Show H ii I HI j I I j i iC t 1 f annan 0 C i 0 iO o J S l 1 t Any question concerning Social Socialism Editorial Edl orial Committee I ism answered Address all al com corn communications KATE ATE S HILLIARD HILLARD HILLARDt t t to K S E A BATTELL BATTELL i 1 Herrick Avenue ROY E SOUTHWICK t tf 1 i f t JUDGE WRIGHTS REVOLUTION REVOLUTIONARY ARY ACT BACKWARD BACI WARD Boiled down to its essence time the the dc do Gompers Mitchell and Morrison to imprisonment for contempt amounts to the lie arrogation on the part pait of oC roo ito judiciary of the lie exercise of or legislative le functions This Implies a i evolution It I is the tho smashing of the tho It I is even een worse worse The judiciary ju may do lare legisla legislation tion ton void yoi When it I dOGS does so su its action acton the Is grounded upon the tho principle that legislature violated the constitution a law la in existence is as far aa as a the most liberal construction of o tho hue I powers conferred by y the constitution can cami go Judge Wrights right decision I amounts to lo legislating itself and what kind of oC legislation le I mere was not me tIlO court COUiL coun any any I is issue ue concerning the correctness or In Incorrectness l correctness of or Judge JUlge Goulds injunction l I Ion tion ton The rhe only Issue before the court was whether Gompers and the rest obeyed the injunction or ot not Its Is dis disobedience disobedience obedience was admitted Upon tho lie fact IC if f the disobedience Gompers and amid the t rest were welO sentenced In Imi other words nn nit order issued by a court cour for tor forbidding forbidding bidding a citizen from doing nothing amounts to lo a IL legal enactment the tho forbidden to lo be o done Is criminal criminal It J matters not that lint time the tio criminal codo code dos does not enumerate such stick act or acts among amon the list of crimes The judges Ipso dixit Is equal to such legislative action act IonI It t woes even even cn further Their Acts Act Not ot Criminal The circumstance that that tho the acts act of or Gompers Mitchell and amid Morrison were not criminal only adds a d point to tic tw point point Even Eyen if I criminal the lie criminal courts aro ie tho hue tribunals before which to lo ventilate issues No Xo man shall be he deprived of his hl liberty Jb without I ut duo due dl process pr esl of o law Jaw If IL I acts alleged to bo ho criminal can b punished by summary Contempt proceedings s the Ibo writ writ of II habeas corpus Is suspended In hut per pet permanency permanency and wo 0 mite are In a 1 permanent state oC of war What nil means IB is obvious Al ti Already ready there Is tho lie legal fiction that I hn t presumes the tho private citizen to know kno knothe the he law lw Judge Wrights decision strips sl even en tho ho oath oth of o office to uphold tIme the tw law and mind the tlc constitution of nil all ni meaning roo can cami take trl that oath If the Iho law Is not written In lit advance anil j If It IL con can CIU he be enacted on the lie spur of o the lie moment by h any any m judg jurg on th the bench honch l When a n citizen n is henceforth pro pre pe t i s to know the lie law lav what hiat is meant is that he will wi bo be presumed to In j know knO tic t lC law Jaw in advance of o its is enact enactment ment of ex post facto raeto law Jaw not in civil matters only but in iii criminal matters maters as well welthe the none acme of a a despotism ex cx expressly pressly lj forbidden by the constitution rhe principle Is 15 old that a criminal procedure is the time barometer of or orIs Its Is degree of civilisation With a president t who assau I S with Impunity lug ladies laUes h ies on a bridle path because lie tho dared hared ride rde ahead of or him WC he ho was s simply taking an airing lute te themselves thom los and amid with a Judge JI e Wright revolutionizing backward by b legislation criminal legislation at that i I and then enforcing the same ex ox post pst I facto faco what Is left to the tile people but vigilance committees Weekly Pee Peo People Peo People pie |