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Show 3 , CITY NEWS IN. BRIEF. Iyron Cummings Professor RAID GAMBLING "CORPSE" HOUSES rm. Ogden Police Officers - Break ‘ Up MAKES. HIM SETTLE... Wheaton Recovers 4 "Quiet Stolen Litde Game" and Arrest Seven, ‘Tie nt } TS : ac- | hnd'iereae sain Bete Sineanied EO "a ‘out, made-a planned oy aes oe fhe carefully peinbliccend Hottieste | P Oean a eeaniie: ag thoi" surprise EK. t appear . Ded in ., han - a ee Blephant they peel that ts found and 0 ae |*halr of ancien! who ihe langages, Blaze The lecture nt ul Causes Disturbance at Mission- ary Farewell. CRE is one of the Sep ees HOUSL. MEETING IN VIRE the| e , F the at will be Age holds Provo, Feb. Judge Willis Brown Advocates epee 13.-While a social was ular Course ihar is being ¢ivea by the }belng given at the Fifth ward: meet- Portland. university faculty and is vpea to the|ing house tonight for Pirie Creation of Supervising Vance When T. E. Wheaton, of Portland, |} general public. who leaves wednesday for the North"4me to Ogden yesterday morning he Brook Trout for Ogden.-State Lish | ern States Mission at Chicago, flames ship | Were detected issuing from the roof of surprised to find in the|,,@ Game Warden Sharp will was much . E. Mackey an old acquaint- : 100 brook Ogden today to|the building. The fire department 2¢tson of 00.0 ) ook trout to g . ance, and with even a though he did not/}@ fw, Clark ofa fish that Jiatcher? city. who proposes Hpeiehing. made a fast the run flames and succeeded in exrrect aio cordial welcome, hé|to establish before damage 2siene RK Cummings, Greeks : he with ago, ar- had formed Mackey in and that an ™ Board NAM ES Prison Beard to ce Mect.-The ait Perc ineof corrections core Ti meeteaat state . | aschady pee were oae given btsear a en will the pegs * flnie prison at 1 o'clock this after- served, At the a programme social refreshments were | Boy's was rendered to . oH Aeees Gare. At the ae ¢ de ¢ 1 st aSers Ans Rm ar REE Property >, that there ‘were ai few | immediately a5 much pleased : placed . tothe seemanhim, in and the have but little respect a = Serene ae for the city ordinance and the instruc- | 22ds of Sergeant Tout for arrest mad Wheaton tells a story to the effect who will eee eile Warveraity (dese "Creek Life in the Honreric Bureau. Republican - re at 3:30 yeekly " 1 Inter-Mountain ks tate News | 10 SYSTEMATIZE on. "Greeks-Pr -ofessor Lecture To + e e n a - t m € P D e n g d O board ;noon acquaintance R Portland over a year while he was lying n f on I N A «i1-Reports ot NLOUNCEE mye successful applicants for the and esults the vacancies at Annapolis have not a Mr. handsome Vance by ptrse his was given friends. to of MEN Betterment State. FOR PURPOSE League Is Dissolved i and Juvenile Betterment League Will Carry ou Its Campaign. vet rested the following persons: J. Baker, eon a ee a ia eo John. Doe, ‘ V. H. 3utler, s. Gaston, | | + Mackey until yesterday, when a Bert Daniels, Peter Holden and John friend advised him that Mackey was z Stolen; WhO ees eee a "lin Ogden. Wheaton visited the police auiet Game of beds tor ie oa station, and together with Sergeant The men were all escorted to the} ye ot Gut to search for the man. | been announced. az the mental exemDeath at Mental Tespital. frou iat ination papers have not yet beer Republican Special. ‘ 3 ; passed upon. AIl passed the physical Provo, Feb. 13.