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Show THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT ate CITY, WEDNESDAY, | FEBRUARY 14, 1906. 7 a | 5 N Furnaces Edited by JOSEPH T. JENKINS. + + + SELLS BIG BLOCK OF BINGHAM CENTRAL Deal Cette ORE Oe AND BULLION. 7 + + + + + + + + That Places Youngster In Possession of In the ore and bullion market the day's settlements amounted to $102,500, McCornick & rc reporting them as they follo Bullion, "364,200; gold, silver, lead and copper vores, $38,300. In the metal market silver ruled nt 66% cents an ounce, lead at $5.60 per hundred pounds, and casting copper at 17% cents a pound, + + $320,000 Cash. > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + J. A. POLLOCK TURNS TRICK Enables Company to Continue yelopments Along Eneregtic HHH HH ee Hee eee profitably smelted and hauled a distance of 175 miles when the market for the red metal was at 9 cents, there is much in its favor on a market at double that figure. For several weeks prior to the deal the management was coming to the valley smelters with ores from the dump that contained as much as 28 per cent copper, while under ground is not a little that affords an average of 45 and bett Its De- Most Lines. From the east during the day came the most positive assurances that the sale of no less than 160,000 shares of the treasury stock of the Bingham Central Mining company of Bingham had been accomplished through James A. Pollock of this city, the proceeds of the transaction affording the company as much 20,000, providing it with all that will be requived to consummate all that has been projected by the management, whose endeavors thus far have been with ihe AT UTAH Expert COPPER MINES. Representatives Con. Inaugurate of the Boston Supplemental Examination. 2 of The suppleme Des ex: umini ition properties of the Uta Copper company by the e ae rt representative: most gratifying results. lof the Boston Con. in the interest of It is the impression in the east that} len proposed amalgamation of those a market for the block was found ihartien in the big camp of copper, with some of the prominent New York was begun yesterday morning with and Boston investors, who ¢ > Mr. Wiley, the eminent engineer, at purses and reach into the head of the corps. With thirteen eager for it miles of development of the properties same With company, the task becomes a treasury campaign een if not an Aaa one, and velopment will continue as has it reac {in it several weeks will no doubt be the hour that the territory in the aanmanved: Upon the result of the oxheart of the great camp of copper was ee which w: insisted upon acquired by the founders of the orYewhouse before he would ganization, including Charles wW. f a naent to conclude rgotlitiohis lookSamuel Newhouse, Duncan ing to the merger of the Boston Con's Clarence ae yee in K. haye McCornick) been and eo Ma beseal who mining W inne long smelter of the deal esiate prom-!| have that not reached brought MADE the BIG the of-/ Utah the in the with the Copper, ate That a Much better minds situation, Intter contended, of Upon the be is of no those while ago it have but disclosures in the propBoston Con., which, the basis |C°™Pany. of it shall there is equally certain that it wou been accomplished some time management Involving the ultimately doubt conversant ee , of depends information. | for additional erties SALE. Transaction that transaction. ackling is said to have/serjous DP eBehit: Another big which | consummated ficfals in this city, no doubt is enter-| tained concerning the accuracy of the} dispatch with momentarily clreles.