Lino Examiner patrons will wll confer a favor on the tho management by ru No ru porting to this office ornee whenever thor they fall to find the papers st t tho designated de det lg places 4 c t I I I I I I I j t I r 1 I I |