Show STiLL itT AT ATI I lARGE I Minister Believed to lave Have Been Insane May Have Dave Killed Browning I Port Huron Mich Jan 10 1011 II be became became became came known here today todar that Rev Ro John JohnH H Carmichael minister of the Battle BaltIc Run Methodist church in which Gid Gideon Gideon eon Browning was butchered last Tuesday night bought a L ticket from Port Huron to Chicago the Iho day after the tho murder With the identity of the murdered person cleared up every effort effot today was toward discovering the whore where whereabouts of the Rev Re Carmichael Tho The idea seems to prevail here that if iC the missing preacher perpetrated the butchery butcher It must have hae been Insanity which caused him hint to do it Two of tho the generally accepted pos possibilities are to the effect that the tite minister may mar have been led by a dis disordered disordered disordered ordered brain to make his way a back to Lo his old home in West Vest Virginia or his former pastorate In Nebraska The rhe Detroit police today toda examined the two novels noels which had written and md found In them ibm many mel melodramatic melodramatic melodramatic references to fo violent death d th thIn In one place tho the stories described the thue of the bodies of two men Sonic Some theorists claim to see in n those these I manuscripts corroboration of their be ho belief lief that the preacher has become un unbalanced unbalanced balanced and that ho he thought much of killing I Port Huron Jan 9 P 1 With the ex ev here today of or every known clue chuG that would tend to clear up the Rattle HallIe Run Methodist church chinch murder mystery Interest tonight is centered in iI lt tho the search being made ma e in Chicago I for or Rev Re John H Carmichael Three detectives who have havo been working on I the tito case here heie are In iii Chicago search lay ins lot for Mr Carmichael for lor whose I arrest on the Gideon Browning and burning his his body hodY In the church a reward of oC is offered I Except copt for the report that thal a a man nian answering to the ministers description Inn tion took tool an early earl morning train front the tunnel station for Chicago go on the day of the murder there were tew fw real rC 1 developments In the mystery to lo today today day Carmichael was brought here I for foi 01 further examination by Prosecutor Brown She told the prosecutor that her er husband had for some time suf suC suffered bred from an affection of oC his hh head which w caused pus to form and dis discharge discharge charge harge from his ears cars This trouble Is in taken to support the belief that Uial Carmichael must have been insane I If IC he Ite 11 killed Bi Browning owning In support of the belief that It wet lIB Carmichael who took the train tiam I If f r Chicago on Wednesday morning is tile the I fact that tho the ministers I was was found u a few miles from tho the tun tunnel nel wl nd depot headed back toward the j jacene I I scene acene of oC the murder i Ihl In Ill corroboration of o tho ho belief that the tho murder was committed by b some somo someone someone 1 one thoroughly familiar with tho the I church It t is 16 lu pointed out that one of or i ithe the tile two stoves in the edifice did not draw well nd md that It was WilS in the other I tore tose capable of oC developing a roaring fire that the tile body bod was cremated Browning was evidently attacked and tailed In the rear roar of the chinch h and anti I then dragged down the lie aisle to the tho tovo with the tho better draft The reeling feeling expressed by b a number of or the neighborhood farmers leads to the th belief that the lie Battle Battlo Run church churchwill churchwill churchill will ill be torn down as soon as the au nil authorities have concluded thou their Ines investigations investigations of the murder mystery m Many Iran members of the lie church express a dc do determination termination never nevor again to worship In Inthe Inthe inthe the building Benkleman Neb Nob Jan 9 Older residents of who her Rev Re John Haviland Carmichael v while hile ho was pastor of the lie Methodist church hero helo say sar ho he was expelled from the West T st Nebraska Methodist conference following charges of im irn immorality morality The Carmichael family has relatives at nt the town of Grant Perkins county and It Is 16 thought the lie missing minister I a go to that place Jan 9 IA A sensation S wa war i locally in the Carmichael mur mm murder der er caso today toda when two detectives working in n a village near lucre here and claiming to he from Do De Detroit troit troll divulged the Information that they the tero looking for a third party par parIn In the lie murder They TIle claimed their was that thai a third party p rt com corn committed the murder mur er and the body bod of Rev R Mr Carmichael thay yet et bo be found Evansville Ind lad Jan 9 Detectives ves left l t shortly after midnight for an Isolated isolate spot twelve miles below Ev Er E Ind to arrest a man who answers iID tho the description of oC Rev Re John JohnH H II Carmichael |