|the at entitled admissioin the to properties Guggenhelm {t to the of the Exploration Wealth at Bullfrog company is at present prosecuting an The Rush group of four claims situ- |°X#Mination with the diamond - drill ated on Bonanza mountain and adjoin- |@"4 with the completion of the two ing the Denver and Peerless in the|it Should not require long to reach a Bullfrog district were sold on Wed-| %asis on which eae eee shall nesday to. Dr John Grant Tyman of find it possible to a New York, says the News of Goldfield, Ne APTER CARISA'S COPPER. at he consideration was $150,000 due in five months after date. The purchaser deposited $20,000 in the John 5S. Cook & Co. bank at Bullfrog, the money to be used in paying for development work. Twenty miners will be pul to work at once and there {fs little question but that a shipper will be developed long before the purchase price Expert Talent Now With Examination On the to of Goldfield, esPhteen Thess, aml months deserving Vollow. While the particulars are tucked away in an avalanche of denials, S nevertheless a fact that negotiations for the purehase of the Tintic ago. that prospect- the |#0ing Ee on. Just examination what figures are for*une in Tonopah, ~"anvolved in a iewmtreal inmterin ae eld, and it looks as if|estS have not learned, although the voul ome millionaires by} talent has fixed them at 50 cents a unato finds in the country to!}share or on a basis of $250,000 for the south. the whole. The condition of the comat this time is chareee ene pany's property COPPE R SPECIALTIES ACTIVE, | 4¢terized by those who have been under ground recently as better than at any period In many years, and while for Makes f Short Interests | the Strong. settlements certify Boston, Feb. 13.-Activity and spe es vial 5 strength in speclaltics were the fealures of the copper share market today. Old Dominion, on large transBeribus, advanced to-45%4 up to 4%. but dropped back to 44 ‘at the close. to an ae early acea days, whelmingly at ore the of Amalgamated touched 118, the sharp |the impression is advance being a reflection of improve- | be consummated. ment in that stock in terday. There is said large short interest in Copper, and Mohawk, it is buying 58 bid; Old for this ac- | been Dominion, Parrot, United States 43; Tamarack, Smelting, 60%; Jtah, 6444. Yons of $3 200 The pany's management Deep Creek again DEAL, The erties Mining na On active examination of the propof the Grand Gulch Copper company, strip, will the begin at Utah-Arizo- once direction of Auguste the interest of Samuel under associated with Schirmer, of Boston. To that end the distinguished mining engineer 's now way to accompanied by one of the company, and the deal involving several sand dollars, and that to a material Het will in extent be the officials of fate of another hundred thoumust influence the decided Ries are future soon. following of that Not it up wich livellext interest, as 4 knowledge that Me. Pronbion has interested himsel associates will undoubtedly be shllowae by a rush for neighboring As interes the ores of that is the property Copper-Bearing Also Sulphide Company's Coming AMALGAMATED Pacific of IS Ranks With Nest Same RESIST Urge Coal That Entire Combat York In Interests Unite of Pluctuations. of interest with -psecisely. will be John of the scate again gone over tomor- The miners will ask, it is learned tonight from creditable authority, that the operators agree to the eight-iiouy work day, an advance in wages an‘ # continuation of the gricvance boars fo whieh will be referred all of the Gemands that originate as the work of mining pregresses in the various This latter matter is still fermative state and was the ehiet > of contention at today's conferJust how far to goin et matter. is the question, as it Is alined that the operators will fight "ae oat any plan that they eee gives the r-iners sweeping powc It is understood late. tonight that the operators will deeline most of the demands of the union. They will not commer for a moment the question of an eight-hour day, holding that this demand is simply a concealed attempt to secure a higher rate of wages per hour. They will also decline to recoe the union as an organization. A number of the soft coal operators are th this clty and will try to see the hard coal operators tomorrow to ur zy that the entire coal interests -of the country stand together to combat the demands of the union. New th same kind of fluctuations. It rose ®% 1 er cent, reacted 3 to 4 ver cent, rose agal he top, fell