OCR Text |
Show ~~ ‘ Efforts Made i Unite to ee aoiri. wen by i Factions In Local Bicycle Nprovo, -bo Mot, second: + avis), Florizel, 109 Seventh. ote hel 92 o (Perrine, : 3 race,. six (Heffernan), eorionee 4 to 1, ae won; - = ee Appear And now' the bitter a scaee Heagren, = Harry ' ' dorsed by members war who of is on! been : has the bike ocal L tin- riders' . . me |the Chicago work team, was euniie Salt the Grand be seen here in Fr than competent | by more the star of the ie Salt playgoers ven in . P oo AOD | Profe rise etroueitiel at the Salt PalNew Be Bani Bie we | orado ae rested, yeste the he « "nent announcemen rday that they local U riders! iders the would feet! will i not the local team This meet state. lads an aa vie ne ap the af ieee in the ride sity team here in to in-|at. ‘ ) states : owe t stern yearsintoago camp the WasTwotaken e : the|thirty-two for give | games o American Pep ae Fork peta veust oanast i Lineup Chicago the : ns enone there is no active represe aes last year casfly won the state meet Dowse in g is : "CO Summary-t as ; acted been Disclosures erurtar bare aati upon and his W having notStartling ae lepphne during visit Ne York, the road and | ee SE wi est on the Salt Palace saucer track. ea declares that he has already secured} he contracts the contracts riders a8 well ¢ of some me as men thee the of fn best best east. team ever 5 ee ae nak oea new ct city, it-is cumvente ed track. aie lic mpire, : te ; war Vactions b players loose Between two all ‘sign to two 2 would ate In fa Me || at ‘ i I 1e vomIC at here a fat ul blow Ing of the ne Ww tia k at Denver, es ae pointed Py will es pe 5 ee ‘on¥ © ( ere she riders yest | ; dangerous of "¢ i | grate" evs l0-| wood factions aie v inte the to bring hope apne 175 138a - og 148 153 _-- 126- 1 s+. TM Tuxedos 79 75S-2, 280 | a local for school a state the again onors \ BO ence | TIME EASY - HAS a | City i Will las 1 is] 18] od 160 , a SES New 175 Used rank his fleld frounds. the ‘after: reached and of the day. not AEtits ie 0 half-mile barely beat ae ee nds ¢ Grounds, Vair air ‘, inches S3 to : 20 et ma ra = . * 187 -- t oO 2. won; Macy, eo: second; Kittle F 5*to- 2. third 5, Jr., ; 93 (Perkins), Platt, 100 ony 1: 16 89--2,48 153 2 152 169 2 173- 142 182 171 ISS 170-. 1M- wi‘ y Be | Bute half , 1d :‘ Fo ta ~ race Fourth (Sew 108 Girl, ( ‘olumbia long 108 Cc 5s tae ou OP eR 5, Smit 1). 6 to 5, secane 0 mith, 112 (Martin) out, third Time, 1 HI 2-5 loway, 102 Stony (McDonald). 108 CRadtke Hill. ond: Bitter 5 hiv ee : 8 dy THA 102 2 nist, ‘Hand Prag eae se acehoe (Sc ‘ we 1:45 106 furlons s8-Hol- seven race, Fifth 97 18 i 0 - atlaranate g the » Ont to > Ue! (Walsh), 425. re 5 3 to (fetthe Sith second econd. 1, third. ee Hooper Riddle ner | Maughn | |. Totals | rach the city o set to rar's "OQMayor's lOrieah Park City Feb Carte) Petition of awalting ce . Eng oO ric nials 1h 135 110 165 117 184 140 18 129 168 64 should: Be the of i- 62 | 108 " ‘ oop..Peb..18.-Thi 9 ; .D,SC., people of im the the Se the in ene re outeome : nate before The Rich rest ofwey dethe i. iis agent he ae A. of Brown, « . the ute the Heyburn f z bill Ohio building and ti from fifteen Denver, : J is race, seven furlongs-Frec- | - y can Li, The new Nason and Russel eae }convention, now 4 being ist of un-jand an minut Rio castern" spending ae ana ae ae held specimens roc ‘ dykes by expert Africa, At as Garnets, Rega nds. oun Y were reduce prov who. EE. part of the of ores, and with ‘ Balti- in ‘ ( John By William ; ee voor OA er OE: ee? UO OSS Our and ss will that -Mary ~ YO Bate < long a Sur- ¢ , ae ; Pf |A Seat, former who" 4 stated that special any. vote in nw SARS the Nigga Senate. ¥ while he inquiries 15 >" of the 1 Cents an Acre From A Des Moines, . Ia,, Feb. are selling hig rher In Indians. ° 12 a! |stock issue, | bonds par Us ae nto lat OE that AS was maar that nae In rarer nee ts made! the government ac- which rty or omental ae ate -_--_- 3 nee ara nrices aa of ate ind $2,877,647, Sa subsidiary Patents rd or tribg@s and elght were cents toe : EOrkh ranlane the $1,000,000 : Is 749 Wok orecast Rut 1 ee i i al VWs j kk fein . pote lay venaesda aap atyshurs=-)ty.