Show ADMINISTRATOR lOH Held field chi That lIe He Should Not have o lIaH lie Kc- Letters lS l'S In Iii ti In the matter of at the estate tc of or Laura deceased the supreme court landed down a n decision yesterday In v lc it Il hold that tho tito district court tad iad l no jurisdiction in granting letters I of or administration to W. W V. V D D. Riter lUter and the tho decision of ot the lie lower court was therefore reversed rc with directions to vacate and anti set aside the or order grantIng grant grant- Ing lag letters leters to niter litter The decision was 8 written b by Justice McCarty and concurred in by Justices Bartch and Bunting died In lii Idaho Moho May Ia IG leaving an au estate of ot about to live minor hell heirs Soon after aftel his death an administrator was appointed nt at macl foot and rind too took charge charAc of the l' l es es- es tate The administrator discharged J. J J. J 1 who claimed to be a creditor credItor cred cred- tiled filed a petition in the district court of or Box Dox Elder county count September r rG G 6 1900 before the he estate state was seUI settled d aslIn ln for the thc appointment of or V. V W. W D. D IUt r of or Salt Lake as administrator and antl the lie appointment was made Grace ace Bunting and other heirs filed fileda a a petition In the district court in Box BoxElder BoxElder BoxElder Elder count county December 2 1904 ask ask- a asking I ing tag that hat the letters issued to Riler be bo cancelled the thc case calc reviewed and antl all aU proceedings s set et a aside i c. c on the thc grounds ground that lint proper notices of petition for let letters letters let Jet tc rs had not been published as required h by law aw nor had notices of such h hearing hear hear- lIr In tog ing been mailed to the heirs at Blackfoot Black- Black foot Idaho as required 1 by law Jaw The district court denied the motion and anti the thc ease case wn was appealed l to the he supreme court with the re result given cn above Court Notes Ju Judge 1 c or 1 Morse c yesterday granted a t divorce to Louise from Joseph r E E. The decision lon a also o gives her tho the custody custod of their only ch child TInY The case ease of or Jo Josephine Allcock i ia against a Ida Fitzgerald Is now on before I Judge Morse Tho The plaintiff gel seeks s to cancel a deed to property at North Second I West est t street valued at nt about an and which she claims was wag transferred without any consider le alIon M. M P. P Wells versus W y E E. Stone Is the he title of ot a ca case e l tIled with the clerk clr of or t tho the district court yesterday e wherein the thc plaintiff a asks ks for fol an au accounting of lr money noney under tinder three separate counts count According to the complaint coi Yells Wells anti and Stone Stono had been partners s in Iii the tailorIng tailor tailor- Ing tig business In this city It since 1896 until until un un- til II about March 24 1905 after the dis- dis dissolution dis solution of or th the Iho partnership the com com- taInt haunt recites S the d defendant collected arlous sums for which he has so su far railed ailed to account to tho ho plaintiff Judgment Judg Judg- ment nent m nt is asked for a total ota of ot 70 with interest an and costs |