at the close, but still maintained an advance of olimost 5 per vent. Great Northern preterred ranked a up to n to pie) up to 346%, lo 342 16 .Smelting and Refining was up 2 6 per cent at the opening and held some f the gain. held ey ‘1d prices aeacner ecuiaet a "Ct i: The highest prices of the day were ose e opening an + ain at 2 o'clock a 2 to 2:50t cet was decidedly Saactiataee) falling to the lowest level of the ‘Oa the close the Hst became erratic. rand Foundry jumpe per cent. Northern Pacific rallied ly. The whole market closed on more or jess t rally. The bond market was inconspicuous, averaging stronger. gKovernment bonds the twos, ee and were old fours were up % per cent, d company was that has e the | ts Construction 7 epelter, @$36.75. aces Joe all a! closed strong at an advance of £1 17s 6d for spot, and futures at £166 17s 6d and 165 10s respectively. Lead was down §s at £15 17s Gd. Spelter fell a full pound to an Iron Warrants were k; standard foundry 49s 6d and Middle sboro, 50s. York silver Market. New York, Feb. bar silver today was Mexican dollars, 5l1c. ; High, ewe. $118.00 Pe h aeR the rest fn securities . new ee to be formed. he w ‘| concern will have nalghborh Sart )lcSupply . of $5,000,000 cash inandthe wiff'be back sd by Ne einze ube an B ae ; i gceenheim Butte copper after Credit war is ee intere thus at iteco an years of the bitterest for the settlement said due to John Copper D. Ryan, areeident Anaconda company York wire as ofa oe le . Thos a wel Sat veck,o ee a THE or: the] dispatch James nee Bre with transaction: over | See same in trust John Co.,|} ** company, to another of Strect. the Mt. who with -Commercial Auta at 66%c; 2 been on 3 the ieee: oe the mall wee f over ‘at a compan,,|Tiches, ox Copper} on Mi inge taken i little} sfrarked . V rnoon to $4.83, oe do nad a 1 eeetts dur} | 4ea0ce with Lower'| parcel‘of ‘Silver, King to Ontario came: out favorable und "ound tidings & $10.50 said he, the plant! with took t a " while Butler: Bl aa le¢ in brought ms Bid omish mines vans also ‘the Ne ee Of the pronerties of the Aleott-com-| : company tis une erstoc nj pany, Juage Street says they are re =1 : : smelter ze DEN say: are ha that the Copper mpany receives for; sponding in a manner that affords Alice . these about $25,000,000, fully one-half) 18 . ance Securit Thite | much ‘assurance of mostBt: Srofitable re- ~ |B|B. Con) ne tee a balanc » Securities, While | sults. For more than a mile the ledge, | 2.-Reck the United: suits, Copperlitigated companyground disposes ing ; from five to thirty-five feetSet || 2. Tunnel of its law and} melter i ||B Patyup rete a t} 5 eo lin veloped, contract ‘soin ri agStataims a not sera fle. ¢and now and has a most. ‘favorable for. the treatment of its ores at the smelter. or NewMr. Washoe, Cole*and including North per er has cont cen been Hast ' as been valley. Amalgamatea|°! assoélates, this Amalgamated, James. his Butte, width, opened up, whils | COMPany, |0f : t sen iF acquired Kennelly, {its the holdings! Daly . well-known | the litigated ilely territory will be immedl- At developed." re War a Most Remarkable gal Controversy. Copper the he and which end Copper Montana's with some camp ati 64, 1444 ...... 1% 1 os ret 2s, 66 1,07 1] 10.25 | 1 turned had been the purpose of } pending trying |@"d and be or that Th a aa yan |. ta ¢ ,i made a its ee output ae of Amalgamated \ ingeresis|to to the history ure, but : ainsociety at not it of the involve. countey the Not judiciary, Preferre a ma-| what-!} to summon "fair ae rather a special to enact only.|! legisla-| trial" bill, Session care la O© Six; ofan. oe Ry. ce of the that the before an judge. qualification try the = alleged years'ago law of of jit Was Amalgamated | stands cases litigation ? Heinze which, that to run idle. it fo of closae NCY z is ee !