OCR Text |
Show Fay Me ae Sten wa The Iuter-HMo rN 0 VOLUME I. NUM BER 3. SALT | Clex rcland, O., Ireb. | Devereaux, a member *robably yy ca of =~ Because Washington, of id Idaho os in Ms Feb. neh yoreBS reas a P Tt expre on ssion was the the the j cases to | the and a duration change of all that races fh have s to He ie SPORES AU s ! 3 two to limited to be . mre are Se sc ‘ | races as as ‘Scet nvaleseed miVE fat 805 ar je lat é the liberty of his room ec ] ‘ . chp steak ~ ~ : ~ p J 2 2 =~ : ¥ ae Ke 4 jor , at that food 2: vole. behe Sen taken place, bill February 21. ator 7 expected oe inon weak the While the tenes pure | « Sadey ‘Li: = was = preLede : he opposition, confinement cea ; foows alt, Consider the of secretary Uorke do-demala te low's ne § Mr. ignation of oe Feb alae upon congress ee trom critic riticis Repub-| of part grant to Payne the upon Leadet refusal Floor A lican de finite ly nt, K Chicago g ARM. © eee Sete in schools the the. Th one. 4 reciprocity } reece have will that ce Me-), the ree Speed and others The Orme nization ures present is| list districts Mr. followed to adjourn motion A "etl ing < 1: > objection and rierslasting flnal Payne's of I date) taat. part ex | ‘tien a con troll Payne Mr. with unsuccessfully ored He his mind. to change him roll-call the and however, {to induce pat, siood Se ienas trusts Sani noe 13.-Mr: the famous . Feb Chicago, Bloomfield-Zeisler, while yesterday : attack porary und ch ts sufferlng at her her by declared improved her from loka idee wrapped ae : Fe planist, hom termhy a seat mental of quietly reating from awey wandered who roae 7 famil Ithough An 0 hone still' to bt un- wanher of account to glve any able remaining for reason a derings aon Mre long so home her5 race ci ym pee : » Vay in a/pertalks and acts today for Ze 2 Panic ical odav rational condition acts and manner Ig talk and apparentb} lered ane ae BO beente order has payShe sai quiet remain to sician ' and her ae t ph? I emia phyto deny rol ee The i 1 oe a ot on sae i he ee a ry Mehtea in ah ° blanket ; ' et ay and a tat +i carried y h. tp wee: ta me uch leg eae « ee Government to is the with select to are these to have preference la the the v: uation In making rest a tvade in year-| of furs worth Tat OF Indian: the from jor rom 2 ur nad > A this seu - to IS us 1 derived re: Mourn of Deaths twenty clause aid iB Rel- Four the States. tye hy cae lors neer: Stevens' reply. Pe H teae Teie " 16GT ea, 2 Fen. 22-0 © Spc thie:cond§tiom Tee, empliypeo present the that Bank a Issue : State s Discuss <boar a Ny none. almost final dis- | "OW the before issue Magoon Gov. France, the police question. affi- produced also ciphtion of : I Zo Feb. Washington, | 1 In-} Yakima.) ‘om devoted were 600 were ae Monte ina : and ; el . rf Ievent. di 13.-In of to take a larger hand in the fuCee in oaaee to ace have Hebb Anti- spite to as question the to not weuld States United answer In the whether MANY | in for z0V. dise that the Unitnow as many against and in the canal Magoon said he thought | ad States was exercising on Meuns of Ss in} reid, the shortage a doing just grumbling era deal|ynd great the} be-/| Se-)| refers § ) ies . Beer emsSOe- been oo ieties citles plies. of bloom GREAT Director --_-_-_--_ . , SOURCE Says North pal < itruction PI i se Pe W of ; construction of the consist These : La . ad by|)was aren prairie} reservoirs, Which Feb good a for . GRAPYT. OF Is In It sup-/ Municl-) case case "ase test v he the op- Metropolitan the he ‘violated code penal the the is cla Gulf ending . portion Siva back as ef seme & The In the extreme| situated county, nerthern Ms ¢ ae a secvarious. a giving in by pecially night the agita ita- an z against on goipg theatre Sabbath the of nearly raliroac ine ing association, complaint formal a made which to Police Comtheatres the against years many For Bingham missioner 1e has as been "nti vy bone2e of ° contention the great and managers theatrical the | between as to what con| the police department | stitutes ot line Sunday a is drawn where and concert between a concert performance. and a theatrical r 2 eens anemone There] - : SERVANT SUES FOR $17,000 at | representation source prolific most: immunity is the es- concerts, 13.. of mu-| its securest hiding place,| nicipal graft, Dakota. al s ~ ls ae . in see kinstrument effective most ‘oad II X- | its South oeler eiean from a of hearing of outcome s of oute been has that Sunday | the Bookkeeping. ashington Ja in} florists In other} upon drawn been have that Con- 13.