Show AND SELLERS MEET Butchers and Grocers Entertain Entertain Entertain Enter Enter- tain M. M t M. M Directors and Union Labor Leaders THREE UNITED IN BOOSTING i Neu ew Acquaintances are arc Made In Creed of operation Co-operation Adopted and J Parcels nr lo Post lost t Bill Hm Denounced Retail Butchers and Grocers entertained enter ale the directors of or the Merchants and Manufacturers' Manufacturers association and the of ot the Utah Federation o of Labor at the tho hall of or the Retail Butchers and anti Grocers' Grocers association last nl night ht and hosts and guests g came to the un unanimous conclusion that pro- pro protection protection by and o of ot f each other and a determination to boost in all uIl directions directions except that of tho the proposed parcels post IJ bill III were the signposts signposts signposts sign sign- posts on tho time royal rOll road to prosperity prosper prosper- ity tty F. F o II Weight of oC the tho Retail Butch Butch- and Grocers started the ball hall rolling roilIng rollIng roll roll- Ing with an address of or welcome to tho visitors 1 Orson Orison Hewlett president of the Merchants Manufacturers U association ocla- ocla tion spoke on en tho necessity lt of co- co h tho time lIu business life Ufa of Utah lIe Ho explained the l sl of or the associations association's l label and assured his hearers that the time lab label l would bo lIo seen een on nn of th the tho highest grade only J. J N. N Spalding vice president of tho the Utah Federation of or Labor emphasized the thc needs of organization and cooperation co oper atlon from a manufacturing as well weB as ns a labor standpoint Rates Kates J Against aln t. t Him Bleu R. R Kl g Sillier Uller secretary and manager of oC the mountain Inter-mountain Milling l company com coin pany blamed tho time freight rates ratos out of or Salt SaIl Lake City for Cor some of ot tho the elLy city's lack of development along manufacturing manufacturing turing i lines Hues He lIe had tried 1 hu ho said to mill mm flour in Salt 1 Lake Jako and ship it out of oC tho the stale slate but the thc rates were so HO adjusted that outside o millers could afford to strap fillip the grain ln out and mill It in ht n the tho East Bast while the rate rato from Crom Sall Salt La Lake on nn hole flour wax prohibitive Ho lie congratulated the tho Merchants Manufactures Manufacturer a association on Orvin Ol Morris as an adjuster of or such anomalies a. a as tills thIll laid Iud predict that Mr Morris would make mako Salt Lake Lakemore Lakemore lakemore more of or a n. manufacturing center D D. Y I. I Ellen ton said that oven as the lawyers lawyer had hal to organize with organize with time the judges as walking no so had all trades and o crafts rafts While there Isono is isone isone one ono shoe hoc factory running now In Salt Lake JAke with two defunct If IC the shoemakers shoemakers shoe shoe- makers had been organized making possible the ue use of or a slogan such as Buy nur Utah slices shoes ho said the three fact factorIes or JOB would be running now and Utah would have another industry Attack s Post C. C 0 O. O Harris local manager mann l r of or Ih th Independent Telephone 10 If I om any talked about his lIu business anil mu 1111 gave pra mc the press pros a boost for tor U iL bob bo The rho only thing he did ditl not boo was the thc proposed new parcel po pe bill hilI He had hall read an article In n Ca far farce 01 r o of the measure in a mr azine adne he said mid and it had ma made mailo o 13 11 m feel mad Ho lie challenged an any bm H In the hall to show how him where Jit jt t would do dothe dothe dothe the western merchant anything more than harm If 1 passed No Noone oue took tool up the gage g-ase i of or ofa ofa He told the Merchants Merchants' directors a n. little trip he took to toft American Forks s as a result of or business business business busi busi- ness man of or that place v is wearing a Busy all aU the Time in n Utah button but but- ton 5 I Outer Other speakers ers agreed that unionism unionIsm unionism union union- ism operation co-operation and pro prediction clIon were the means moans to more and bigger big big- bigger ger gel payrolls and thC they were a unit in denouncing the po postal tal The hosts provided pro their theil guests with vocal ocal and selections selections s-elec- s lions which were round roundly applauded Care was taken talen that no on be lIc without the means to up Tho The merchants and manufactures m had brought n a number of or thief heir badges cs et each consisting of or the well known button hutton and a a. number of Association labels which certify that the man or article bearing hearing them Is all a l right |