Show TO SYSTEMATIZE VORi Of Judge Willis Brown Advocates Creation of Supervising Board o of State r NAMES MEN FOR PURPOSE n Joys Joy's s league uc Is nL- nL O 1 nm auth Juvenile Ju ta ue Will Carl Carry on omi Its Campaign n As s a a. a result of the meeting at the Morris School yesterday ay of oC what was the Boys Boys' Betterment nt int League but what whal is now the thc Juvenile Ju Betterment Lens League e a supervisory supervisor board o of charities chari chad ties lies will probably be c created soon which will have havo tho ho duty and anti authorIty author author- Ity Ily ly to look into all of or charily charity and corrections In In- Inthe the state and which will find Its chief mission In iii preventing overlapping In the work worl of individual organizations organisations and amid con consequent consequent conse conse- e- e quent waste of or monc money time lime and ef eC- ef- ef fort Cort Before BeCore the meeting proceeded proceed cd to tn business the boys hoj's of or the Morris school served a chicken dinner pr prepared b by bythe the themselves olve rca Judge o Willis Brown opened the business Ec session slon by stating staling that hat as an a result of or a ml misapprehension of time the scope of or the lie Boys Boys' Betterment League It Il hat hail been decided to enlarge its scope of operation to include work for or girls A committee had hall been appointed at the Leagues League's last meeting meet meet- In log ing to appoint a board oard of directors for this lila now organization Hu Ho Intended to ask this board of or directors to elect a supervisory committee of or three who would be 10 recognized as a court of last las appeal so to speak in all aU cn cases es o ol charity charlt administration and philanthropic philan philan- work orl Such a board was needed needed needed need need- ed as at time the present time line no body not even on the tho Merchants hirers hirers' association which had ered cred the subject of charities had hal talc talt- en the responsibility of such work worl upon itself o of New BUtI hotly Body The following list of oC names was va then submitted on behalf Jf of or time the com coin Bounce Benner X Smith pre president J T 1 A. A Greenewald heat first vice president Dr Benjamin Young second vice vice- president L L. P P. Judd secretary J. J II n nand Paul treasurer Joseph and James Ingebretsen Capt M M. M M. 1 Woods directors Time The meeting unanimously ly endorsed endorse the he action of the committee and anti these thes gentlemen were declared elected Judge Willis Brown moved that It Ittie be tie tIme the sense of or the meeting that till this committee In lii selecting the thc names o othe of the he supervisory board of three consider con eon skier sider the names of Heber M. M Wells Oscar L L. Cox and anti W. W T. Mont ont Ferry Mr Co Cox ox opposed he motion molion on the ground that thal if IC the committee wr iver goins soing to elect those men muon it fl elect hem and amid not have Judge e Brown do It IL Mr Co Cox was the sole ole tient and the motion motton was Juil Judge o topic took the opportunity L' L Jin ine n Ir the Morris school to lo tell those Jl pres present ent emit what an Important part parl tho me choo played in his imis Juvenile JU Court work worl The Thc eXT expense o n anti and work of oC maintaining tho lie place blace he lie said was borne bOlno entirely by Mrs W. W V V. Rice 1 Mrs II's C. C H H. Mc- Mc i Malion 1 Mrs It L I. r. r Coh Cohen n l Il Mrs II Par Pu and anti Mrs MIs C C. F. F who the Committee of or Um Infants Infants' Homr Protection association The Time Cil City Cily Council has bern been ul urged to lo i ate ale a month to lo keep keel up UI this I school and he lie strongly urged that thaI the they would as at present when h he had a bo boy in lii the Juvenile Court who Is not bad batt enough h for the school and who has bad home there Is no permanent home for COl him anti and aft after a short shore t terni rm at nt t t tho h school he has to 1 be c turned back to the streets With an nil appropriation from Crom the city a boys boys' farm might be established where these boys could be given given en a home training that would make thorn them useful citizens A resolution of oC thanks s to the thc women women women wo wo- wo- wo men named was unanimously adopted and mind the meeting adjourned to meet alth at al atthe th the tho Y V. M II r. r C C. A. A building at 60 o'clock March C G. G |