Show WINS Fl FIVE rg YE NEW SQUA SQUAWS 5 Indian Uncommonly Successful Success s- s ful mI at nt Oregon v Po Wo v. 11 oAr o Ar Arlington ington Ore Feb 13 The The Immense immense immense im Im- im- im mense wow pow and series erles of oC dances and feasts in which the he Rock Creek In Indians have been Indulging a few miles from here have been brought to an end and the Indians have dis Ills banded handed Many fany left for their homes hundreds of miles away penniless after aft aft- er or the long In indulgence of or their favorite favorIto favor or Ito ite passion for gambling Others were welo more successful It Is stated one Indian returned with five new squaws all won at cards chief sub of oC th the Johnny Johnn Beaver a said Id regarding tho the festivIties festivities ties HI yn u skookum time HI HIu yu moose moose cow III yu U onte onto Ten as i firewater III Ill yu U cole races Heap i ibiE time I big biE It Is estimated there were GOO In Indians Indians In- In In attendance from flom Yakima Idaho Montana 1 and Warm Springs I The days das were wet devoted dc to gambling horse racing rae and amid several se large larbe steers being killed Jellied every day a In the thc evening wore dances which lasted Jasted often until daylight ht These orgies orgies or or- gies Ies included all eludes ell of oC the big skull dances and amI man many others |