Show RESERVOIR lX IN I iHIl Railroads Adopt Nos No's ci 1 Menus 1 lIlIS of Securing Se Se- curing SUlt Supply ll Sioux Fall Falls S H D. D Feb 13 OWing 1 Owing to the scarcity of water over long stretches niches of or the land of oC houth th Dakota along tho the railroad rl rights ht of or w way y Iho tho bc railroad companies are arc compelled com to tu adopt novel methods of so- so curing curt lib their theil water vater supplies construction of These consist of the I prairie reservoirs Which arc filled by bythe bythe bythe the snows of winter and amid tho the hea heavy rains of summer Ono Omit Of r these storage storage stor tOI age reservoirs was waN recently completed h by the Chicago Milwaukee t St St. Paul Railroad company near its lino in Brown county situated In lii the lie extreme northern portion of Dakota The reservoir is u LL gigantic one extending ex ox- tending back bad from rota tho ho railroad line fox for a 11 distance of nearly Hearl a mile It varies In width from neatly nearly half a amile mile at the point where a n dam dum Is situated situated situ situ- atell to a ael aery el very ery narrow strip of water at its further extremity Work ork was commenced on the reservoir last fall tall |