Show NEW NE DITCH IPA CO COMPANIES and Concerns VUe Articles Atticks of or Incorporation Articles of or incorporation of or the Brush Drush Creel Creek Flume and Reservoir company of Vernal were wore filed rUed with the thc secretary pf pt state yesterday th the lie inco being lena Alena J. J Johnson J. J K Bullock John 0 O. Evans Evana James Johnston and II J. J It IL is incorporated 1 for tor 1000 in 10 shares and proposes to do a general water and antl reservoir business IncludIng including ing tag tho the construction of or ditches canals ca cn- antis nals and reservoirs Tho Thu Upper Ditch company com corn pany of Washington ton county filed articles with u u. capital stock tock of or 20 shares with a t par pr value of or 1 1260 1250 GO por 1101 or share and pro lIro- proposes poses poes under Its charter chartor to construct and canals in Washington county There Thero arc aro 1 16 G incorporators |