-John Liefhof died As a result of the meeting at the examination, of fatty degeneration of the heart at | worris School yesterday of. what was Veitch Becomes Wate ee -James | the State Mental hospital this morning. lthe Boys" "Betterment / Learuc.:, bit Veitch has been agreed on by the|He was 44 years.old, and was ORBLE: | ene Seer Pee PEt: % station, Haata where © Proprietor ohn Mackey was located on C'wenty-fifth of control of the ye and coun-|ted from. Park «City, November mi what ine Ut no relatives He | 1903.Py to take 2|'3 as nightwatchman He was astounded when he|t¥ . building eey 6 36°oO- |° stree ee p ry a re an, ae ee ' 10 vee x¢ Velte? as on. FE jf busied ee Mie Weltens here. Thursdgae to face Wheaton, and a'e it: 4 vteane lute iy that : they had . been aegamblingeee ¢and | Was said: compelled . s S rrp ale 7 maintain that ‘they pes merely in. "T thought you were dead, old boy.' ae Waives Ile se --Joha RoiCity Attorney D. H. Thomas. is. in | cules 3 nh ehingll chs Pag a Wheaton replied, "I'm the liveliest |ley, colored, was arraigned upon aj receipt of a package of seeds sent to Whether they were or not was not orpse you ev rer saw." charge of birekry before Judge | him sor es ee nt. of a cur ter > "it is evide at they | COMPSe : . caine : . , ure by request of Congressman Joseph - a sbibhidagr pat ae Liam arly in At the station Mackey gave up $23 | Diehl yesterday morning a He waived | ture it. ed 7 . ewe a ef-|and = ow< to held was and hearing agreed | preliminary he which watch, gold fect were heard (on Twenty-Fitth | 64, !ip." ‘This was accepted and |belna fixed at $500, Tolley is charged | the €afternoon 3 "f in : that « to pivecea A nd a to \pearanceeeeof the area men in ; Te court police interest, awaited with morning s Isconsidered this oug! probable that Pena A a FOR POOR EL. joston : Condi- Whitaker : Uions Talks of save Philippines. in sn return per mitted ee apg Firm stories of his experiences Contracts | Clip. r Phil-|time Last His ended Mane 1 wr the naval on a long parts with Dr. Whitaker the Orient. states fol plier Mere Pett nla wav the for a the man do well of the to t recommendation staying at tots. skelecopa paren stated Sal in 1 Sait have |) of that Iuke.: custodian of Z Save And . eT Smith's ata Money to dignation, His govern- contained PL as [. } the . pe A Utah him een . aE tte ree OL eryeDREe, . Act : aan in tenet the work 7 |Satie scope bank be | would of sec retary the with . Jt is to be esiablished | appeal, so committee to speak, in 35 SE re -C s ptIOSLU barkiontaniien Behaveening Get Sat necuring even cas itale | reayonslbie cont nee Sniore| aiericultoain es? mt pon te condition, 2 an > Pee ee oe eee be ter Beet Growers Ask More. icra tee ante - « pete ae ant : a tar: eer ees Sica hie aa s Dasa:s, ' "ay "0 s 2 "The gover nent? marked that Heec ull seaiec a ‘ F success governing ay eas d2 I An cing board at. par u , ae value Of all one The un never) will be @elayed. BLIZZAR Divieks. until ean Pr D his ate: Wishburn, Rae kage Be Aly ; upon Jr. cr Beichant City, itself. | Thursday a . last of cases: of vice- | mitt ee: work such of Body. | The following list of | then submitted on behalf 5} #14 Hon-| of Wheatley, Thomas and eyville. Benner X. Smith, names of the was com- president; ees oO ot n imously L > com the i M. M, Capt. Ingebretsen, James Wee AC fen , ere > oe lars. The young ladies church were hostes return. a . NEBRASKA ma room iwas to Stock by ¥ ; : veatcned, TI Stor m Omaha, Feb. 13.