-Heinrich the pending that charge the of tions certain! for of rendition of Verdi's requiem mass at last Sunday night. the opera house The arrest is merely formal, as the proceeding is in the nature of whole great] tion so is said it demand Feb. York. director was arrested this afternoon house, his of custody. the in paroled counsel, pres-| at of most is House that fact the White Indeed, them. | has New aeecnamiods Hors the wedding, rich harvest over h hundrlreds of orders iare pouringg for or - PRAIRIE. IN aia > {A do ae sa , ¢€ oO strenuous the over ant at gecorating are of whie h| ing done by Unele Sam's hired men, | were dances These or-/ 44 with material from Uncle Sam's! daylight. the] But gardens. and classes of dances, the | e-cenhouses men who sell flowers are reaping 4] others. ‘and many anyway Adopt t Novel or Bora at accounts probably £0} gambling, | of several] feastibg day.| every Killed and being monopoljzing sale prospect. florists The Warm : Supply. Wateb curing 18 -Owing D,p8eb. SfouxFalls.cS lone over™ of.iwater: arcity t} t ; SC we » rohbedat land of dbuth prairie ive Em of rights «i vond a ae i Dakot hare a3 anion Ap a ae ee : ay oA, will| and iat Oklamoha le ee the of ‘use were for up put prove the |to White,about Mr. comforta that‘thethey to bring }and well cared for. agreeme ai aa ae tae ase Doesn't Want 2 Annexation ' : | oWing chaos which ex- Mo., Harrisonville, estate : oO) Feb, ientatctib cae Tee Ey eae. or Aca 7 re A Al aye a4 tld A a ‘ p¢ nae to wurt only is yy THe N SCE ys a ta' family the and quarters on ole | Durned. euIlptOattts who visitors meeting the for worse }the Mrs, Zclsler's condition, about Lh apes was. out tives""in ia cat iii ep nae ER 3 build- jani-| the fire the Rawlins, Nam Rock | here. Feb. Teo Weeks 12:-Mrs. having Brauer on the River, After attending his _ fur William) ; railroad land, ut|senate , near | bill i and is committee, Senator when :LaFollette it had told..the he that today committee her) that stating message a _\recelved ee ca ie nal being hearing a full daugh-|on of her a sister and grandchild was any ee ee . attorneys Indjans' at Council died had experience. ' ter's husband exciting would given ‘the full insist to the |#°7¢, Was examined again committee ay the P tip tina |‘ anal affairs - to oe a mile. It} jsts in the classification of munici- | " of . 13.-The is being sued Wallace of J. W. ¢ y " P Beant nad by Matt in xc sum allace, a Oo ans mc ur ¥y negro. The this-afternoon/ to put a complete.-statement of the | fits on $2,000, provided he The negro other demands. Nba kating | relative sums which private corpora- |much disappointed when he edinin ee tions have paid and are monopoly and use and Fri- | the the xovernment oon. idredny different the in Shonts of the commission | Streets Chairman |day Jand,"* a recalled be lwill paying the of cities for public the of \, J . ~ © I of the efforts toStates delegate, United }a final | " i eeeOk avin Hagen an Chit ni Dns A c ATTRACTS Idaho, racing steers are | Brown question nh land $50,000,000 today : oo yeal ten in value Choctaw The of S sO SQUAWS. é 3 of mn Couble about | United ' . sae . sks OLIV from officials. of meeting heavy | today's ye an winter of snows the iwarted, "TU wb - : oo thes f vy . * . aera to conference in called cities, these Stor- | many One'o summer. of rains the} of me Tet a Clark, Bequest With Dissatisfied classification | Negro uniform a. upon agree recently completed was resenvolrs aluation | age the when snid. Master. Old North | Director accounts. of municipal & St. Paul) Milwaukee Chicago, é nt- | by the ; to him, that appar | clear sald Cepartment census the in}op line its