Show TO JOIN LOCAL TRACK TEAM Ono Omie of Slates Slate's nc Hot blest t Athletes for fOl Local Squad Slum University of oC Utah stock took tool a decIded jump last night when it be- be came Caine known that Mark A Adams ams of one omie of or the best around all-around ath- ath athletes athletes letes etes In the Slate State would probably join the he Un University I ve IS It track squad squal within a n week rock To Provo friends Adams stated he 10 had ma made e all arrangements for or entering en- en ering the 10 local 1 school at once Adams entered the B. B Y U. U at Pro Pro- 0 o for two years an and held helel tho the state record In tho th pole vault b th o ho lo has a record with the pole polo of ot 11 feet G 6 Inches and anti Is a consistent per pcr- former ormer In tho the high hi h jump Adams danis is isable able ablo to clear the bar at al 5 j feet 11 inches and ind Is a n strong man In the tho quarter quarter- I event His appearance on the I University track team would be welcomed web wel corned by b tho the students as well volI as mak- mak making In ing ng the thc local school a more moro certain claimant for tho state stale championship honors again |