Show r I II I State News NeW's j I IN IX MEETING HOUSE I Maze Blaze Cau Causes cs I Disturbance 1 nt lIs lon lon- I m iry tiry Farewell I Republican Special Provo Feb 13 While While a social was wa being given i at tho ho Fifth ward meet meet- In lug ng housa houss tonight for fOI Hiram Vance Vanc who leaves lea Wednesday for fot tile the Northern North North- ern eln States Mission lon it at Chicago o were detected issuing from flom lie Iho roo roof of oC the tho building The Tho fire department made nade a fast fasl run un and succeeded in ex- ex the lie names flames before dama damage e had been done although those at the social were given a n. scare SCale At the refreshments were ivero served se a was a rendered and a handsome purse was given t. t to o Mr Mi Vance IJ by his friends |