Show PACKING COMPANY 18 IS NOW NOSY REALITY S Success Crowns Efforts of ol I Stockinet to Start Plant In Salt Lake WILL LOWER BEEF PRICES 1 J J. J C. C anil amI A. A II JI Warren arc aro Chief S Movers Io In Establishing l J Neis' Neis Industry In Utah Following a meeting of or tho ho board of or directors directors' In the office of or James H. H Moyle Ioe yesterday forenoon the lie Utah Packing company compan filed articles of oC In Incorporation Incorporation In- In corporation with the secretary of or state The Tiie articles as now on file place th the capital stock at and amid the num nuin- number ber her of ot directors at eight At tho the directors directors' meetings plans forthe for forthe forthe the conduct conductor conduct or of affairs of or the thc concern In hi detail were wre made and the arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- e- e ments menta leading up to the lie actual bu building build ing big of oC the plant and anti the Improvement of the he property ar already ady now under Its control contro were decided upon Tho The board boardo o of or director and officers elected follow follow- President George C. C vice vice- president Miland Knight secretary and anti treasurer J J. J W. W West WesL Directors J J. J H. H Moyle loJe J. J A. A Eldredge D I L. L Evans Richard Papworth C. C W. W y Crawford J. J C. C Leary All the officers arc are directors also Securing Needed Funds The or organization of or the lie company back to May Iy 4 I 1 1 04 when rhen the matter mat mot leI ter was vaa nr first t brought up Prominent bu business men and associations of Sa Salt La Lake e met and anti talked over or tho he prospect prospects pros pros- o of such an organization and amid gave sav It their theil entire support In evel every way war possible except financially Tho The amount of the capital suggested at that time timea a was of or which only ony between between be be- tween and md was sub sub- scribed The promoters of or the enterprise enter enter- prise e seemed to be bo bante 1 and anti the proJect project project pro pro- seemed scorned likely to fall through h To J. J C. C Lear was assigned the task ask of financing tho ho plant pant The Thc work was not cas easy but with the persistency of oC one lone who ha had utmost confidence in the thc feasibility of or the plans he worl worked ed and continued to work At last success crowned e his efforts and the thc plant pant Is Isnow Isnow no now about to become a reality Along the Iho line of securing the stock subscriptions A. A J. J Robinson prominent ent emit in itt of ot the state worked 1 with the he stockmen men In tho the entire Intermountain inter inter- mountain country and from them he hc secured II liberal beral subscriptions p 10 With the prospects now before the company its entire and anti complete success seems but ut a matter of or such length of oC time as ns will be required to get the he plant In Into Into In- In to 0 actual operation Plant to be Uj Up to Dale Iati Property for the stock yards ards to be used meed In iii connection with Iho tho plant have hav been Leen purchased purchase 1 already For sonic some sometime time tine past Mr 11 car and A. A H H. Warren have havo been operating stock yards ar In North Salt sal Jake on a lease easo from the Iho Union Sto Stoc c Yards company of Kansas Kansas Kan Kan- sas 53 City This liis his property has been purchased purchased purchased pur pur- chased fr fro A P the I Kansas CI City ty concern b by the lie m 1 named and anti they will re retain retain re- re tain laIn a 3 he y Interest In the thc yar yards In Uh tho ho policy polley of oC the cn- cn Ur tire Lire o 0 for the tho pac packing plant pla U O work on ii UiG yar ts Intensive Improvements will be bo m. m miNlo milio 0 and will Include a n modern mod mod- ern n.-ii ln S system and aud nn an adequate sUPT y Railroad officials ha have been ewed In the matter of bringing tl Ir transportation lines JInes to the plant a t to the stock yards and auth have that thiat their lines will cooperate co co- co- co operate with the lie packing plant In every V way vay bringing them heat Into clo close contact with all transportation lines limits tad and thus making po possible ibe the operation of or f the yards ards with the least east possible expenses expenses ex ex- Ih Iii connection with the tho transportation trans trans- of or their products The Initial dally daily capacity of or the new yards ards will bo be 00 cattle 1000 hogs hoss and 1000 sheep This will be Increased as the nece necessities of or the consumption of the tho home products warrants arrants The architecture of oC the new plant throughout through through- out aut will be he of the he most modern style for plants pants of or this l kind No expense has been spared to provide e the best of everything Included in fn the he plans for forthe forthe forthe the plant will be bc a cold storage an and refrigerating re plant of the tho latest and most approved design Prices I In III The Thc feature of the new pew project which will most like likely Inter Interest st the tho public public pub pub- lic ut In iii general Is the fact that tho hie lo loal local lo- lo 0 tho lie cal cui al concern will make po possible supplying of meat and products by-products at ata ata a much lower rate than harm Is now chare charged 1 for fOI the reason that on all sides there is an abundant supply of hO hogs 8 c cattle Ule and sheep Not on only will the large raisers stock and producers produce be he able alle to find flail a near market for their animals but the farmer operating on a small scale will be able to share In the lie benefits bene bene- Ot its fits offer offered rl by the new concern Die Tho price of meats will be reduced from ono one to three cents per pound and byproducts byproducts by by- products proportionately Mr Lear Leary In speaking nl-i nl of or tho the new no company pany last lust evening said There is no oh obstacle laete In our way now how We c will go r right ahead with the lie details of or tho the proposition and amI will be operating ope In the he least lO possible space of oC time |