| MINE 4 AT 0 f SOLD NoT s of Peay President eae eakean Catrow } ore be) it now DOMINION at. Bingham con-| Catrow, president value, a assets of the company, | rived Ajax : ae d Preferred Spring 650 tons of ore for/ all a nder of them, was the best Shares sold, thing| ever before. To increase the output ef | second-class ores the management undoubtedly. be expedient deems pacity of the ing reduced, which, in its s any, Dominion to the ee perhaps, 3authorized, Me inerease to mill while cuprie that at which i as theey ‘ it. is bIa) Of operations at ee CO any 5States é for United ay is . being shot the Minin ut : ees be- Mr. " Jolinson 500 our)?" ¢ of the lie Sew and is as with at erat plant dally to the says Ww a pee a yt be the Con. Granby the cupric contents that |eamp of tenders:that have been }iarge and those {nm control of the | should. be | a A | 5, WOMITIL 5,.000M1T4c, 5OO@12c. OO0ED 1,000 ao Wiec. HnG$4.86, bPvea o + | o_ 9 J | | . | 100| buyer | | 200@28c, a - rs $2.00 s iaoart Richmond- Ana 1ci3e,naan buyer»000G@Sc. sixty d Up| In Nevada ' | ee eee ai IR | BANK Be cht | | Both 3 AND AND SUGAR ee : mn Grade ee ey 127. Phones a9 i . , BONDS ; STOCKS. Bon taal . ; 236 Main St. Con. Talent it . day the close Se arket throughout ma t g CUTLER : see STOCKS | he the day's the | SALT Boston features exchangeof anc ct urb trading were theonenaue |/sational advances of Nevad Con., v 7 oe C Ps ' INVESTMENT BANKER Patan hi 292 (Established 1893.) ; days. ae IN neBOSTON. ; ae Advances Wakeke JOHN | RE STOCKS ' though D "00a $10.40. Bell, {OO1,200@2iec, SAT 2 York, a ; f Me | | $4,361.22 spon Board. ., r | ey lé was tosh | f firm.' LAKE 115 . Geo. * A. . Sims, TRAN W. Second SFER CO. South, Mer. Mgr. , Phones ly w t1 e Increased as Ca- be- out day, and to repeat of throughout, it is affording each shift and 88 ove ee piling up the Jan- us a Ir greater that the copper. with made £17 17s 10d eee was ward. from tralia; it had been thirteen years. are are We from. adequate equipment to pay aceordingly. collected yesterday for Edwin former merchant... Twentieth the money notwithstanding "the | A. Pollock bulletin from James ays a big advance hand. when {tishalb}* now in' New to York, experie need be beund Knock at the doors of the eestern ex-'| the settlement of stocks sine | copper change me Amalgamated- "Heinze war. It was said during the day that the 4 Some of the Borax Smith‘surveyors ten are still casting aoe eS lw ain town Sunday, and they report eyes in the direction of OhioCopper progress. being made on the but that negotiations with them nave | admirable oute The line has been run over the been reopened is positively denied. ay LS above Howell's ranch, and the rest: ef the way to the foothills'on as sidenéf Golatield: will be a cinch: whose ma: Tony Jacobson, under e corps Will mot tarry agement Columbus Gon. has attaine sa| and will run the line most promising | Bene Will they as speedily as. possible. . Utah's bonanzas, alas returned from| Lop op there. -Bullfrog Miner. amp again. 28 | scagon, while at epee al parte js frycompany present}close margin to which the returns $1.60 ~per| confined. However, the ore-bodies proposition and the esteem: in which the properties are held by the expert} miner, y will no doubt re- ear Ve ee: | | | ' ¢ $13. q. Tea 10K) | to be Hsted on the Bos-/result of the present years ac ativitis 3 before -the season is|cannot but add to its prestige 1| further advaneed, en says ore 2.200 tons of ore a means with which shares. of the company is exploiting | Johnson the sale of them on an assumptlot| promise share. With rejected by ep ntresuisute. aoe tons city the ing , Be Listed in Boston president of the company they are exchange page which Williamis ie rhe the generaey manager, LBer, Bingham, of says they are progressing oe y first-class, With good contents, exceeds || Manageme and his associates have declined to | uary dividend. verify ft, the local" dealer in the Of the region much dividend- on x = A eyelets oF aaa of Bingham in so largé a tonnage, will |Party © Sof continue ‘to go-to the furnaces of the | fore the close 0 that ton of ee Man thirty| thirty| c ING. b. 20K e bos ? ODES. Caries ‘wowsse, 1,7 sec k Tunnel, inne : Yolumbus C‘on. 100¢0$1.87is sy 20- | Sensational capacity, and! the manaxe-| ability to add roster : Rina