>postmaster Utah, | igned \ een and( that Bog LO . j | OBe ee ees ; Hall -wikat has been ai. Aven \ \ \ fe? r located C. Z opp. KELCY departs A | S home in promi Grivain private Oat to $89 on 1. Both & & Satisfaction as Main M. & strect, Phones. Guaranteed re ws A evening 2 F Sundar ye . (except ~ Bore Matinees, 10c, Saturday, and Tuesday, 50c. | 25c, - | e ndependen cS a RS as d =, i and vice, Y F _ FTEs CoNpuLauere base it, | 8 L. insisted oe 7 en ren Le eT it t 616 Dool Block Sal Lake s Gi Gen'l Mgr. Ss a OL. EE ‘ ROOKLIDGE, D. CHAS. Pres. BUTLER, charges. demurrage EH Sts : ane ' Ss. Works, Sampling serprompt. get will : samples : (Office Soe tat: oelapiae Elen @ - ; Pioneer You ' "Care nor freight our on @ fi transit.' ' : sampling extra no settle buyers ampler : shipments,in: your ConsignUtah, for iS Sandy, ~ in - : paaie cones _ menue ee about el 1 very 5 sat << ty ewri er wy a Ny] | A con- | | | | WI will) | Bit singham will | rae1 the oe 3 as pipae rty , nence-| ill maker.' it vrofit . Remington Every model of the . ; b Celina has iter never was a the Success. i Remington M I New The and odels substance Into ae the! sue tol may typewriter fz ail TypeTh 1eTS¢ ure. of experience pas RQ 4 iy _f wi sum. the represent s e all Remineton > « 2 of od Helnze events ae aie building. in P » 4 55 ( 0° vi Not: s | 3 John Dern of the Con. | theduled to return from |} i uh nmnth. from New York zs eee of . ? cea eo tee Ww a |C for the it, for when ce tu ipeniaPoneeen Pi sident: ead ur fs next) A message the Street NY Surope urope for appointed as AT State APT IeTES. of ee s ing Mining he counGarflelg. Hatchet, Ss. J. Workmén, re-| 751 | past) thene price ena entrance |} hificance, show } whith and NOW of convert! >' | convertible| $ value $50 and price. This debt DO The benefi- --- Postaster. 3 SEAS be sanOEP aeyingh| | quired title from the Indians. An in-| 59 oe $75 a "3 t thie a inWena dividend subject.| teresting schapter of the of the} declare aL SY a (AAO eaeeneles {hs with report deals C ¥, The The arious ‘nurchases" yetwe the "oO. " 7 2 » |). Hous ie aD am eae be ad gl + te) future ant th ut Ane where a Se stage T- | reached ' a aeswwa, i Both | "ye, large ae ¢.. an} government co rate hem Boy \ l have | aggregate. - Ievery through. put ee ee " a i 'on- en > the property ee immediately, an ane & SL money. Ten 0001 there. are ADY 2 Dem ; stock of this company at aa ae = ~ preportions. goodly of issues yond i has in addition Bingham "The ies WBicht uth So i outstanding it LOBprices, acto this following makes al present whe a the other properties in the Utah camp: for t Ist eeu ne this stops ach wesn the lead bilndly* as thes at ee, Y ie quently cour operations, Heinze have made blg The fact that: Shares of the eee, Acquire equired Government * est W - a Specialty. E - we acBreyeet 5 4 2 = uo Se Wiring Elana r jati is| ; ‘now' BROTHERS. Ea within ac . rate CLIC \ SO AoE | Oe 2 Blectric ogee says | Ee mae ! was Heinze yt pean, rag Salt winter 3 > t ~ " ae - of Motors {ransac- | SO interest The good-sized price scotiating was ire Reso wa owners x -" Power, eatestpsleate leleddede detetetetetetes 4 SN eleetededetetete at ALFRED re ae Bingham rv ¢ é Stine V a was itoh hitch ae the Ee <" Assortment Good A G. D. . Pyper 0 Cra2 : . Se a 3 lj ne > - the ~har property months two K a YORK. | ing to pay a oa ‘rty and property Tic Wotor ¢ MAREENA. eC GaN ee Be : } recent of < ate S P Have Washing We with Wackines 4 ‘ * . tD. : MEEHAN AND ! MAYNARD. TRIP TO THE MOON ON STOVE PIPE nae BOC; Thursday whom ROTEL Sarthe nast, eR rT MAIN ST. 9 eo we 2 = a VAUDEVILLE FREYDO ERE headquarwithbeen Interest, ene hasao York, | illingc + Pals of the i a puece ss Sale MRS. AND It has also been a mat-| knowledge : that