Show SERVANT SER SUT SUES S VOlt ron Negro l' l r DI With Wih of or Old OM Master tu I Mo l Feb ieh eb 13 The Thc Tho estate of or J. J 1 W. W Wallace Is being sued for fol or a sum Mim in iii excess of by Matt Jat a Johnson Johnson county negro Tho The negro filed mcd a claim for fOl for or services and amid a a suit for Cor nd- nd compensation against the lie estate OH- OH H- H tate ate ule alleging also great rent disappointment as is tho lie result resul of the smallness of or the thet t 2000 bequest left ler him by J. J W. W Wal- Wal al lace Ince acc Matt Wallace Vallace hind had been employed In iii Inthe he the homo of J. J W. W Wallace Walace all his Ida as servant and general hand hantl Ills His Ils master muster left him tho and amid profits pro- pro tUg Its on 2000 provided ho lie made no 10 other deman demands s The Thc negro wa was or very much disappointed when he ho heard that lint this his was wa tho only l recompense COmpelO for fOl hIs Ids faithful services and ho lie consulted at- at orneys s 's who filed fed the tho suit sui f-f f L I 1 i I t I |