near company thwarted, | Railroad been had fraud Says e senator committec worth - 4 ~ ; itels Croweed RESERVOIR ap- the cause to be ; bank be| state the | position of vacation. thelr atte sndance ame nd- "Railroads effect the and years, Would coop- .will of which pupils -_---_-_ third, in op - the land practically praisement of twenty LEC vear of value the ago. Years f¥ dae i . Poe " Fee was made big a lv , 7 BEREAVEMENT WOMAN'S . Called enu T ~ ee for this brought WEDDING estimated days: The appraised | at the to purchase value exposures te U ncommonly Success:| | Washington Oregon Pow Wow. the evening the value: of the Jeased lands to be|1n de termined by appraisers, one to be | !#sted often wy appointed by the secretary of the in- | S18 }n luded all skull fies of the | big by the majority terior, one the | portunity th 107 000}. the that land this secure ee { a arttw 4 ut l dropr who janito ofdropper pil fy on-a_ of {into In |! aE tila, Springs the | borse Under to be sold, | large least under are now por- | acres the lands are Gov- | amendments has been doing a to large) thls company set-| in freighting > supplies business of s the Deminportions in far-off lers to Math ; Ret hurr ir od r eton thst iy JUIN I ! Selkirk passed |¢T@! miliien dollars' , otbanne Eh ae the a nd 50.000 whieh of lands, of oon) is It |dians five civil- affairs of the of the of | position | dls- final te extra hours of leisure afim em by the application of the fordec law, and he did not believe they were a receive the benefits of the Be pat our law. K ae avi) believed that hades ‘9 27Y labor outside the limite of t) for $7,288 filed a claim nerre a distance the | for of lessee present the from near ly half a] pal accounts and the absence of uni- for services and a suit for $10,000 adin width beneficiary | varies the be would esthe against compensation ditional bookkeeping." Fae athe in municipal is situat the point where a dam mile fair bids now which bill, the under Jeft| just has Idaho, black | Ryauer of Council, In dense tate alleging also great disappointme nt floor fourth waste is | 1¢ nor In i re graft neither said He strip of watel narrow very a to ated | railway The committee in die fu-}to the attending after home her the for of smallness. soundedethe of the result wlarniiwos, the the of|as |‘ oe win' standardization a under possible was) Work extremity. re further its the | 2 for lobbying eo 208 been have . attorneysoe She| left him by J. W,r Walchildren. bequestzs Vie ai se aerah a a proper here of two of her and 1@ | neral ( bookkeeping f ¥ - Lave i ae ospitz fall.| |municipal aaa last reservolr on-.the of 7 | commenced s w- | 1 altorneys the but e weeks, for Ses Dil grandehila a children, two Jost has i. a3 ery zt spi : ; a a hablete ation of municipal accounts eee i ‘ , er olness ) ) --_-_$_$___- a given been net have Indians the weeks) two in relative anether and i a ae hs one dange1 te jane employed An Pee Mii Wellace "Matt would be | the It impending an object ‘lesson Whatconsideration allace all his life Ww Before Committee . of J Macon home before appeared of ‘the the y week, When last the in to Ra ™Mvlins| hearing. was.summoned Shodeath are we, (time. fire F 1 to the ital they suided 5 ithe ippatients commitee the daughter, her of the by His 1pes hand g¢ Niels and f tl 7 ey servant if it}/as gr 2 licipal-ownership [ ofof municiy estion FE. Charles 12.-Judge Feb, Washington, 00 question & tor tl Wey that wevere told re-| she could before and Mead, H. |W. 48and 1OsSpita pro0 and rear the the interest at left hiv officers |i master census the for possible were canal! Panama of the a a late, governor Magoon. the before appeared have should they Wil-| h of heard |turn of the ie work in firemen the sist ; 2 i made no ri es herself to all visitors, even Doan doe reset The selle a, from Great express! friends. intimate tor. Lede been has welfare cr Inany busy quire preparing was nurse, head one-tenth mc ees) the their condi- to improve nothing They work. begin to come to o'clock it week last the within but and sit of seven early in the morning