Show ADVISE OHIO SENATORS tc to Supped Sup Sup- I timid anil Thick Dick Requested J Policy t 1101 poil ped Hoo Roosevelt c n C Columbus Ohio Feb 13 flue The fhe today passed the tho resolution resolution reso reso- hou house c Foraker lution rt requesting l' l Senators and Dick to support the Hoo Roosevelt lc lt railroad railroad rail rall- road rond rato Ialo policy The original re resolution reso- reso o- o but lution commanded the senators tho the language was softened in committee commit commit- tee teo The resolution obtained seventy five affirmative e votes S and forty five members mem mom bees bers were absent or 01 refrained from voting There were no negatives women to Tho The bill hIlI to permit vote at Jit all temp temperance lance elections was defeated d by lIy sixty-five sixty to fin fifty For two weeks the time W W. C. C T. T U U. ha hUM has lob- lob bled and prayed continuously continuous for the thc bill hili and this Ull morning claimed a ma ma- Duo Tho wom women n charge treachery and broken promises |