Show MAl MA YOUNG GOES TO NE YORK Little Hill I Doubt Smoot Will VilI Helain He- He taut lain Seal Scat Washington D D. D C. C Feb 13 Re R Re Republican publican Special MaJ MaJ Richard W. W Young who ho has hns been In Washington Several days on business busine s. s today left heft for New ew York and from rom there wilt will go o to Utah In discussing tho time Smoot case with the representatives of or time the Republican Republican lI lican lII today loday h ho he stated Dialed that while ho lie had not made an aim any tIle special lal Inquiries with reference to It H it all nil those with whom he lie hull hud talked at the tho capitol capital appeared to entertain the Iho belief that there was no doubt that thal Smoot would retain his seat scat anti and that it H was simply a question of bringing the tho question to lo loa toa toa a vote vole In the Iho Senate |