Show McCALL McGAlL NEARS WEARS DEATH Former President New York Life Can Live But Few Days at Best Lakewood Lake N N. J J. Feb leb 13 Physicians clans who aro alO in attendance on John A A. McCall former Cormer of oc the New York Life Lif Insurance company compan tonight said that ho might live IIvo two days possibly three The last rites of or the Roman Catholic church have hao b been en a administered to him him and und members mem mem- hers bers of oC his family have havo been told to prepare themselves for the thc worst At a late hour tonight he was restIng resting rest- rest In Ing more more comfortably than was WU the case during the greater part of tho the day Mr McCall l has lias been a very ill m man at times over ever since he was stricken on December 30 last but alarming symptoms did lit not hot develop until Mon Moo day He lie had hall a bad attack on Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day last Jast but hul on Sunday had partly parth rc regained what he hc had lost Mond Monday y his condition was so critical crit crit- teal ical that Dr Charles Charies L L. Lindley the Lal Lakewood physician who has been at attendIng attending at- at tending upon him hint thought It Il advisable 1 ble hlo tl to consult others and amI Dr E E. G G. G tho New Now York specialist and Dr John Mr McCall's McCalls McCalls McCall's McCalls McCall's Mc- Mc Calls Call's family ph physician were sum sum- m monell on cd The Tue malady from rom which Mr 1 McCall McCall Mc Mc- Call first suffered was congestion If the ti-in liver cl but hut within the last week flis Itis it fl itis is said an acuto acute and Incurable disease of the lie has ha developed with tho the result that tho the physicians have havo abandoned abandoned aban aban- dotted hope rh The constant nl worriment to which Mr h McCall has been heen subjected as a result of or his enforced retirement from the head of or the New York Life following fol fol- fol- fol lowing the exposures exposure brought about by tho the Armstrong Alm committee has contributed contributed contributed con con- largely larg to tho physical breakdown breakdown break break- down own which now imperils his life |