Show NEVADA WOOL nu Joblon toll Firm Contracts for fm of Pounds Joseph Streng the representative of f Elseman Eiseman Bros of Boston Is making preparatIons to leave eu e for fOl Nevada where he will purchase tho the spring clip The shearing season ea on will open In I Nevada March larch 1 The wool market markot t which has be been n very ely slow of late talc hat has materially during tho ho unproved past pas few weel weeks 5 Mr Strong Streng states that the ho condition of the thc sheep l at present presents Is s tn tile the best besl in spite of or the strenuous tune line that have had owing to o a severe ere winter EIseman Elseman Bros DIO through h their theil western agents have contracted tel with wilh eastern castern dealers for rr spring delivery of between ten and ansi I twelve twel million pounds of wool |