Show lin 1 I Little Touches ouches of Fashion MAKE JAKE GRACEFUL nT 1 I j Plain and fancy Cancy silk fringed are 1 draped carelessly about hat bat crowns and nud I I no i f knitted that the ends fall fail Just behind t tho the left loft ear car They be are liro used on beavers and on plain felts felta 1 as well OB as Q on cloth I motoring hat hate On white felt anti and corded J elli ell evening hats are fancy net bands of ot colored chenille embroidered filet Diet net or nets nots lu in effects copied from fromI I the patterns These white whito and gold are aro chiefly used as a L for tor the hats worn with fur I coats cont temporarily t transferred tr n Into even evening tag ing wraps rAps by the addition of ot tinsel lace luce I jabots jabot wrist ruffles and front facings 1 TIm SMART WOMANS I ARE VERY ERY DAINTY DAIll The Tho clo chose e Appen embroideries done do no noby by Swiss pennant women and wondrously I tine In handwork are ara favorites among I handkerchief Madeira work Is IB also I exquisitely delicate and Is 19 seen on scalloped loped and eyelet celet worked handkerchiefs i Butterflies daisies and tiny leaves finely embroidered inside ft n IIno lino of ot small medal medallions I lions form orm tho the decoration on other pretty I I handkerchiefs each worth n it substantial sum lIum Now New handkerchiefs of ot sheer Irish linen are arc edged with nn nil border I of ot very ory fine embroidery to time tho outer edge edgo 1 of It which r itt 18 whipped a n trilling frilling of oC I clennee lace laceA J I j j A MUFF MADE OF FLOWERS of The Tb bridesmaids nt ot a recent fashion fashionable 1 t I I able wedding wore huge buc hats of ot t lace loco trimmed d with aigrettes and carried 1 I big muffs made mado entirely of oC white flow rj I The muff proper was composed of ot white J I orchids 8 thrust Into a 1 moss cushion anti I 1 I depending from It on dozens of ot white while F n worn were oro tiny Illy lily of or C j the tte t c valley olley clusters These Theno flower sprays hanging In various lengths anti and lavishly t I I 1 overlapping gave a n delicate I effect suggestive of ot a big tuft ruff mutt mulL muttA j A POSY FOSS FOR WHO DRIVES All tho ito smart anti nud luxurious electric coupes now have havo hn o their I I of It fresh flowers renewed each morning 1 when nhen ben tho the equipage IB is made ready raI for tho time shopping ending calling or drive in the rho ther r 1 park par The Joers are hung hony hun nt rut either cither Hide sub of ol the tho carriage Just Inside tho ho doors door I IH time tho receptacles being helo the small cornu pod Japanese Japs incite o sail of ot green reen porcelain Miles Lilies of ot tho time Galley first favorites s this clusters of ot violets carnations anti and single orchids are arc time the flowers most seen scan In time tho smart carriages and of or course tho water Is 18 changed dally daily by tho ho clever little groom who hops down and stands nt ot attention whenever the tho carriage stops EASY TO IO TRIM TILT EVENING HATS ruts lUIS WAY VA and fur ur crowns CrO OB for tor wide brimmed coolie hate hato are so no finished that thata a n band trimming Is 11 unnecessary and at nt tho Ito same name time BO so that bitt they the may JIny quite readily be bo adjusted to cloth or velvet clet brimmed turbans and nud toques Mar about ostrich and coq COI feather wreaths como coma lu iii ov every onry ry Imaginable color and nd uro tacked In position p precisely as ns are nrc floral sprays which at nt the moment taro aro not so ito smart an no are stogie big bl roses While thea the o solo fiolo roses reset are not riot designed for tor runabout hat hot trimmings they thc servo nerve ox to temporarily dress up nIt simple SWill small shapes Wired bows of ot taffeta velvet elet moire or satin 80 tin ribbon afford enough trimming for a n lint hat of oC either elthor small or largo large size fluid In most In mu Instances stances such lIuch bows a n crown eron baud boud to bo be attached to tho the hat but with fancy i pins DAINTY LACE TACE BLOUSES S FOR FOil MATINEE WEAR V Despite Iho ho lie vogue for one pIcco frocks the lace Ince blouse ta La If still high In Iii with women of or limited wardrobe Tho rho Him nina I pleat of ot these blouses are oro of ot heavy beay Tums Tuscan can or Brussels Bru sels net laid In lut n it succession Nu of or tucks running vertically If It the time wearer In lIS stout und horizontally if It he I wearer IB in Blender Sometimes from four to six HI tucks are ure for or each cach of ot the be fronts while thu sleeves broadly I tucked from Ironi rom shoulder to wrist ore are fin with It 11 n Q net harmonizing with the tho Jabot which relieves relles the thc front uSual anol I More loro elaborate net blouses mire combinations of at tucks with cluny clun liaRs Imitation tion 1011 Irish we or Italian lace Ince On these blouses broad of ot Inco lacu are let Into limo Ihu from collar to top to rows of large and email medallions form the time border of at drapery overlapping row con ro center |