-Reports of s the Catholic |] here tonight indie: ate that gi last A at' a| storm having the sesi rity Me Valentine ball at Toller's affair was a great social gaily academy. success. decorated z ri The | yas The|the for the been raging entire day losses. JS es inf which>. < she willopractically ae ees from Manyfof = the gowns be submerged today on. gotten un by |do it. tient, so- endorsed , alias. <and the 2SCc sC j "The s is 7 the Sleeping next will Beauty ; attraction wea hold the Crandall, and the Beast = | Aeto at the = Grand " boards there 3 general thehe and | averages Thursday } baggage | wi inter \ heat. a from réNie 4 greater part of Tonight the al st.zero or = the be held o'clock. " | Sh ; dn>: , at ity now iat day a as the music for the ent stat bod wd c Thursday y af He lth i one :‘afterngon' 100n s UP ais eisnen's Treasurer . agi last re: rank fy eeP as unde : vel id > to crop é to ten the state Ty re snow ; it SaturHe js | #! oe |Suish is |and Ss ex ~*~ PO eet which are me a ieey retary of, o Re and ariaMrs. 2 import: unt ams pStTV ne sh trip. % The { was Res: Mrs. for A. Los in SS, Ogden Condon Angeles Knights of on yesier. left a forty-eight yes- pleasuré | Ww m. a Howard inc hes* av r | inently }the I on the is 7 sending tinget« mentioney as Hun a vacaney fallen | 2qualization, ‘ ar | nudge Columbus have de- cidedto attansds {pia body the performange of Madam Mojeska here, Feb BY The caseof the State Tonite tlttles field was yesterday a iad by Judge ' ae : 748 " B Hows Il until 10 o'cloc! K this: morning jur fiche een santaclens all the are are store, a his Ao rinon! aswrail att recognizance, witnesses out The Charles for the charged will mornin g be in with held the burglarizing at 10 police slippery DE id ts Gert Candia; or State in the TRY Board Se 1 a [home aSgt comoblete L* se Knives ang ing nis sary finished city eA Rails Cause a Street Cars. into n ear pe seen coming end Those C. l (tee has Ir ce of Adams. who . the Infants' been. a = seve ‘Maal school cheol, and ances. there. urged-t FEC month in Anjured, the wa Tee opeatey of sion For the wood T. Pacific inspection park over Clark's | cut 2hi: court fifth has F. Rowlands company the time shed Salt the is deer its of' the on Lake at a horns... trip | divi Mrs. Laura Mrs. Harmnah read und The er cars and r less Barr Perkins of Farr fae all were cut heated the he accident Glen- | stroyed. Persons, or is some weaker was at cays last nett not St. so by of forks, yy ¢ a ieee small siiver | the whole Jeweler in ‘ Set) air thelr fed men |" : hospita) | dure | rone Fire broke both Nor to Use ice Part ' ; Move in Direction Mountain Accompanied | joining by ears out: wa-|refuses mors | deal after were , Via of Z Seen of of with the of Mont-| about Tohie Meee estate ad- de ‘part Yo Manteormers will the dicularly M. an. ened Nevada. £ { THROGH forme Home Separate To o ‘ r approm A! IND ) yO | i an term back «appropriati i N t . at to yn the is named was rooOM. CG. the unanimou meeting Ve arch 31s adjourned A= building moon ere ahs | ¢ the , ou perp halos a broad Shae ie peared halo is very wes Ch |] i Personally adopted,VET to mect at DINING Ay the In double ancient events were limes raany attributed rare mira lo has | imately de- | Will j}ery of to his believe the been company, other hatched name be identified with Mountain company | Schwab having the acquired talent than and the that that of Samuel a To ulli- Newhouse MontzomCharles NI control |, of tac | the CARS, his bride, burg, Pa., fovlhold Above , is by = A. WHO j t. A. BENTON, G. A. ia | : train | alongside The properties of he |}and intelligent researches of | n- ulous by miner- Don Ma- The TTA Fraternai PyeOrder , pe onEagles rtyts | Suddenly by applying brakes and a Stopping Montgomery Mountain company oc-) guire, It.