Show WOMANS O S I. I I Called to Mourn Deaths leathis of ur Four I lel- lel cl- cl lives thes in ill 1 o i eeLs Feb Fel 13 1 Mrs William of oC Council Idaho has just left for Cor her homo after arLer attending the fu funeral funeral fu- fu nert 1 here of or two of or her children She hat lost two children a grandchild a anti and another relative In two weeks week time time- She Sho was wats summoned to by tho Ito death leath of her hr daughter Mrs l W. W II H. Mend Mead and before she could re return vu- vu turn heard of ot her sons son's death William ViI Wil liam Ham Brauer having been heen killed atRock ut at Rock Hoel River on tho the Union Pacific neat near her here After attending attending- his hiM funeral she Nhe received a message stating slating that her r grandchild and a sister of her daugh- daugh ors tora husband had died at Council |