Show COOKE PROMISES HIS illS AID MB Will V Write rite Poem and Speak on 8 Behalf half Q of Seeing America First Edmond ll Vance Cook Coo the Ohio poet has n agreed to further the See AmerIca America America Am Am- erica First movement by writing a suitable poem and also aso by calling the the attention of If his audiences to the movement mo that originated in Salt Lake CIl City a n f few w months a ago o. o During his 1115 recent visit here Fisher Morris Harris and nid James H H. M Metcalf called upon Mi Mr MI Cooke and ana discussed 11 the feasibility of or his endorsing the See cc Am America First erica at the dramatic recitals he gives IV S In various cities of or the thc country Mr Cooke was vaz much Impressed e with the suggestion and said role his services would be gladly given n nIn In promoting so splendid a cause 0 as that of Impressing ln upon Americans the he Importance of becoming acquainted ted with tho the beauties of their own country before seeking those of or the theOld theOld theOld Old World orla Aft After r his visit 1 In this city Mr 11 COoke went to Ogden There he lie mt t Mr Harris last Monday night and the two were fellow passengers for th th- northwest Tuesday Mr 11 Cookes Cooke's d d. des destination was wac Mr Harris liar Har ris was n nu on his way to attend the iSco eo Ce America convention at Portland Some definite plan to be followed by Mr Cooke In the work which he Is to undertake was to be Ill n agreed upon an and It Is not unlikely that at his next ap- ap Mr MiS 11 Coo Cookes Cooke's eA audience will hear something about this new now national national national na na- na- na movement that had its Ita birth In iii I Salt Snit Lake City It Is understood also that other lecturers Jc and antI speakers ers of or national 1 lame fame are ure to be Invited In to fulfill a similar elm sim liar ilar mission Just Juit who these will be beS behas S has not been heon determined nor can enn it ithe b he be for lor some some- sometime time but hut this is one of or orthe the means of or reaching tho the public which some of the tho members of ot lh th the executive c committee consulted l look upon with special favor |