{s unde rstood that several on the mainsto line freight |} cupy a position that cannot but comgentlemen in this city who have. been ¥ ive yal train on which they were riding. Two} mend them as banquet at its hail t his evening among the greatest of | |Jdentified with the mining camps fol aCe F = ‘ were captured, and the third, Charles! possibilities - sia as : rs : =H many years have associated themIntroduce New rice ke MD. Sa nace ae mean ee back Ea AWek let ttl | se ea with Mr. Thatcher, who. will eats L wrtally wounded by Pollceman seokE 1 " leave ; for the Rea 7in a few 7 7 Superintendent EB: 7 Manson, ThesiDoli i BROKE BOTTLE op ON ' HEAD. north days to dent Engineer Thomas Fitzgerald,, SuXd pee |} begin operations on a most energetk perintendent of Motive Power Machinery J. F. Dunn and Master the jing new Salt made to master motive ane Me- Stormy Scenes in' Parliament. D, J. Malone of the Southern Vienna,' Meb.; 13: - have deparied for a trip over | were enacted during Lake division. 'fhe trip is be- | narliament yesterday. eee power Mi machanic. and Tae who machinery has oe the his jurisdiction, It comes from good when one oa and a improvements changes turn many ee for the betterment of the service »wili bedf inaugurated 6 suthority BOTLL | ‘PHONES f 3190. , ; Call 3190, either ‘phone, to get Inter-Mountain Kepublican, any. partment, advertising, was }and under | The subseripticn howled called a emperor's down liar name by by was Jin during tacked Des News Mrs. Stormy. Scenes| the session f The S ariier Val the members . Fitzgerald Martial va pat ; SF scale. WOOLGROWERS Story me LEY) ADD TO REWARD as yesterday ae tan Ha fi limamosat win Fork, January 17, 1900. Th. plaintift alleges. among other things: Lier rate OF 82,500 6 Offered for therad- ers' Murderers. > ; r ‘ » Rawlins, Feb 13) -» The» Carbon County Wool Growers association the debate and he was athat -her. husband "broke "a. bott! p | have offered a reward of el, $1,000 for ‘ Se yt ve é a eon ¢e Var in Pais an DOP unprecedented manner. | , vhiskey hiskey over She also. a the arrest arrest and conviction par: anc ac{ hher head eee Le of f the » par of 1d. of | Ules who raided the sheep camp drunkennes of him euses Towa Defenrts Bonkeace: driven her and her infant child vie h & Weber at Burnt Fork. Wyo., lie Moines, > ann | having lowa,. Feb. 13.-The)} from home. compelling ia oe branch ofdefeated the Towa legislature | main out in the cold -his afternoon the resolution; that he has. failed The | for a woman suffrage ame oes lo | necessaries of life de- | (he constitution by a vote of { on Recites Trouble. . Witzgerald Victoria Saar aaa Pan-Germans Wika : : Victoria of ‘ as: --- | fhe will of ther January 10 last, and killed A. H for seve mal hisiime Garside, a Utah herder The rewards to provide the | fer the arrest of the murderers now ageregate $2,500, $500 each having been offered by the governors of Utah Caroline GC Harris, of news, Klee trie » Shops Destroyed, Philadelphia, was. filed" for probate a ae Tae Schenectady. N.Y.) Feb, °13.-The | yesterday She left real estate of the Thursdayry's the day we give tiokets attern and carpenter shops of the) Value of $4,000 in Salt Lake counts away for $25 to San Francisco or-Los} General Electrte company were de- | The petition asks that letters be issued Angeles Phone at once to Salt Lake | sroyed by fire tonight, Loss, $75,-| to Wharton E. Harris, Emma J. W arRoute, 1986. 