Show Goon SPRINGS PLANT PLANTIS IS NOW NOY ASSURED Contract for fOI Construction of ofIs Is Its Furnaces Awarded Joe Dederichs INFLUENCE ON THE CAMP Supply of Lead head and mul Copper Ores With il Which lih to Meet of Smeller Judge John E. E Street who vho has hns been Inquiring Into developments on tho lie properties of or time the Mt H. H Alcott Copper company of oC which he lie with wih other residents res res- of oC this city Is tho lie founder came caine In from rom his liEs er camp at Good Goo Springs s Nev e yesterday morning not a a little exultant o cr con conditions there lucre The Tho smelter r nt at which th the producers areto aro are 10 to timid find nd a a home market fur for their riches is assured said sid he tho tue plant to go 0 UP under the direction of or Joh Josoph Jo- Jo soph h Dederichs of this his city cly to whom the contract has ha Just been award awarded eel This has done cone much to stimulate development de do- and amid many new claims aro un under er development dc Of or the properties of ot the tho Alcott cott corn corn- Many any JuuSo Street says they are aro re responding 10 ro- ro In a n manner that hat affords much assurance of or most profitable re- re suIts sulta For more than a tulle mile mie tho ho ledge varying from five L to thirty five ve feet in width has been opened up while more than luau tons of ore oro that sold soldon soldon solI on controls showing better than han 30 0 per imer Iel cent has been sent ent to tho the smelters of or this vale valley The president of oC the company which acquired Us Its Is holdings holding of oC James Kennely the well known known wel-known prospector Is 0 O. K Lewis LevIs while Herman Herman Her Her- man Greene assistant general manager manager man man- ager ascI of oC the BIngham Con Comm is ser ln serving It I as secretary and treasurer The Time outlook for tor or it i Is ts a most assuring one Other Mines Mimics in iii Good Gooc Shape At the Columbia Copper company's property the lie developments ele have havo now reached a cc depth th of or feet reet with a abig abig abig big body of or copper bearing ore In which occurs not a little te hl high grade h expose exposed while the lie management of the tho Chiquita controlled by hy Jacob Joseph JoEeph Harry Harr Joseph and others of this city Is 01 ci preparing to begin besin be be- sin gui the marketing of or first class lead leadore leadore ore running well wel u ui In with contents wih some seine gold The PotosI Is to be bo one of or the principal principal prin prin- cipal contributors to tho the new smelter while already aheady the plant has hM assurances of a steady supply of ore for Us Its Is lead ead as ns well wel as a copper furnaces furnaces Interest In lii th the he locality said Judge Street Is Increasing hourly and amid the time camp should be made one of oC the he most productive e In Nevada In iii a n short shot time There Is also much development te In progress at Searchlight ht with man ninny many sparring paring for an op opening over there and that its s output ut Is to show shuw a material ma nut- mt- mt Increase there thero Is la no ho doubt what what- ever eve Experts Jill All l 1 Fa Fa The Thc Los Angeles TIm Times Tirns s In a lengthy I review of or Good Us its Is re resources re- re sources says ay among other things Officers of th tho 0 Good t I mg ing and De Del l who a are arl arlIn re rein in Los Angeles 11 will leave leave o IN toda today for COl Salt Si Lake Lako city for Cor the tl purpose of or closing cosIn cbs clos cos- cos lug ing tho ho contract for or the lie building of or ort t two 1 smelters at Good Gooel Springs Nev to tal take lake e care o of the ore that lint Is mined In the lie Y Yellow low PI Pine Pino no mining district The Lie regions regIons around Good Springs have ha e had a black eye ce In the mining world for some time Ume on cia account of or the mines mimics not nol being sufficiently developed ele to show what th they ar are aro really realy worth and anti because o of an un ammonia treating plant which was built bui th there le some som five he or six years ago which it Is claimed noW row stands as ns a monument of ot bad judgment The rue process was not tho the right t kind kiml for Cor treating the kind of oC or ore produced In these regions arid and after tho the plant had hai been run for or thirty days as a's ast it t was found that it would not bo ho profitable to run it i longer and an It now stands Idle lelle During Durin the past pat row fow ow months tho the mines ha have e been thoroughly examined by experts and amI their thel reports i all al agueo that hint this hits Is one o of the time richest mining regions Ions In the tho United Stales States |