another q | . ag time A 4 e ; deegeegecteste Pectectectnatertecte efeatectecteate afeatoctentnatesteatecte cs Be hep e ited oad 9 ae AR TRIONS: EAN ogee any " Undoubter Reeth), S ' o> oda: . Mining. ly believe it. ter of general % 1S} 4 0-40 o Oe Tc years slight- TT in. " f on shares ct Con.: 4 BEAST MODERN |/\rR: the | _consldgnce confidence, e follows. , inspection d considerable ee Thirty years' experience in handling meats; nearly twenty y of authority | best the ‘t on "T have the block of 50.000 shares. more | ‘onsolidated Bingham the of less, or bought} was' shich> : een) \ : whi company Mining } recen firm brokerage a Boston from ly, was for F. Augustus Heinze and I firm=| the interests he represents, and with those all to. it, reference with. whom he had talked at the capitol that belief the to entertain appeared there was no doubt that Smoot would retain his seat, and that it was simply} 4 question of bringing the question to | with in ener Stuart. that nation Suet TO NEW HSC G GOES eee a "i Y as 4 4% icker,. in source: : = Ac tfons: invkhe A ? are ? wort orth Thursday and Saturday-Macbeth: Friday evening and Saturday matinee outae are they develop- the He ae "Yorks > se- prices bears is Next Altraction---MODJESKA consummation, Visible 3y Waw our to P.|% many DEAT and Electric coGreat Louvre Sesemi ary Girls ieee a the oe eae Jear the Band ah its between which much of best SALT LAKE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. In- | 3,% ewe 4 Fare f the |" unani- eee is work this ee ee Sam-| M.. : practically was THE the reCees em ees CON. of ete iatiie "A" Ts today he made not Washington ae L3 Forecast Nevada-LIs rain or Snoy Sinister wish nxeaiie \ a Sait Bien x ii stock need wiring? M twe erected longer its GILAM 7 ‘ decided 26 amt. Geological a ' lican had aere mies rr W. Dr. president; paisa ided haul. about al- | jarge inmining New beet Care Ww of consist week, d large to inaugurate is no there doubt iland pur- hans meet} Saturday. a the Our ts: in or o+0+0~« l 1 officers: offi the of: .elected "4 Mi : any, whose Mining company, whose were In session in Den-| TO-DAY ATINEE Last Time To-Night this over Rio} its waythe east * eat Gate exeur- people" you Good with in has the of BIN of which eee investigation on a 4 Manager Droeress on© former "me roducproduc progress spects With all the : cat . necessary behind the under- 3 moneys est eS | ters : endian ACES ; e nes, of the 1 ind i State the: question Are lect from riche of- his at reappearance ee d inno taking epo the oWneES \ : e y z Oa of Smelting, Refining & Mining company comple tad a The: ¢xercising 4. antirely > . | i of the rights granted under the re- Haverhill averh ; to be devoted to poet oe aucuan one is | ment from who] express the for America silver. sidgewa general: manayer,| the rineer-of -« chief Yard: J. ne Western, left. "yesterday ig Governnmicnt in to; employed which with of oe ents GeologiState of the Repubthe representatives excursion through, on today 1-Golden iacninn will if pass ekethrough Sion | baiveint from booter, 109 (Austin), 4% ‘to 6. won: Mrs. Howell a Delegate. oe Bug, 103 (Koerner), 3 to 1,! Washington, D. ¢., Feb. 13.-Mrs second; Monochord, 102, (Heffernan), | Howell, wife of the representative 6 to a third. ae 1:28 1a delegate to the Women's Sufftric wae and vagBixctc 5 enth ule Third U,race10. "(Nicol). E nvoy be ments request passenger fe Central. "pleased. manager vice-president; Bosto oston. > Plant reduction to lessening ‘ : " hud spread o rapidly that it was | tor Denver , sumim ary Washingto Kel ae eine Ce 13.