waiting for the notin Me-|SOMe if down : would Janrere the that met He Benefits. No Receive Laborers waagam sor, replied not, do 2 sumwere Beate Senator asked work? "* " ee are likely to fare |°?P°* co Johnny Beaver, a sub-chief of the| modations ahead SRE yakimas, said regarding the festivi- | rather poorly. ARREST, UNDER CONREID A number of the parties from New | } ties | : sa hi: > yor Hi yu moose! time. "Hi yu skookum --- Chiand Boston Philadelphia, York, "or Hi . ° Si fa eS 7 invitations i: received itathe have received who have cago¥ v wedding i for Violating Ten-asonte. Answer yu 3 to Held (cow), ' moose Director large engaged have the Heap|to (races). Hi yu coley firewater. Law. Sunday whole this and hotels, the at suites | biz time raiser rid that provides ment pres-| value any increased consider ne NE the | shall ur-Led a Re Tne ny n a be ' + improvements : by Caused land tne Government.|on presented -pHeultion cs is Tare tothe TF ' by thereon placed deve. lopm<¢ nts lord of |} and. company Bay mn Hud Vhe lessees a | said over supreme reigns and north |‘ developed| been. have. lands These 3eyit get which. from territory ast It out and,| When the ery of fire rangith-‘sinal the smoke dW ) filledGreene 3suddenly. or nose ae Titked RETR tthe room Give crings I = Wand of the Lord of the to a sud-|)#nds afternoon. this: into looked Hos=.|\estate..o! instruments the to Unable Pianist ‘ count street, Spruce ithic another oar the for provides bill and and ow- | lessees, lessees wi is] 104 | the land, title acres of the that 75,000,000 some fact |!" x to the of , the | PPopeMy in' not had lands.cs leas es of these What the Bill Provides the The ernment at good prices in | At the confederation of Canada pur- | 1870 the Dominfon Government chased from the Hudson Bay company | in the') to which for »hysician, ae dle well-be- or PrORT age ite the Morgan, Me- Mr. ae Lett ell ; you: thik the elght-hour limion any class of labor there is " Do tation Pearse Neos at- bee n it advisa- the fact that the guests at the Roose- | powers as would' ever be necessary, a revolution. be should there number | unless will wedding velt-Longworth not was Panama that declared ye hotels wi} 1,000, all the principal brought! only been have here pron miles | thinking of, or desiring, Se end of the week by a eer bm Ceae ae ee pete ne wa ae Nelhas askec ‘The committee are coming | who visitors, of town ne 7 homes, | out oan ai Z ‘3 ae ail iy ap wor of er the general Cromwell, Of | son purpose the for Washington to cees attBeet it eo a } ‘ 3 aa a a agent fiscal and railroad, Panama the | of their favor-| | either witnessing the event or gazing the sat long . indulgence : {v republic, and J. R Re the a out-j of the Panama from House the i White for e gambling J |lte passion ey jat les EA ; the feed to contract whose yarkel, | sign only" room "standing The side. It is} tek ee ssful. more were : Others "s | can il j wi}) t returned} Indian Umatilla one tated to abrogated, was employes ee rhe ; aie fr the ge Rte at hi all wo squaws, vith five new they will when week next days run Of | name ane the one ne at) class n. SUL eee seth a ta accomno engaged have who guests k . Caras recom- : ClD- a aR \ was fh is better, than la sHorers x ; ' i : iis pee time during the Jast twen Algeciras. at to _.plaborers are accustomed The ; 3 2 > : ; consuls with 4 reportedto isFrance 13.-It Feb. Algeciras, every kind to thei peal from delegates the that While there were many oF complaint. here yielded conference the Moroccan are there first, at complaints the | Such to discuss consenting by point & pre-| regularly ae Diet Ta Ore Arlingetc imoe aa en oe 2 pL errean ‘R pee teee tr , hich ey ah : 3. 1 fi at as in. which the Rock Creek) . : a few) indulging been Indians have questions the on be will department insurance 7. oy : : naan a be- | acres is rapidly and Assiniboja Neer ful at the ‘‘nigger." to light it Choctaw ‘he tribe Ss. tzed W ile d to them b y Lord | about have tribes is in the | Chickasaw 'andThis Was 1s and already valuable, coming very the soid by been tions of it have ery. ' A. an Home Southern 724 Cr. operation an of their | district Blake- | Blizabeth Mr patient, The -une ‘table .on.