Show CHIEF ENTERS A PROTEST I Says Roo rt Promis-eil Promis Indians Should Keep heel Dalas Dallas Texas l Fob Fol ch J 13 A A report this his evening from Lawton Okla says Quanah Parker tIme iho Comanche chief through h hurriedly toIa today tolay to- to I Ia lay day on his way It to Kiowa Coman che Indian agency at to enter hits his protest against the time opening of I ho tho Comanche Comanche land for fOl or settlement as provided by th the Stephens bill bi which recently passed he the lower house o of con congress Ics If I Parker Park Park- er receives cs no assurances from the thc lit that n lie iii Interior 1 will vill wf oppose the time bill bf he will wi proceed to Washington o and lay the time matter mater before the tho President who he lie says s 's promised him that these lant lands would be je retained permanently for tho the Indians In- In titans lans Geronimo is pleading to accompany accompany ac- ac company Parker to Washington |