Show ERUNA PERUNA EDITORIAL NO J I I J Dr Hartman Hattman is ia now offering off ring Peruna to tho public publio as os a regular pharmaceutical product It IB in just os as ethical as any compound put up for the medical profession Kb No straining of medical ethics can find any fault with it THE PRINCIPAL AL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incorporated in the label on tho the bottle that tho the people may know that tho Peruna have havo a true truo justification The only departure wo we shall make from medical ethics in the tho conduct of Peruna affairs in tho the future is tho the fact fao that we shall continue continuo to advertise and soil our product TO THE PEOPLE If wo we would agree to sell to doctors only to advertise for doctors only then the tho medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Peruna as being a entirely within their approval BUT DUT WE VIE SHALL NOT DO THIS W VVo We shall sh l continuo continue coI to o offer fter Peruna to the th people Wo shall hall h continue e to convey to the our claims for Peruna Perona as a n household remedy Wo shall V f continue to supply the people with free freo literature teaching them how to use UBO our teaching them thom how to avoid disease teaching them thorn many things of or to the homo We Wo shall ahall continue to do this whether tho the medical profession liko like it or not Wo We W e are ar proposing from this time on to take tako the public publio into our confidence Notwithstanding that some Imitators im and will bo ho attempting to put up something which they thoy consider just ao an good gool as Perona wo we are going to draw aside aBide the tho veil of s secrecy cr cy and allow any anyone one who chooses 3 to know ow exactly OF OP WHAT PERUNA IS S COMPOSED This ought to disarm all honest criticism Wo We 0 expect however that crit criticism will continue continuo On some Dome pretext or other those who are envious of the ho success of Peruna Paruna will continuo continue to find r Who ho Object I to h fault But wo are determined do to give People I J LU such people no just complaint Liquid Medicines Can PERUNA IS A GREAT MEDICINE Now Noti Secure Peruna I ilI It has hw become beco o a 0 household word in inI millions of homes Our Oar faith in the Tablets Tab I ets remedy ia is 1 stronger than over Every year we expect to cover now fields in foreign lands until the tho people of all the tho world are supplied with this vain valuable able household remedy WE W CLAIM PERUNA TO BE A CATARRH REMEDY Buy a bottle and an antry try it U If it helps holp you yoi be bo honest and acknowledge that it has helped you If you want us to wo we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it to us tm Wo We 0 will add no words take away no words If you wish us to we will publish your portrait in connection with it Wo We will not do this without your yOU written request without your entire consent Peruna has hao benefited thousands of people afflicted with chronic catarrh in many phaseD and locations At least that is what the say to us through unsolicited testimonials Many thousand more will reap benefit from Peruna in spite of fabricated slanders to tho the contrary WE GUARANTEE EVERY LVERY BOTTLE DOTTLE OF OP PERUNA TO CONTAIN THE INGREDIENTS PRINTED ON THE LABEL LADEL We have havo taken great gleat pains that every testimonial we uce should be absolutely absolutely absolutely true hue in the exact language of the testifier We Wo have taken great pains that every photograph published should be bethe bethe bethe the photograph of the tho person whose name namo it bears beara that every overy word of every testimonial should bo be authorized by tho the hand that signed it Wo We are arc determined to boat our opponents by both boin fairer f than thoy they are arc by dealing squarer than they dare to We Weare are determined to meet falsehood with truth duplicity with candor insincerity with sincerity Wo We know that the users of Peruna will appreciate our stand Wo We believe that the tho dealers in Peruna will applaud our course Wo We expect even our op opponents opponents opponents will bo be obliged to Acknowledge finally that is not only an honest and useful remedy but one ono of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDI VINES CINES ON THE CONTINENT IB r i r MONDAY SPECIAL SPECIALS IJ Dry Cleaning Special Price On nil all orders received up to lo Monday londay ui night Jan mu 11 wo woo make lal C Crale S t rate rale on Mens lIens Trousers of or 35 cents j Wo We TO do this to show the excellent nt L c quality of or our work which l Is as ns r superior to ordinary sponging or orS S um 44 spot wiping anti and pressing as T 1 t laun latin V L to ono one wiped with wIlh a 1 anTh nTh q wet rag Send us liS your suits and I F articles 1 I Ogden Steam St am Laundry Co 60 CoS S Launderers L and nd Dry Cleaners l Phone Phonco St I |