n * SS arian 13,675. value, increase a | tofo install ‘he | payers concerned, cor 3 the operation r of ay . a plant in mepure mt be British Columbia's Properties. pohcies .more - yigor s an / es ee . PRrittkh Colum- preferred Ne rk WAC COOMDSc | Ric mrodde) Anaconda, 175@214¢, 1,00@2%c | propecom- iS Ist a Hc. expert} - $1.85, 1000 intelli- | "@yte -Judg that rie fie' as Rubber 2nd preferred av. steel | 1$10.50 7 Lot Fine n axnor §. | Westinghouse nye, WaB\e. , north again ve a week on the and the minds of his colleagues 4ll| furnace of 600 tons daily agreed that-the failure of reeent nego-} with this in commission tiutions, with the Guggenhcims at the | ment has no doubt of its end S 200@29c 2,000 GDC, 1,00 eaeRie, yn | 1 ceconomte methods the Dominion Copperthe from 500@3)c, }0@2ic, 1.0mA29e <Carisa. Selling duced |this it inhastwobeenfurnaces. decided Mammoth, a meee sold, 5, mang : "e840.1.37. Afte rnoon Sales. MminUNng | COPPER. came down from the |terday morning after the expressed very president much pleased, and, with himself his mind25/ other 9 23 aaa . Con. i York, the company, departed for his home |zground with former Senator Warne in Miamisburg, Ohio, during the after-| Miller of New York as a companion. Johnson Mr. If oy undertaking, noon, accompanied by Mahager Henry Catrow, the latter to return in a fow says that it is at present putting out days. W the condition' in whieh | copper pistin of good value, this d>found 5:16AM 126 1,000@13\4c. ‘Tunnel | eee Out Bullion. © 6 Copper pI Putting Now Company ent and 5 ea et Shares ne the | months Maurice M. Johnson, the mining engineer unde hen ae <g as | Lower ‘ New Flagged Train Yor East ast. Greenwood, Canis SE pamany a at position among Bb. ire most proinspection Ohio Copper | ductive of that coppe t-bearing - region,ne! : Coeof the ne 2, ee{e'''"- Butler-Liberal Columbus He His : companys interests a Col. 6A 125 at 1,00iD56e, . buyer.«days; thirty plaitatipuam rate ee 2 s au Q S00@ shone Saaaee thirty aye A a : to San Fri Sona sco or Los Angeles Big buyer| Sale opens Fe 15. Salt Lake Route. teck thoroughly examine acrec their. reportsties all agree : vreeulee Words LOG a Island os 100@$10.75. HWUGIT4c, 40047280 Selling the} not and prejudieed and permitted the dis-|that this is one of the Saat judges for biased | regions in the U nited States were thrown: out of employ- Ly 50 ) rs PaEMFTAG. Cc, Now a, bad | tote 5 0 700@n7 ts mined | |), rty would few past been ment. Last 1 o71,, Zs WAbeenicc! ‘Pre ; Sales. 40 Sudes "in s10.5, live "ure: iting some five | it it longer the | mines have . |by ‘ experts opinions. Asa result of the shutdown of the mines of the Amalgamated 25,- 000 men found. "During ‘a Sadi in Carisa, Daly May Day, 1,000421714c. to rl today purpose ° hea ee ee ore poesia | It Smelt- ee leave wilk | >t ce things' i Springs Good of monument a .as stands now ome The process was t judgment Che proc vas not : fie 4 TS e the kind ef what is known | profitable having closed:-dewn than 16 Ls ARI 5 "ase Zi gion : rred Sloss-She : South. Pacific Preferred he southern Ry Soo Line y fee lives were sacrificed in' the under-|Tight kind for U ating »|-. ground workings of the mines. produced in these regions Save | Mn one occasion it Beeame neces-|the plant had.been run for thirty days try eee 7 a oe ferred preferred Rock the Yellow Pine mining: distri el. | @zitae, "The regions around Good Springs Tid.c 3 have had a black eye in the mining j HNGBYc, seller vorld for some time on account of the | d: oie ast be ing sufficiently developed | Richmond-. eee 1,00@2%c. i 7 =. ‘ Shares sold, 14,§ show wha , are really worth} * Reand pt few peomeittheinsclves ek aA Ne! a instances human Re a es i the a zislature i844 On} 15 ere, show aes Lake City for the contrac the » ee for smelters at FOOL take jin over is no doubt among the Angeles, Los in| ts there ote Salt ing ore als the | two one opening mai rs Officers - for the possession of differentSproperties, valued at many' millions of dollars * ives Snaitic ey The copper war between the Eleinze did at "jose "ee : aay 1. 