Show COX CON JI Hand of or Augustus u Ilcin Heinze Undoubtedly Undoubted I ly Visible in lit I Dicker A New ew York source in whom we WC have the greatest confidence rays s a the tIme Financial News lews of Boston Doston CO comments com l- l ments meats as follows on recent transactions lions thons in the time shares of the time Bingham Con I have L i. on the best of authority that the block of sharer more mom or oh less of tho time Bingham Consolidated Mining 1 company which was bought from rom a Boston brokerage firm recently recent recent- ly iy was for F. F Augustus and the interests he r represents and I firmly I firm ly Iy believe It It has also been a matter matter mutter mat mut- ter of or general knowledge that another l with headquarters large mining interest In New York has been willing willingto to buy tho the Bingham property for ulong along a u long tong time line past last and that the experts of this interest havo made malIc an aim examination examination nation of tho time property within tho time past two months mouths The rime Interest stood willIng willIng will will- the Uw for Ing to pay a sized good price property and was negotiating for it it but It was Generally un understood that time the hitch butch was In Ip the fact that th time the former n 0 owners of or the time property properly insisted that the time minority stockholders should be taken care came of and that they should be allowed to lo participate in whatever i benefit accrued to the hi bi bier shareholders ers era on equal terms While this matter matter mat mat- ter tom was un under er consideration the deal with Heinze was put Jut through Time The Heinze following has been very verb active e In him thIs stock and has followed tho the lead leall blindly as fiS they timey the do llo In all aH Heinze operations consequently time they have havo made mado hi big monc money The rhe fact that there are arc only shares hares of ur the stock of ot this company compan outstanding makes it look chen cheap to tu timis following at present prices when the time other properties In tho the Utah camps arc are selling seiling at t prices that ate are le much higher In sum total besides having bond Issues s of goodly gooly pro proportions The Time has In addition to its Us stock Issue of or convertible con bonds bonda par var value 50 O anti and convertible at that price This debt when converted converted converted con con- into stock as It t is li soon bound IfJU nil to be bo will make malc the time total stock Issue shares At 50 0 ner cr share this makes sell ell at only which seems cheap Figuring l on this timis basis the tIme following Is predicting Ire pre dieting that the time shares will sell at nt 60 Immediately and that the time price will go 10 to 75 or 80 80 h by s spring They Timey also nl o state that will viii declare a dividend in the very near nar future futuro an and that thal time the property has reached a stage where It will henceforth hence hence- forth bo be a a. very cr large profit maker Time The entrance of or Into limb the Utah situation Is 13 also not lIot without significance sig sig- 11 as future futuro events e may eo go to show ow |