Show I L LH BREVITIES B R E I TIE S I I H CHEAP COAL Grass Creek Ir ton Rock Springs and anti Castle Gate always IWI son on hand Parker Coal Co Mrs P D ID Haslet has hns returned from fromn i n 4 L trip to Los Angelo Angeles GLOBE THEATER Tho most up J picture show west of ot Chicago I Two J O changes of or program a n week Tues TUC Tuesday Tucsa day a and Saturday Matinee every everyday o Y day rl y except Sunday Sun Ja South of or Grand Cr nd ci Opera Op J I Mrs M MI 8 COnvalescent Mrs I II I Flinders has recovered from an au attack 11 of or diphtheria erl and Is now released eed from fromI I quarantine Prof Clement a dancing master maMer of 1 Portland Oregon is in Ogden and 1 will give SO n dancing at the tho Na National NaV I V Guard Armory Armor han hall Wednesday I 4 evening or Music will bo lw furnished by bythe bythe r the Auditorium hand band STORAGE at reasonable ratos rates In good brick building H It you ou need any room consult John Sons Sonn Company Compan Mr fro and Mrs E M Edwards of o Logan are Ogden friends for forn n short time tinie Mondays Special Seo our adv a on page iago 2 Ogden Steam Laundry Laundr Taken to County Infirmary Jano Miller who has h ha been held at tho tue po police police lice ice station for or a number of or days was yesterday afternoon taken taleen to tho the coun county count ty t infirmary It Is said sald that tho the lady ln ivan wao 1 formerly a todo real estate dealer of or Salt S It Lake N THE RELIGION OF WALT WHIT WHITMAN WHITMAN WHITMAN MAN by bv Wm Vm Thurston Thurton Brown BroWD Jan S P M 1 Carnegie hall hail lecture A Religious Interpretation of o Sox Sex last Jast lecture of course courso Religion and Democracy Season tickets single admission 50 cents At Cullers and Utahna drug stores LOU CRAIG Instruction In elocution ton tion and physical culture class and private Work vork Ind lad Recruits Pass Through Ogden OgdenA A J company compan of or recruits sixty In n number bl c passed i l through Ogden last las night on tho way to Vancouver British Colum Comm Columbia Columbia bia bla to W which place they thay the have been detailed for service In hi the First In Infantry 4 fantry of or tho the United States Slates The boys l wore mustered Into service serice at Co Columbus 1 lumbus Ohio They Ther spent a R fow low lowi i hours In Ogden Og l n last night waiting for train tri ln connections I IIi t Ii i Special Rate Rato for tor Dry Cleaning See Seo Seend nd on page 2 Ogden Steam Laun Laundry lt dry It will hold bold fire overnight Lewis LenIs W Good Coal Ceal Both phones At the Globe Glob theater The most san sanitary I Illan llan the most fireproof largest exits 1 Your Tour children ore are safe FREDERICK FINKE GERMAN I teacher of or cornot orneL and violin loUn graduate of or best German schools Twelfth street I House HouGe for sale S lle cheap on easy In Installments 0 O J I Both phones Q I Ogden Christian League All mem memo F hers bers and friends are cordially invited to ic I attend the tho mooting meeting of or the Ogden Christian League T tonight toril ht at ot S 1 I at Ht t Elks hall 2155 Washington Wn avenue to bear be r Prof J E i Smith oC or tho the Inter Intermountain mountain Business Bu college who will an aa address at tho the meeting Prof Smith Is widely I known through throughout throughout h hout out the tho slat o and needs no thou linn The Tho reports of all tho meetings during the year 1908 of tho the Ogden OS Nl Christian League will bo be read lead at this mooting meeting All those who wIto are arc desirous of C knowing moro more of the tho league and of ot tho the good work accomplished by br it fl during tho 1110 past pant year ear should not fall to hear tho the reading of these reports tonight was ns tho lucky number at G Gi GF F i Caves Cavos for shirt waist box bO True Truo Economy Buying Ing tho the best host High grade monumental work re requires requires requires quires first class material anti and work workmanship workmanship manship Joseph Parr Parry 8 Sons Sous Co 2253 Washington ashington avenue c Lecture on Character Building Dr J T Miller editor of the tho Character Jr will deliver a iL lecture In lii tho the Third ward meeting house Monday ton d n night aC iC 7 Tim Tho title of the tho lecture is IB Character Building and It Il will bo ho Illustrated by b drawings that show how the inner lIfe is revealed by the tho outward expression Tie Tuc phys phs physical ical leal intellectual moral and spiritual I phases of or lIfe lito building are uro explained I In the tho lecture A cordial Invitation is extended to tho the public publio to attend Rev Re J JE E Carver Selected At a caucus of tho ho republican members of or orthe the state legislature le In Salt Lake lalm last night Ho Rev Rov J E Carver of or the Pros Pres Presbyterian church of Ogden Oden was selected for chaplain of o tho state senate which means that ho he will bo be elected to that office at the opening of or the tho legislature tomorrow Sailed on Liner Siberia W H Ban Bancroft Bancroft Bancroft croft general manager of or the Oregon Short Line Lino E A Calvin general man manager ager oger of the Southern Pacific together with tho the following named name Ogden Ogdon pee peo people pie pic Mr and Mrs George Geor o E Maulo laulo Mrs C H Gosling Miss and H sailed from San Fran Francisco Francisco Francisco cisco yesterday on n tho the ship Siberia for I different points In the Pacific Islands Island |