000. jren and Mary Harris Smith. #24 Wyoming and by the Utah flock- masters ---- a re Thurs ane s the day we give tickets away fo 5 to San Pry isc yor ios Angeles ; ot hone at\once toto Salt Salt fie Lake | Route, D., ae Ogden. in the Free ri eC iF inin eee C ars. Conducted oe Excursioas. . a 11 Carte on all Through { ae Trains. SALT LAKE oad CITY 6:20 Thatcher, of Pittsand his associates Was acauired 1air 6 its appear- accompanied Foe Service aren aALOLS S ., Mine Knutsford, "* For rates, folders, free illustrated booldets, ete., inquire of your eee 4 o Pinhe . . aS lee o~ ; spe : : 1 ne nearest ticket agent, specifying the Rio Grande route, or address 4 - a DERUES ee > orming a perfect cros Sach halo | eee crossed by a concrescent of light. | * owt ‘ SLEEPING CARS. KANSAS : ange o Western| Reac hing ese i To thy the from at - [it 1 5 4 Routes. OMAHA, % co enough Pas the reform | | } who has st bad I home > influinflu- | 4 is no permanent hom« With _ ij Scenic j ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO and Seer chanice Pacific : . and Distiact a os Wreck Crain | Shoshone the Polaris: and others in al-bearing zone north of Ogden, and " ¥ Sl j the localit it was quite natural thar|/2et remote from the Santa Maria Va., Peb. 13.-Three ne- | others esti prominent in western |sreup, for Which latter the mining Ivor sought. to wreck. a undertakin igs should "seek some thing world is indebted to the perseverance passenger . Trains Daily B:twe: DEN YER DENVER ; ; in Minnesota. " = 2 Three to Weoste rm Bs Depot with atl 2 onverted sight of whic in ut One a 10 smperor Constantine to ¢ hristianity, | Was seen in the Western part of tint state last night. call the phenomenon ‘double 3 appearing| Mines, Maurice company, that » | Shos shone | properties hot were * Union A | son, expert in chief on the. staff of Samuel Newhouse, President D. ii | Pee ry of the Montgomery Mountaia | Mining fac -g ) hyolte, Bullfrog rezion, tomorron 313, ‘ Costa ntine saw one. in) A. D. Brigham |W hile Mr. Peery: refuses to discuss the | 2227. hile marching « t the head of his| | Significance of his wisit and the purarmy against Maxentius, and he {m-| cut about | pose of Mr. Johnson's. visit Les thi | mediately embraced Christianity with pussengers and facé about Phenomenon and | o'clock, and satisfiuc- Mark's acute gastritis. Thomas yo aomcry | a West be rature Ile suffering from Mrs:"W C internally Reese, scalded. tev, uther Cushnahan is slowly reTry gaining his health. hog marriage license was issued yesSuffolk. terday to W. J. Larkin and Mrs. Sdrah | $Tees near Jo. to tempec opposite | Significant te de ties __ Splendidly Equiprei AND Fast OGDEN tokOe for him, and after a short <.noo] he has to be turned at r ts streets. é of | Greenwood. RB. C.. to Joli Lose ishant L ee Paul, nn Febs313:-A (eross who is mz anager of. tie "Dominion lies a i ; 1e heavens, exactly ike fatally injured are: Captain and Mrs. Kilbey, who have ind chest, badly molded eharge of the Salvation Army work in Infant daughter of Mrs. QOeden, returned yesterday from Den- | Horn, badly SaRIdsA. ver, where they attended a council of Mrs. Ju. B Barr, badly Southern tis tory Colliston Wai = _ 3 atally Injured, Motorman Ewing, internally, ot whi o'clock Taecrted | INJURED the | smelter Ov 12 Feb, O.. Youngstown, i Ou 1s f N Ms ; eb, - wing lo nL Sippe ry: cone ition ot the rails a | Ceres ar of the North avenue line this aft- | LE AVE > POR nH RHYOLITE. ‘rnoon ran away down a_hill, crashé ec ing as prosecution of the state preliminary e xamination Miller and T. B. Cuney, ficinies FIVE ~FATALL ALLY 8 por tunity aie ir th 1ose held prespart the s choo school, and he strangly hey. would, as at prese d a boy in the Juventl lard to distin-| birthday gifts) for yeteae the Navy he the toc the sincetine school to teil played in his Juve At sour k The exnense and work of maintaining the place, he sald, was borne entirels . hy Mrs. W Rice, Mrs. C. H. Me\ : Seay Mahon, Mrs. L. Cohen. Mrs. H. Park is ur Coune yi it an "+o treasure whic his not. Dripeeatie Set ne Joke |_.So .many gifts arelved at the White} | Swenson since cold nicely, ‘ oes "and. an sedzell,| which | o's 2te. *: eal agent of the Miu' Grande Western at | of the winter is promised for the next | eritaly Hess, Rives: who hasbeen |CROSS OF FIRE IN HEAVENS: terday acre Connecting at Ogden | ine, Commitee, dauons tne cay | PULLMAN | CITY, esters a hee silver gavel mane: with lo rule the house of Lonpzworc! B 1, | Such®a Selection will not b= mad= | Mis Roosevelt will nave something A. ill at his home with a severe along { Se Speaker , | chee atdt || about giving PERSONAL. | setting, » what |anames substann0~her Jal pre intt anil msmsertbed "he mh r ae | and "Mrs. or wat thes l the Ce -- | Witeeerd temperature has and the coldes i ah Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points east. cecasion with blue hearts, the genpral | drifting he elp! sly on. the open plains pected will soor be able to resutne arta waive miDpOLaEte pus ee Bone the city a boys' farm might be estab- | | color scheme being blue and gold. before a severe northwest wind. bs die = am his office. order for the Ola silver ship, a minia- | lished where these boys could be giv- | { Thomas W ers) = Pp ren Farmers in the southwest. counties "i Fiervey Cluff, secretary of. the State | ture Manchuria, deine' finished by a Bal-| jena home training that would mals { susiness man } of Green River, Wyo., 1s | express delight over ‘the whi ich Mental board as. a timore j Soweler, but since t been ad Fs | the m seful citizens Sir J ] z s snow. . Tlospital ard, was Salt ul i it has las since useful citizen visiting in tne city for a few days, they say will be of. enormous benefit | L@ke visitor: yesterday | mitted ‘that the peereers contemplates A resolution of thanks to pase ala evening. H. GB. =; HE SCENIC LINE 0 ‘ of? { ‘ Springs, Aspen, Leadvil'e, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, : ‘ ‘ Glenwood Cox was the: sole disseythe motion was carrlea Re Brown aoateh by the Morris No adimiss IGTRCE furnish Mr. "and Judge ew omen dtyasa-davtime. He epee affairs es sect In Washinkgon A go ittee, appouiten hy the ‘Supreme Health Board to Meet -the regular | alldyimuvtawanty offen her girs," meeting received iS rer rt a reporced evening. a Will ce: Are Are throughout the state| thireetenine sever to , stock, IC ie 2p-!ding, oa Neg orurLe a ae = sales | Rye ue embers, consisting of Chief Jus-| W hite and Justice | } Gce er, J istice will be charged and no collection wil!| endell tiolmes, !s attempting to| Oliver be taken up. Songs Fi 7 Se acs 5S, music and reci- | decide whether or not the supreme court| ru} a mke Miss fa seve |.tations a en i et Pp ee n and Gilbert's or-|as a b6®y should make Roosevelt | will' 4:30: Losses Agént and 40 West 2nd South St., Crry UTAIL SALT DAKE CITY, LAKE SALT ; Oflicers of New aes i attempt to burgiarize the Frank vesidentoavas madadlistercutnrile Severe pe WALKER, Ae had tak- of charities, _Tesponsibility the ban we etoo 4% ia composed the subject ered stoclt capital the 1@ an of David Iseeles; oO ee ; cehide ate ys. Browning of Ouden, ord rm. L. yes- sec ec prehension™ot~descrters. army. * : : co asking tention of sugar men to the stand taken by the beet raisers and Sic that a day be appointed for a conference of growcrs and consumers. David Idec le -s is out of the city and acion is- LS ' ae Oe Bee eae i , o re without success, The police were votified, but failed to apprehend the burg- ball upon the Mt on Briefs Ogden decided. oeslas gh genebebe ate -fyr Aheble-b evts. give ater jal vO ene secretary of the sugar'| thot,ees eae ott hi opminiiaa yesterday, It. calls the-at-|atien of Labor hall" ig Tide in letter from the committee of beet.) who met in this city Melast fai i and 6:05" 7:10 A.M. yesterday Phil-,)era,sen} ita theoto White House yesterday SOUTHERN PACIFIC and OREGON SHORT LINE TRAINS. lips.