9 a5 16 neo Rep Exnerts All "4Favorable.; a ptr CT OUT ome é ttlemer aie seouipa ies =- Tee ; ' There are " at the present tim than 100 suits pending Dbetwe: Ieinze should Parts, | (erial Increase Johns-| cver. town mines, all holdings of tae s0called Heinze concerns, and the ®iutte smelters. ioe 1 {10-60 U. deal Aa as ot 1.15 10.70 - | 10:80. sparrin Basin ': Da an | Minn he : hE 49_ 16 5 pebeyred, and 7 3 tate ae Union Pa Preferred properties Saal and Stock Tis pen fel oO na en" 0G 1.1 - York pt Was: of the most the The privé ite s by fe opper aszed FP M = o om x00" a nny | sae |e 56} rm! Ne D~hu te repens Amacondata rete productive in Nevada in a short time cmon'. 315 or oes ne pn Pac fa: an pt a Md theve in Later over are the Minnie Healy, Corra, Belmont, Nipper end ‘ Star | Fel- i a 2 se 25 pa I Malt in) the day. the BLOp Eats were Bi) turned over to Arthur C. Carson, peeenting Thomas G. Gols of Duluth: Included York SSO DEE, camp, Is made Lit- gold who New United that EG oat | post | B. si¢ é inhe Cop 7 the marketing of first-class lead running well up in argentiferous |contents, The Potost is to be one of the princ¢inal contributors to the new smelter, present in all in a "of | 4™Preferrec Smelting TunneltO1 Friendiv ter fae ge tae to inten while already the plant has assurances enet t Amalgamated comof asteady supply of ore for Its lead | pan Announcement that the» sale a a : Y dvean ee mi had been made 3 came in telegram Ze copper furnaces. elerram vesee a . .e j , ent from John D. Ryan. managing direc- | . Interest in the locality, said Judg tor the Amalgamated company Street, fs increasing. hourly and the |: at 1,247 . es great copper , Was culminated tomee When all the Heinze properties In| is f Sucar hie exposed, while the management of the Le- | Chiquita, controlled by Jacob Moritz Joseph Oberndorfer, Harry Joseph and| others of this city, is preparing to be- _ Helena, Mont., Feb..15.-A transac-j cin tion involving many millfons Ot dol-|ore lars Columbia 6,085 that Arir Cole Fi: roperty the developments have now |}reached a depth of 225 feet with a bie body of copper-bearing ore in which occurs not a Nttle high-grade eat, cit . MANY INTERESTS. Sat AFFECTS skec | S2tsa Con, Mer Century Creole feinze and Guggenheim interests, | Prospector, is O. K. Lewis, while Herfurnish the money fot the purchase of |™an Greene, assistant general. manthe property in dispute and will or-/}@ger of the Bingham Con., is serving gnnize the new company on a cash ba-/it as secretary and treasurer The sis with at pets $5,000,000 cash in ie }outlook for it is a most assuring one treasury anc igreements with he hoy ines i " . . Amalgamated company under Eich Othe F Mine $ in Good Shape. of |Am,:Steel:Ist pfd. é To fd. PEC 7B OMe \ Ga == - -ahs a; ‘w a o - 4-82.65 ye 29.25 ~ 5ws the | Cyclone of president The w hich sola} ae rat 0 smelters) tot o the <i. ‘ fut.=-Lib (more than 300 tons of better ore that fon controls showing th: 14-75; the New ak thrilled | : Am. anup exhibition the pike fi ici | Beet. the title to all the disputed mining |t?. 69. up under the direetion of Jo-) Gon. 13, the day alii a ee " ground of the United Copper come:| ph Dederiehs of this city to whom | lowing ms eee ta? spens.. pn thy. vany, or F. Aug. Heinze, ineluding th .| the contract has Just been aw arded, | Minnie Healy, the Michael Davitt, the |} This has done much to stimulate deRay Nipper group of mines the undivide? | velopment and many new claims are| Closing Quotations, interests in the Tram ane ape under develonment | . * 60.50 Butte 1 for cant announcement ‘ Amal." oné feat Mir git Carisa While: tiara istrading ane \ae bid to of dem<¢ there WIN bees) Saverses an 4 y'=¢ ve around 56. res. The} tle-B : theoe Ye producers ath H on+ eae eS ere Gejx OUT ‘are | Were. { market for thei another $25,000 a si hi chs to. is assured, 14.75 properties 29 cents. | hold on} conditions which home A ae 2.985 BH S Add "Millions. a an 1% 4,475 ooie.a A. of AA BTMG4ALSTG 15. possession EE -_ i Seti fol- ly 48.00 09 75 Con, company ~ tea Daly-Judge, Brea camp, in active. most "Springs, |! 