-Patent n, oe eS pas- | sued a Burlington Byrne, By Villiam deae the oon eee i bes \.furlongs--B lack four race - Tir "lag. 110 (McIntyre), 4 to 1, won; | 7Ote LOAD SEEDS Acne Clee ALI UT enger agentn tationed: at Chicujro,) den, recoil on ke fot Lutomatic 1 1: La Thorpe, 120 (Austin), 6 to 5, seeeae pea : See a cha passed through yesterday. on his way | John «Kempf 71 Salt Lake fence. | DtleS sn A ii Ve : bee ‘ ploye 1ad narrow escapes from the)! to the coas . coer ae ° American . [daho-Dewitt G. Brown, © | AR ore Cones ‘ Site : (Jenkins), 20 to 1, fikmes s, 1058, 10:49 6 1.6 hia rd. I Tr ime, oo Palla: label nuider Geet Wilso: Second is V AUT c text ere greatest the Beye have lain ; ‘ main cause, York: at ‘is\much general Western Th Fixtures |@ ? ; Brockway, ple, 9 of its ye in this state. plants with oa ee en warae the ores. that' a. smelter sné vepane des ; the with life new to restored camp, st of coun- with - practi- | been President traveling, New Little Bellof condition , > 4 P¢ : co) last benera city Saturday. in: . this aE F tet Pi ee Meni ea ni they are | organization fr trom to ri < David ee: per) the atte nd to Beauty." ‘Sleeping Route the 4 4 v last quite | yer previ- of toproducers be provided is the made to } MAI. AJ. | the during arise will congress from March | ofwhich the Lake | Salt' formance coun- creating Heyburn. OO HIT main-| Is bound as it is soon into stock. verted ent necentsOES anuae a. eae Tee de : Lake ar icre, Was bought for elght ac cre 2 7 ae hte ieSree ‘k issue ae SS ONE mak will o be, century half a than more ithe @ of-| and@ four men fifty hundred One ee ay aoae eae 170,000 cons fap: additional an was there True. States:in-| United Fourth. the of ficers wntvyv ar sected Friday by the Trio | #tien of forty kegs of tobacco and forty} makes Bingham se at only $3,500,Grande West The ; aie én: tuute pounds of salt annually for thirty years,| 000, which seems cheap Figuring on War EGB AL ES PORTA BRTHaU Gh ya Yi but this constituted but a fraction of a| (his basis the Heinze following is pre$60 at sell will shares the that dicting | acre, an ay arene aolaectins ta' Philippines Up. Held the are the in fon sald it a Kimberley vy. <imbe the . county set have on every to funds in-| company': io r newly1 The vice TRY Utan-Nevach ah-Nevacdh: shareholders similar] 7 market arrive arrive to r j Elliott |ico that to the coast.{ a trip on ; gs7|)lerday 24) Two polrtécatné hundred andin-yer fifty people ‘81 | Crit, anyon frein} wet Wwi- 1W2- 148 5 TL ns Petition the reserves [Saar Par as , to more t pieis aieno eee committee" an has returned an examination Massachusetts. . to be chrysolite thourht i (i investigation of the recent . |came Mae that ty, Utah, for the been creation of on,a forest to pass Western Grande it¥ be-Pa | | Lexpected acted | reserve A; has a not j ic se m ; » : | tmmeul lerst l ‘that the'. President. {s)| Th I nn yivain creating New ae. 74 oy Washington, Col 2010an a2 12 1 Oy iin ] a Reserve | Time, | Dil the -congress..tajee =ane ! et met with success for campaign oxpenses } progress Win. 144 . 12 Iss | Rosenblatt io | ar eee = _mile ceed Kickshaw. one k ' iclets; eidicet eieveler discovery ast score eta meeting s2---2, 401 | in their a (95 otnls 5, Egon. won; | a espegially Y SS the in Elltott with land another: become he in Lake," Salt. to much . ‘Representative: men : , citytv in the 3 west , will every right the 152 481} of 170 = 3 to (Robbin rarity rarity, C Draper, a diamond the Transvaal, South ‘consent the. & early an for fice. should stoc kholders minority the 13:.-Re-|that Feb, C., D. Washington, of $200 for this sum at Jeast the | aside purpose We ' have BY given similar funds! publican Special-MajJ. Richard W. | be taken care of and that they should | in whatever | to participate Washington | be allowed in been has who Young, in| kinds different of celebrations for TO . : . 404 the pa tand I-ean sce no reason W hy | Several days on business, today left for | benefit accrued to the big shareholdthis matWhile terms. eaual on to}ers go will there from and York New ‘ now be niggardly 483 | the « ity should 501 WS u Vloran und other members) Utah In discussing the Smoot case} ter was under consideration the ae 875 Pa Orientals yards seventy and + | (Radtke)..9 an t ve diamonds. counellil Mon. | cover S - cor mpans y xa for for be in copper-bearing ores. The efforts so prosecute construction, to be eee an ee ones y. hi chrysolites ant found in diamonds Kentucky, andElliott county tio ireon, Mect. their of means Martin: athee tt 1e@ attene --jthan 849 , mile race, Ellsworth, in rysolites in existence only y | old jewelry. Prasad talcen from ne bringitie ne nearly . 