-the tretched wa ly, MatDr. while ether, from conscious putting was surgeon, a woman WrightV. M. Miss and tpron ta ae ZEISLER IS BEL rEK. So ean ere Iaumous No. man, -_-<-<$<$-<-- aa MRS. on is thews, on he thelr) at' yun , . 7 Peb..:13 9 Iphly ia," termination | den Elkins, there AN OPERATION ate ---Bravery Display Nurses ie Bish-or'] brought pital, Senator that unless if for political acres 7.655.425 Government brought which asked LaFollette Senator today passage for mended fam . to Cons Consents will, of course, NE SFIVE r FIN EK NEW WINS i rs Tdi: the Choctribes for produce will » and ae at terms: ithe under indians, $105,000,000. they are leased, been have would bill The : pes nad petitl have ts ky a Under to dls- Seas the Indian tribes. upon it is proposed pending ¢ : ae : . at $2.estimated sum, nominal Some $2,000,000 or 000.000 6 ; tie ‘ are These iands worth at least really ee al pe oo dd BieRativedine aden neat a "Mab. 3 Man eH scendatr in questions quiet few La-| Senator 13 ‘ eres market Was lives, good living vere date a later produets. la farm of exhibit an | make | 1 = e laid themselves. 167 women It is believed that the royce ils that | From in adopt-| Miss Farmer's chief purpose of photographs the committee before to relative negotiated being now ing this sort of training for the schol-| are ac- | the interior and exterlor of the houses, will SEA | the policing of Morocco Is to give schools country ars of the been have hotels which and barracks the pupils some definite and beneficial | ceptable to both France and Germany, a Feb. aoe ae is there, eso Le ed ee ministers of the davits from several ; insis : : : i § P country. ) whovlio willl in heter upon insist still will | however, plant the spring fhammeurtie plannedduring the counts |right to police Morocco and will pre- | gospel on the isthmus, declaring that women on the zone we; Martinique the scholars} sent this matter before the conference fall to have next fair affidavits and Attempt cliberate Defraud. to bn© raisinis, FR poultry seeds, government lof the among distributed Wave! to ae Pe at that time it is claimrepresenting the In-| ieee WS neys ai to} Be ae » Ov arias will be produced in the iow that relatives of menre high interested Aneestor a . to Willed thelr find STOPS Women's Possessions : ; Said Deliberate Tomorrow an hear 5 ge 7,000,000 ACRES ag in Assiniboia Were é FOR ASK land whi aec-}| is it In of | Selkirk death awakening reciprecity Tse Ma z *hilade Philad two}-"fire' the al operators ; a Hospital Davis of West VirSenator former and soft coal the control absolutely | inia.‘ th that and Virginia, West of output independent ia TD OMOELA part of charges irness unfairne and Senatoi Maryland, of Gorman ; declares petition The erlous nd makes : bines ae a oY FIRE to 64 106 for adjournment showed against, and the house accordingly adjourned tl all. caused which petition ‘The ~ trouble sor pie head | the the put under be been ! safekeeping pe _ aoe west- has which statistics, s the sri a U oF a eo. Republicans the labmany. while minutes away at {hirty-five to fretted 3 covers Uncove there development t In reference ee e i co py the Armstrong made by Poultne ge tributed largely GT esutteleiresan h the Si ~ | go tar ' sewing and other gardening, cooking, rsa,-| ) w of which the to work. That and a wonderful : E. G. Dr. specialist, 5 and others, York New pone liver, perfected | towing the -_---. Follette Senator has h {i rid revolutions. disappeared, now was not done ening in ; ne UG the har pursuits, more said He i of people engaged of fear the AT is said an acute and incurable disease | "i4 oa WORK. ba : ees has Se J. secured Miss Farmer. | eration United| Gamble, Robert of Dakota,| South from senator | States tori to her a jatee sent will have | who COMMITTEE IN pose of the coal lands of Indian atlitaw and Chickasaw p ares te for Reno El to taken ; Win nips oi been have Hint adyocates | «Micers reciprocity might obtained for and secured; and demande d. a | . middle the of many information the that oPoOlecell KK tellers by again and ried empir« s a that Te TT will it best the at. that from ".m "mbers Demoz | G22! was combatted..by.