-WWhenafternoon arrested by theOfficer prisoner. is in camphment Miss Roosevelt's th-| | the 17° gi ound i s that hat if n the committee a ee were said - ta ave confessed: his. { ‘ = ay Ang)those to be sent by the enraied going to elect those..mer BuO A. TOWEEIN DE S60 erent as, aentlii: | ninia tan apa Tinos a eee | einem: and not have Judge Brown |} The Only Transcontinental Line Passing Directly Through Salt Lake City. ee3 ips eae so lands, prariten is obvious to any Who has ever visited. Manila es si aes "and, He Htae ae h . ami e natives a ar ; A ralsers is rs urday 7 : ec Bas BD; three, whx court a LINE 130 P.M . of as recognized vila ee nacea me acetate ts cle his of | supervisory Tn LIM! General meet- last dire etre a board to appoint ing jae | ask articles the at jappointed Ore Cities filed Cc. of operation to include' foraica, & Gitachtie nanrescue baen League's Lake ATLANTIC EXPRESS, EASTERN EXPRESS, ment;and apply, for some position in Beat Dente Bane Sraenne rs Ogden Couple Weds ey eputy SMOTHERED ININ FLOWERS gentlemen were declared elected the service. Americans cannot com-|*\* eS er . S : SAN ROC a pee Willis Erown aves that it Rory Pe lage le ae 5 - ee ene of $117 in gold and silver. | County Clerk David A. Smith yester1, Judge Willis : coe ee Fa pc ageaeenly el After he had spent several hours zt sie united in marriage Miss TBdith Birthd 1 veda exauinea 1 ae es of ane yee enn [oS one Perea an é med oul i the rattan and had become sober he| Rosson and Edward Miller of Ogde dirthnday ane edaing Ombined | committee in selecting the names being gradually forced out by : the |was very indignant at what he U2ca!iec|} Deserter Is Arrested.Jon nile the supervisory board of three coneens or eee ae service. = "the butting In of the cops." de-la deserts : oe on eas com i ae Bring Many Offerings. sider the names of Heber M. Wells vn can go into our possessio ‘ 2 at om company G, 15t Pere caae ‘ox anc T:-¥ Terry. oie capital, he stands a fair chance Peta anki he ead LD ges ve> |S. Infantry, was arrested in Salt Lake | Washington, Feb. 13-W:‘th the flowees co Feed a eton on Cree ligious se aaitenad pitcepaenrrenye _ ANGELES LOS to proceeded Salt SHORT OVERLAND LIMITED, "Onse- a meeting Lave OREGON of business the boys of the Morris school served a chicken dinner, prepared bs | themselves. | Judge Willis Brown opened the business session by stating. that as a Enstitution. New aa Dee Sarees packages. | City, registered a scaling Th : ‘ considerable re Washington a CrYry. Northern of Men Utah Incol DOVaERLS ie ee leof afler- Must Seal Packages.-Postmaster A. ‘Thomas received a reminder from| at In pping. over Picea), at Brigham City, and to be known | charity adminisiration and philanas the State Bank of Brigham. Prom-| | thropie work. Such a board was needinent men of Ogden, Brigham, Wil-|ed, as at the present time no body, lard, Honeyville, Bear TItiver City and} not even the Merchants & Manufac Collinsten, to the number of 37, are] turers' association, which had consid- ie department ror: BRIGHAM ne incorporation take | the will celebrated syed, The represented | State yesterday, Fed- Federation Utah ae at 3 o'clock tomorrow ro. rains old per set to work | resunit of a misapprehension. of. the In all, the SebEy | scope. of the Bove' Beiterment Lanes orve . . a {ts well observed lita had beena decided to enlarge was new HOURS Betterment | terday that one. of the