Show OUTSIDER HAS EASY TIME Vagabond Sho Shows t Heels Cc to Field III In New Oi Ui loans Race New Orleans Feb 13 13 Vagabond a n rank outsider romped awny away from his Held field In the second race raco at the Fairgrounds FuJI Fair grounds this afternoon this proving the Iho only feature of or the 1 day a Elastic the tho favorite did not figure In tho thorace thorace race after tho the mile half post W was S reached and barely barel beat out Hannibal llo Boy Bey Summary Fair 1 h Grounds First race rac three Und and a half hair furlongs fur fur- longs longs Big Big Store 10 So 9 to toG 0 G 5 G. G Al AI Powell US W. W 2 to 1 1 second l Friction McGeo 3 to 1 third th I Ill Time rime 42 42 2 2 1 Second race six furlongs Vaga Vaga Vagabond bond OS JS JI GO CO to 1 I. I first Elastic 1 to 10 3 3 second Hannibal Be Bey Iley Hall Ute out third Time Tinie 11 1 1 H 1 Third race mile and seventy yards 1111 King King Ellsworth Had tit e 9 to 2 won 1 Macy a cy Jr 93 13 Perkins 3 to tofi tofI fi 5 second Kittle Kittie Platt Glo to 2 2 third Time Fourth rac race six and anti a halt half furlon furlongs fur fur- lon longs longs Columbia Columbia s Girl Sewell 13 to 0 r 5 Southern Cro Cross Smith G C to G 5 second Goldsmith Martin out third rIme Time 11 2 f Fifth ruce race seven furlongs furlongs lIol Holloway Hol- Hol loway McDonald 13 to G. G won wun I Stony Hill lIlli lOG 2 to G 5 see see- fr ond Bitter Diller Hand 97 Perkins 8 S to toD toI D G. G third Tune 1 28 Sixth race rac one mile mile Kickshaw Kickshaw 10 CDo Bodell l Il G 5 to 2 2 first Bravery I 10 Sew Sewell IJ G C to G. G second Colonist Colo Cob O Walsh 3 to 1 I third Time rIme 11 2 |