%the: On o rleing vote lit .waa~car~ | CLOPH a by s the " Hie ote i and "Vital Statistics.' Gathers It is heard in Washington that the has been | Claim league Tariff Reciprocal , political statistics fro gathering ‘tn rom, r4 quest his or cae Raa granted. Combat Adjournment. 5 trade win all) to reques object hereafter is iti ary will sc it retaliation, in Gillespie, Mr. believed, : 1# in addition be school scribed " : RED UNCOV with started Frisco of town The rate J a We gener the When [slunc Rock the but promises, gteat it} below cent per 25 of a duty that ole} the of committee the hausted, Rero} El through built was fa-|Jiallroad from coming goods upon put sked | be Mr. and arose, town the ane Frisco of instead | at that asserted is t nations vored of the consent the deade: and duller grew thenceforth will put us in no more this worst the "It's Payne. Mr. I object," shouted 3.) oMfcially it was declared regard ; to |) Until recently with eondition unfavorable I've objected third time the wer remnants its defunct-and at}l0O.=e be are we than: trade German : s the to filibuster began Democrats The and en ] { today affai committ ce on Indian ads | the ere half ayear during ' oceupation ANndlan artai's BarPee ee 25 1 Ys} Le brought to light what appears to be} f.} cle | one of the most gigantic steals ever wank '\ rom. a onvenvo: are Republican the cisted |un one. with which, Oli: thoma, a gt } has 189 » to |} be ron ‘tervitors politics of: the bili puts a tariff of 25 per cent "woods upon rate Dinel the dis erimin: sta which nations United 1 State: reciele The Sta ‘the eary so e record, to remarks 1is exten Repre-|-above petition the include ‘to as -re-(‘from The objected Payne sentative Ra- |) against the WasCa renewed, quest ae 110 tar andeat!again pMRT ST EEa eee M. county, not = The malady from which Mr. Call first suffered was congestion an innoyation in the work) -her'| under schools aad eis interesting the teach- branches-all . ows NOW Morgan, as : Dileore Guthvie. | Planned of Walker Billie mSaeararo ge the bill Ifor Attorney Distek t Stats U nit £ effect no to anger: Germany ite 1 taliatory clause |}save ; i He to minute rmi ion recognized for one ae a ne 8, ae aa that St Cassius sher: ing Kingfisher; ofor J Judge Joh rete Gover oye McCleary Mire and || Myr, ; % , represcnt- legislature, j third Ok lahoma county jing Canadian Brule senate nes revolutions are al Oot Foner corn a year were easily to be raised, and in Sane be possible tions three would vite ES twroughout the county and their dois Which Dow tepprile his te. oe as'| 4 of Plans for sthe. 3) Oh ; ; Mie : e ae Ane ail Reno Isl fiom. "Guthrie distance of the mos : in | Hey To ane eee ‘ mnferences politica } portant were hyh c me the re.; days were ory's ‘carly Gays au ly pLes ‘ritor = by founded was et Phe ean in ihe later Ss 2 who unnon. | third, Tarltt we rr ' this ‘all's moned. and Cookery to Be Taught Rural Schools. Parning the the vocations. already er rest- of the kidneys has developed, with the hav result that the physicians oe tind hope. pense to which The constant worriment » s o Facult Of. hie madtdnwen wativoment trom | eb, 13,-Miss Sloux Falls, 5. D., | Myrtle B. Farmer, superintendent of | the head of the New York Life, fol- | , driving easy oniin t territo! ¥ man Py ON eae thought ae ane ‘ :Hines. 