997 a 48.00 dispat ch from thur Cy Carson ha BG ae 0, z while } wee BS other Yt res-} res. | mines i ; J Camp. at Good yesterday morning not abe ng of ENA ' . the} Hin' jdentstromof this city, is at' the Good founder caino}o.specaadhi thai erents His.cim.: - Sori, x min sale. Ure te veeapibtie . has Alcott he, é 299.50 usar. > mo S& Pred. the mae New ‘York ‘was, a conspicI aed nto possession of lew owners en erampl a the -welght of | +), it the copper war Is ended. Nipper and offering flatteningCon... out > which to:25 || other closed byoe injunctlo while Columbus are: to imines pe as ong an oe aM a Me developments < which 0 49.874 U:A8.:Con | Ne vada immoth changing hands at The shopkeeper released: his ie E ‘ of ; . ° 3 ;exultant a ers | gaat ay rae oe erty o~ | 1 Smelter, who wilfhold th t y find for Requirements Smelter. Into pri-|ProPperues. & reference Kei Judge 1e¢ on<the : rea Ca cent * With) Ores - | lu. 7 antares Bat ie ea market gen‘rally m, notw wtanding the losses that were marked up at intervals or CAMP . Copper Meet of jinquiring ranerties the Pollock i p re and to * List Sales. report wire Low cCTose. $116.50_ si. Ww ee, To tae Which * Dignify of Awarded ON A Lead -n4d} . to of ing ES strife. | to be! = = New vate | Con. | Ring. Con... silver King..and, Ontario (Come i peleal west Dederichs. in the Butte dal: the company 1e- | at least half in«INFLUENCE eonviction the investor shelling out as much $6.05@ $6.10; tin London Metal Market. London, Feb. 13.-Pig tin New A. Pollock and Co. over their private \ url trans Gis to Thomas F.. Gale ae ground is said that 5,000,000; While Metils, The closing. follow: 8.00; electrolytic, i: castings, $56.37 a ule York New. York, Feb. 13;-aAt ‘the metal exchange today tin was oo diy firmer on the improvement in the foreign markets. Spot and nearby. deliveries were (up %c Copper was dull and $5.65 @$5. q5: a in trust pe for Fu nd Amalgamated companies was the fa 1 eki ery ‘ct Ee SEE eC oe eo: most« remarkable legal eontroversy<u in aie [ore yocause whic h was built there 13. eee the members as alre Uy outlined will be adhere't What Miners Demand. New York, Feb. 13:-Today's market was entirely a market for spevcjalties, and in this department some °o e fluctuations were radical enough to suit the most sanguine hopes. Anaconda in London on Mouday was quoted twenty points higher. It fatled to make this price in New York, an opening tes 4 per higher at high. record price uctuation enough. The subsequent course of the stock was quite Ike the rest of the market. It reacted 6 per cent, rose to the top aguin around 2 ahnieek! then reacted 7 per eent. nae copper wus the most active stock. starting out Fy w%- per «yt higher, iach nile 1%. per cent, rising ugain to the top, reacting again to the bottom 4 Northern. Pacific ranked o rext in U ated. rconuaE red for Mr. Mitchell advocated a policy of rict secrecy as to the nature of the domatian, admonishing his assoctutes pot to talk until after the demands werd presented to the operators. The committee considered at length al. the resolutions and memorials adopted by the various mine workers' organiztions, a it is understood it was deelded that the scope of the dem: ao In- Feb. 13.-It afterncon early last November, when Mr and Mr. Heinze went tN Workers. Feb. and Day BOTH Demands | Jame@ lowlnge CHANGE Boston. ASSURED In ‘Contract | a ‘ y or ition or ae filed. i Bates a ta Thomas:F. Cole, committee of the anthracite Orne t United Mine Workers of America were in almost constant session at the Ashland House today, far into the night, perfecting the demanls of the miners' organization which will 28 presented to the mine owners Thursday's session. When tinal a-laorene was taken the demands ere completed, practically, although Kind Trsutee. "The Montana copper war was set-| TeneeihGul. BACtINAECREIEME Cone] Turnaces. OPERATORS New ACTIVE aes this big to Notwithstanding the contemptuous reference of an unfriendly neighbor to the Old Jordan of Bingham, : mine without a ton of lea