Show MUCH WATER IN SIGHT Figures FI Show Precipitation Double loubie That Flint 1 0 of f I Irl irist t Those who arc are Inclined to be he pessi pessimistic I- I about the lie water supply in the hc vicinity of oC Salt Lake will bo he glad Iad to learn that the time outlook for the lie coming year ye-ar Is altogether encouraging The three months In which the greatest amount of or snow falls during durhA the winter win- win tor tr season lason are already gone goat and amid the figures at tho lie local ocal weather bureau show sho that the lie precipitation for tor November Novem Novem- tier ber December and January y was just double that of or a 0 year oar a ago o. o A comparative statement of or the tho snowfall for Cor the lie two periods follows s oo 1 5 C G November 39 December 70 January 41 S. S lH 22 While tho ho greater snowstorms of or the year are arc probably past last It is not nol unlikely un un- likely that several inches will be added to the Iho showing already made macic The storm of or Monday l night amounted to toan toan toan an Inch and it not included In the lie figures given above |