1. were of was stricken has who physician, Lakewood SCHOOL PRACTICAL | In Se pu n iber, 1889, Mir Cannone biil McCleary. the McCleary fighting biil, |SUe d fightin neg anche Ya: seer ane iis Bi BAY object its. has e for which of} for its ) all We pub slicans from various an uts Germany against that effect mentswillto bethe pressed on| | bill general Be debate the approp during to a bill tion the ch ifortifications it was these statements that Reprea ritative Gilles fic, authar!] of ne reannon that Bite from | the ones powerful in stirred commission, commerce interstate he ‘ ott ania | ac a Pent the the evidence against as case, | bill Fuel' Rock. Red: In the railroad mem-to | told alar ut last, 30 December was he since ever times, the : a / z s i c 5 os they if that tale Vl assembl to. territory discrimination | tte taritt of and | program railroad the territor) i parts to found Senator | Ste: Stat« United the trusts, | seainst coal that | utended who those Among + Yona tes fh all-powerful Aldrich, to-| filibuster Washington, premi- | still are who and conferenc € in Cannon Speaker in- |} and continue a by circles, | Polette. Republican Ome inst , enc statewith credited are house, the the Pennsylvania ugainst ; soft and anthracite the Demox ratic ona brought to fair bids which day tohavehim been and con ene een he was our tonight late cee : Fr Frag -Supl. pt. his exam- by sane had have | fear church atholic fea rites last The three. ee lost regained what he had was so crit Arc haike his condition the ical that Dr. Charles L. Lindley, | WASTE. WATER BUT TAGE, yee J 13.-In why > Simmons 5 ee 13.-Physi- Feb. red his family ofpanier to consult ye # the Janeway, SHO WATER NOT | ° ratte * ienary Bill cReéiprocals Met Pizht ofthe Mémbers. Representative printto have are from the * || Jeague ed in the record a . petition are league measure of| League Trade.y Bitumin: jus Coal relic | retaliation for GD atyl tee Pennsylvania was Bee = ob. ee een TO indirectly, but} of Allison, Senator with talked also senate steerines of the | foe? ‘chairman itervie w the from and }committeso, i ath a sympathy, derived Re also combined Ine derived of acthe promise with it is believed, tion be- it upon taken be will Wote tomorrow adfournment. we : Vilibuster. Democrats 2% rut ; - J.. Feb. symptoms did not ane SInHE More eight fhotss ai atte ce ae for the canal as He had a bad attack on Thurs- | ¢ BAL hows: # "day day. ee hours under the hot sun in day last, but on Sunday had _ partly ay has $:-Notice:' fe The house. i eae | the House at to consent unanimous Texas) (Dem. eanere if not wall Sayinnpathy, tne derended' | es Panama at N. Se on J The chaibpap of | dian county was concluded this' week able seamen had been removed dur- | CUSstoms legislation. ; e th Ae iw ee int nt o ai ¥ le We cpied, ) the executive committee ine the night at Liverpool... eat ; H. Sanders, of Chleag the. inefficient x26shame Isa xD tral.[benind stood oh tna Pieectaeien Yaoi joc. safety the foi provide autinnane! ; ae meer iL the: seamen: themielvesyand not' the % Se " . a" ay Lhe: ay 1 Ufimes |" "A lated-vertn the Pi wbli Wavelin ‘i theypirth: ah of it Chie jhe found | ter, seaneear: Str, ea -aaMiiney an dM. Gallinger and, eecdsone has AL fore -_ Mr. y agricultural Best. Days Ing more corn fortably than was the case during the greater ps ee Oa OE ts c day. es J McC Mr. Mr. McCall has been a very ill man, at AS Oe Le Se eo masa La H.) by Few But Live Can Ree a At . Ut Gh aR ee trouble yada emia ne2vold riie oaiatinndise = fan rat y ae eee e rite | ae lec of able-bodied theseamen on a a aine number Cie way, of a tari "If there had ‘been a decent:| DUST something, in shipsy |Crops Will Grow Where Brisk Okla-| : the | reform at the present session. ablecbodied."men*on. numberof | homia Village Stood. a tcana it AAR teeny ue "there would! r sete declared, ne eee: GOR UCT He eae ; em oa Ser any, fewer lives lost. it been ave 13.-Thé~ ueFeb. -Okla.,. Guthrie, and make war upon the { political Di He said he came renin mee he eth: Reno of what little Wills, | mov alof totheEL town they in case Republicans pat'? ,'@nd upon. at| | insist) discovered time. a"He strike his wife Beg hat! one throuch® all" the "pre venting any form of|left of Frisco in, Canos CN. oavers de | | |} Encourage- forcibly, less ‘ths BoE. meas< the that declared Spooner "8 Washington. *e rauniel Wa 1 Ba Mr . this afternoon investigatin ec ie cndetresmecns York] stascn zone, was asked of the canal Magoon cpeks New President < possibly days, , | een Allisor ~ q 5 DEATH : In ment coljand: Mr. Glay (Ga.);\opposed.cer- | P&e2 Served, members of tain provisions of the su! nally bill