Show PICTURES OX ON EXHIBITION Collection Loaned ti to U. U of or U. U Open to tt toI I 1 Inspection lou Tho The art ait collection loaned to the tho University Uni b by the Utah Art Institute wa WW opened to the lie students yesterday Th Tb collection Is made up UI of or prize picture of or Utah artists Among tho the collection Ito iro O The rue l Idlers by Edwin I Evans Ians ans which was Va awarded l tho the first fIst prize atthe at tho the 1905 State artists' artists exhibit Tag rag gar garts gart's I's Is Tho Tite Harvest an and 1 At Prayer Prayer Pray er Mary Teas ol Grandmother ind md Mother l and Child Alumni Alma Wrights Wright's portrait of or Miss Richards J 3 J. J r. r Harwoods Harwood's Tho Th Salt Crested d Rocks Hocks anti and Priscilla Lee Green Ric Richards Richard's hards hard's Fisher Fishier Boy M ii tI Youngs Young's Ol Old Paris and amI water colors by 53 J H. H L. L A. A Culmer an and 1 Wesley Wesley- Browning Tire The pictures have havo until recently been on display at the tho Commercial Commercial Com Corn mercial club but bul were loaned to lo th the thc I U University h at fit th the request t Irs Stev Stevens tc teens te ens a member of or the lie board of or contro control control con con- tro of or tho the Art Institute The exhibit is open bf t U t Utho tho the public as well as to students |