Show PALS FACTS AND AN FIGURES The first frt recorded lodge o of Freemasons Freemasons Free Free- masons In iii America Americ was opened In Boston Doston In lit 1733 Rev flex Walter aler E. E Denlo Bentley founded the Actors Actors' Actor Church Alliance June IS 18 18 IS 1800 In Now ow York City Abyssinia the ancient Ethiopia contains con coui- square miles mies and nul has ha a population of or President Franklin Pierce In 1853 1353 opened the first worlds world's fair air In Amer Arner- lea ica at the Crystal Palace New York Tho The salary ary of or Ito iho Gov Go of or Ontario Is a n year ear London Lonton anti and Paris tho the paid best diplomatic POtts posts In the gift sif of or the United Incidentals States States p pay with man many In Iii the total value of or domestic domes domes- tic tc merchandise exported from Crom th the United States Stales to lo all al countries was wa In 1903 U it I reached 1 l- l 9 Boston manufacturers last year rear made and amid shipped cases csc of oC boots and shoes shoes |