Mr. ad: ee her 2 3 a oe 23 ee ° WARNING, and Sympathy Both cis BaP ee (¢ 010% Teller Mr, (lowa), f . h. ea Sa | disore- the navy yas mre eee, tote = | vo ; of tion: v Clvillza $7,000 ' a himself, question that clans who are in attendance on John | because it had aggravated him to see A. McCall, former Insurance presidentcompany, of the | and wide had plainsbeenof rich ated, told soil uncultivated Lifé York New told that it was beeen | tonight said that he might live two} an felthe e deems prejudicial presence Cle q ‘ a continued . es up the naval acad- | Representotives Said to Have Obtuined | | . . . will vest in which early date to call emy hazing bill, the TIMELY the Mr. | at was he that announced Hale oy / Vi.» | GIVES NEARS Lakewood, FERRY . Subsidy. bill occupied, senate after subsidy of the ship time The entire Ship a Toward Better Strides Rapid ¥ Tells 4Zone , of Canal Governor Ma= of CONDITIONS ON . taken owner a : Washington, Tariff, | . : MAGOON . an Reciprocal : Politics Enters League i ; : With Determination. j Pursuits. ; mare Peace- for ' Time ful f ed eee eee } --_--. American the ~‘w as the attorneys, McCALL || sen- | j Gives 1904, and won Ww rhich cup , gold we Eo | lt. ait (was par neces not : jection was The request was unanimously | raised. his seat in Ialfontures back sank GDUE He to. agreed TT a ACTH RTE TLIA EID bare i ap fight against 18 eee Life | ; Delmar, Pr Delmar giving a eserancal bond for in eeaeaeV eal seas cre Ss, ws | { voak ; vd Hanae Re Hiss) in: byvt aie he once ination Ate Nii- brought ey A ; % | T ON ereiet er Smathers' y . > || denied ated a to ; --- Trotting association, that to the alleged ae a party Former5 ofsenathis | the toadvice ye: ay, upip his forces . his 10d voun nded He yesterday, od tha dks feed bill, which he chamwas session, last hordlybut able eEhie ee The wili | e heat: f TURE . the from Mr, Smathers' apartments last sheriff's by the Cee week cn ace, aay office vapid Gf that ( JU of review. atthe Necanel charge Howof fe;;theformerly : cole oi | more-againstwentthe aE physicians-and pioned ae in to. five provision further a with had | lheats, had a not go be. shall two-year-old ‘races while three-year-old appendici-| sone of ap] attack heats, three ae ‘ati . 5iiltrone *been several for scandal than could courts, I. I. Smath be ne "O- briin about of the tun SLemph emathers exare | meeting thethat CENTS a6 sounutale Air drugging of C. K. Smathers G. Billings'raced trotter, his Dillon, when Lou it | meet-} that at Sheriff Returr New York Feb. 13 os a more speedy hearing ray af- that. coming. ie and gation are sich mittee distance, first | limit senator the as In of opinion at through « $7,000 Se ays . the board | or'| sine members in eases a PRICE FIVE rrotting association, which ifs in Cr j States inthis city. to' make an inves |CGeUpancy by United sion | change the | by recommended Ww . one requiring starter| licensed a of employment the austhe under held meeting any at pices of the American or National | of a shortening associations; Trotting Heyburn ianecd pleased bogey: weeks, .more reme rules j and | rules 13.-Mr. unt any allowing ye supreme In changes |pected 1er to go through , Coal a f= mpo consensus go will : of has : Petition. Men's W Probably Snow. ' .13.-Marry K.:| of the rules} mos five or be. it it is the a Print to Nefpsal Weather Today his is} ecting that particular ci ‘cutit the "herd for, wilch the grand oleate | | and years for severs lng. 4 s beei GRIEVANCE HAS ee nthae "mile a Villbuster Leads the ths one [seul jtracks [rulings ES ‘spie Gillespie 1906. bhy-~To hiles governingtrotting races" 21: eee DEMOCRAT 14. ce would oobe .a aot ide in teethe | oe aieeae changes * Voting to on Pure Food Bil ; - FEBRUARY | committee, aid tonight that ata meet-| ing of the American National Trotting| Objection Raised No » Alterations. able _-- 9 Prob- | of Some Tells Devereaux os AGT 70 ENATE CITY { RULES: RACING NEW cot LAKE ae 7 r 1D ; a) ¢ ? ™ N z was heard for recompense the only |this was he consulted services and eae filed the sult rrneys, who yery that his at- in = |