that Was to be profitably shipped the management has been conUnues to draw 3 $ s. average of tons to ifeitet ate nally and with everything In the that it will go on ir lefinite ly. that state there are tonhave been Pen tenGé there of metal, endowcountry in the nature has been more of which hundreds of thousands While tons of lead containing silver and gold with not a little copper at intervals, have been stoped from the properties in the group, not one of the enormous chambers in which it eccurred has been entirely denuded, while the exploration of new ground has added new ore bodies with much denote that it will continue productive when of the present generation have summoned. - It is the steady tonnage of lead ore from this source, indeed, added that arriving through the open. market, necessitated the addition blasts to the original there is mueh to indicate that as many more wi be installed before the close of the year In this class sys the company is. forwarding heayy tonnages of copper, gold silver-bearing sulphide with which the Sllicates of the Centennial-Bureka system at Tintic are blended, while cones throughout are all favorable to ear of unprecedented production feat that as well el Be as tier sources, Mitchell to as pune A of the the deal will not unlikely Fluctuations Wide Enough Suit the Most Sanguine Hopes. point Purchasers' Representative Now Way to Proverties. Tonnages they of of the Utah comproperties is at with a consign- GULCIL Hicavy to Creck, tion of which, with camp assnys as a criterion, probably exceeds $3.260, nor is it the best of which the ledge is eapable. According the nagement the condition of the property at this hour compares favorably with that of any period since its development was begun, and assurance of a string of dividends of which another of $1, wi passed around tomorrow. upon all of the levels is exposed a fine quality of ore, while at a depth of 800 feet the condition is a most gratifying one. GRAND A PHENOMENON vars terest Valuation Deep BEEN RADICAL CHANGES ON STOCK MARKET». ¢ ORB. Gross from Bingham's Pioneer Producer Continues to Report With the Goods. not complete Northern UT: AWS RRRic Porty do NOW . sensational London yesthat the principals will consent to the to be a very exploitation of "particulars when the Amalgamated | preliminary examination shall have count, Which {s sald to be in a large measure responsible for its present strength. Announcement of the settlement of the Montana Copper war was received with interest, and copper shares generally hardened in price. Parrot was a feature, advancing to 4314, later closing %. There was a slight decline at the close in response to reaction in New York, On the day Poileamated gained 1%, Anaconda 2, Calumet 15, Old Dominion 8, Parrot 1% and United Copper 2%. Bingham lost Close: Amalgamated, 117; Anaconda, 73%, Bingham, 48; Calumet, 720: Centennial, 27%; Copper 82%; Massachusetts Mining Osceola, 107 bid; smelter such IS | | Cole ie thae tonanees yet tonnages Et are : oyerin excess of those of any f the ore bodies it previous period is sald that they will compare favorably with any upon the zone, and = ° ' Large Amalgamated FROM OLD JORDAN Will Insist on Eight-Hour and Increase of Wages. ts in- Montana to-Tho@tas BIG LEAD OUTPUT. { gb Buying | HAS (iN Avie Conveyance of His Interests in MINERS FRAME THEIR DEMANDS Ground falls; due!. The claims were located | P95Sessions of the Carisa Mining comby Dan §. Karnsjand J. W. Sellers, both | P@NY 2re in progress at this hour and Thes and Mulls. TACs Mines and Prospects; Y ‘collect all over by Wright, of .- the We received Sydney, Ausowing money for the world: to him people we are now foreclosing a mortgage-on mining property in' Alaska» for a -¢€llent Africa A If we Merchants' Fifth "in Bulawayo, Protective Association SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS. OF Floor, Commercial Nat'l Bank Bidg, rancis G. Luke, Gen'! "SOME located you turn In vour bad debts will collect some money for PEOPLE DON'T re anges LIKE DEBTs. alt Lake Us." City, CE U es 25 254. |