Show PRACTICAL 1 SCHOOL WORK OnIC Farming and Cookery to Be Uc Taught in Iii Rural Hilmi Schools Sioux Falls S. S D. D Fob oh 13 Miss Miss J 1 Myrtle Myrtie B. B Farmer superintendent o of schools of nr Brulo Bruit county count has hns perfected plan Plana for an au Innovation In tho the work wont country under her the tue teach teach- t c and ancI their xU ol lf 1 to 1 u HUI H li lire ln Lh f J Mi 1 agricultural u pursuits poultry gardening cooking sewing an and other branches ail nil of oC which will of S COUI be lw in addition to lo the regularly prescribed pre IHO scribed school work Miss rIss Farmer has secured the coop- coop oration of or Robert Hobert J. J Gamble United States Stales s senator from rein 1011 South Dakota who will have sent scat to her hel a a. large Jarge lot lotof lotof lotof of government go seeds which will be distributed among the pupils of the the- country who tho will in lie tho spring plant thom lint It is planned during the tho county count I fall fair next fall to have Ito Iho scholars make malic an exhibit of farm Plo products Miss Farmers Farmer's chief purpose in adopt adopt- adopting In ing this his sort of training for the tho schola scholars scholars schol schol- a ars of l the country schools is to give tho lie pupils some definite and anti beneficial occupation during their theil vacation of or halt half a year ear |