postal laws] pres ‘ . Polapnp and r A. Greenewald, first vice-president, |} was not being strictly observed in i . tee ue sf - Ee ‘ Nei : 7 sone Dr. Benjamin Young, second viceeae Y alee Clive ark, Pingrec, of Ogden; Nels Jenson. of sesid L. P. Judd, secretary: J. H | Ea es _ Clty and asking that it be | Brigham City; J.C. Knudson, of Brig- | president, L. P. Judd, " ingle 4s oo one S rs oe tre: a of Willard | Paul, P. A) Nebeker, City; ham refers) This future JE 7 a ara FS of gang around swarmed ets a from cReeyiait possi- | Who to igzet In-} m ra tow indi Manner Spee in eches, the Morgan recita- ganize ume the was Juvenile | dividual organizations and, conse- today, Prominent to adjoining funeral The weeks at place bor hall IN. Lincoln BANK Ife ana| Pnrestened an of OstGirl.-Ann Young Calls ag thirteen-year-old daughter Ostby, three wool of rears BUTT fitting the ere oa . fort. the Before Lin-| were their masters. lby ta House White the Death Py, the owing birthday very noon, that is atin arri arrived sheep at prese nt of the strenuous | pounds Rae COPS OGDEN without| ia nd or aya. we man BEBOEs ‘ece recently he had nae Foc go un 1e occupant room at the hotel. conditions in ; the Philippines under| | ; anror xvi rave is American ruie are the exact reverse A striéas ate a a of ese the ta theoretical fancies s hoped for | he Frankaflicezee was taken in ee ray + Scene ateaoihlaseariet nan Ey Paantinces ey Pad ee1 left | and starte d| him to all| 1} 1 slow of late, has ing 7 as eae ee that ha@ coln's Articles -J.-C. | epera he use was arrested last night by) tfons and Ed. Janney on charges of | martyred concealed weapons Ces é : and havyav-iand darkics now preventing ONS | Republican Special. . Feb, 12.-Abraham Morgan, was nee Marlow Sergeant of ;,, | but coe was eraekes " DD he sheepmen million | station at Guam trip, whieh ae of that Undte | services November Milliions Lincoln Day at Morgan, his boids }to a severe winter Elseman Bros., |®vation of Labor buildings, died at the |threugh their western agents, have|home of her parents at 4:30 o'eloris contracted with eastern dealers for} yesterday afternoon of rheumatic fe| spring delivery of between ten and] ver, from RuntTe h she had suffered for locating per-|twelve before c@ucation medical Pore the ain eee aun: court, burglarizing RCM S The a Me hes the establishment given as $11.60. - Carries Bueeicione Eiseman SGros. of preparations . to leave for Nevada. at wher re he will purchase' the spring ippines He will visit for some time with friends and relatives in Salt Lake and Ogden, after which he will enter!) a medical school, to complete his manently. Sam have for to the district with laundry een }; carrying Cars representative of | in Be possession Bee > oe arrested Boston, is ; making | evn en and a. ye ¢ oe C Streng, the cuualtianit of the interesting | {2 tlie best, in spite in the answer ae ae years he has|\wyich has been very twostation the » past During sen nave at Guam, SCHnE ns dentist for the Jolly tars on feu week eee Ships. government Whitaker tells many for the de part. Pounds. Jeseph W. FE. Whitaker, a brother of ur Ss. T. Whitaker, returned from the i fivero after morning yesterday Orient navy in Uncle Sam's years of service bo: ard Dr. to BUYING NEVADA WOOL. MEN, -- W. Wheaton was Save een nein LOA NOT Dr. pre Mac ke y is | League, a Supervisory board of chari| ties will probably. be created. soon, wl r au = nek wil) have the:(uty- end -aothe: jity. to look into all..cases of charity and corrections in, the. state,..and | |. ; ; |} which will find its. chief mission in a ee eee CO) be i he fo 1 L = \ _ = te ce Sz |