4 ;‘5 , 1Nl- - 159 sseens ‘ aside oat am ° ua having methods career, one eee op ene diamonds, ty,: which is . J mine of chrysolites, "busy ALON coun amone-the e on a, &(* » gelling mbet "5 15 1%)4 . ; irk- r | |} this S craw] could Stalmann, . & 3 hoshe mining man, 18 a broker and ts "to unde ‘rgzoO an oper-| he pital, where ation. His friends wa clients hope . Se SMELTERS. ee which of furnaces, beautiful Me pit compliance ghee ow es v the 7 to ol2 to the Cenfirst game the losing Aste ut 1 aa s " Sian2 ' m . BigaesStore 1longs eee ) on hee Crown alleys last night, the| _ 6 Mrs, Al Powell, 118. ¢ V. Rob DATS , Ori jentals of the: Junior Bowling league | RATLROAD NOTES. 2 to 1, second; Friction, 1 1 5: A McGee), | rallied and won the two following. Scores: | I, C Vonderheidt, traveling passen-| $-to 1, third Time, 3422-5 . | Centurys, agent passed of the through Chicago the and cityNorth-/| a sa 2 4p | cer Western, yes- Third itn than . rs mee the a welbe as mak- $200 he which: Otto The fact that there are : only7 150,060 . : in operation. smelters Good the plant atAccording to the nowplans, GEM Sheree eae e _| valuable . } 178 . Totals un 200 mati, but pin 1S) adac e. | Danley ent Summary Bey Dr . fexcites Geologists State. Grass yrber-tive' cause for the city eiving| eee cia et |ABS 3 | Kee le V, Mellroy Elastic, to hi the ners, seadaweesete Feb. feature only favorite, did race yi . Totals 13.-Vacabond from away. romped outsider, Kirkwood at the Futr race in the second this. afternoon, thi proving | Williamson it to the Crystals iddie s Race, of to at Study 454) core smelter ended | valley President s RARE a a uth. MONEY i Give During will oor ag Nevada of Sheduled Sheduled oe Isj- aa ivilenswar up 1 Ke oll Orleans Orlean: New the the cht. edged. the:. knig g hts 1c mi | s SUPE. neo mae aieo Bee ~ Seas, Mine hi ya stone result Probably ore this cbcee ° which fare Sale ; aes aoe vc ee o t en sa in ne "ERG By many Stones odetheymoos SU tt: 1 | jewelers are regarded even more | oe iocated, and Slee already _ "| cat z iB H 1) 142 oe a GylienaWan ryllenswi : Vagabond. | ne more certain championship GETTING Soe Vent edepta at Bamberger City, after the i ? Glasgow : : the | Mass, today, with Charles the Raymond capitalat the head of them, are those|2 were proceedings The Blue nnn WLERS 41: - 7 » just of ove OUTSIDER 11 would as well nn: ee 3 | Lexington, Ky., Feb. 14.-Deve elopSe aaa |) ments in the diamond fields of E liott | ona the order to begin the throwing county result in the discovery of what of dirt will be posted within the next s beheved to be ‘the only ¢ et ‘ainervikaoe" ; Mo be \Bee in ihe | a SEHK arysolite ond in "Americal lrenine eo 1S on AT lic WMO Specimens } wort, join Adams 5 feet at bar the team track the students t a SiNeY of each a nbeaas chalcopyrite a| attained is cae state peal en high jump by »" the killed nun peer. margins6 a from' | oF eh>¥-small on oil tard pouring 708 Hane tishe ae es boilinne' and: ae || Vdav-nieht aos » acustheOmIndependents he ‘ague oe aaa- y arDern. Ginonitent Das is:now me beh 2o! Crown. o ce ~ DS 2 Ae r¢ gether, before KENTUCKY'S t Pro- U the VISIT state presiints by whom in their ju- | Springs, Nev., a or SIELMENE wie pk Eble Drea the ne a" 173- 198 movement U.,| with :some remarks by conan Shaw. U..| | Anna Howard -= TEAM held Ore matt Pi Sydney from Park the properties. demonstrated oe ; rive from county Elliott the studying of pose Salt} the part of on. the Poresight tjelds in appointing Couneil-} bowlers Lake are the owners] encouraged So much the} of member a Martin DPD. L. | man : ; ‘ See ae { the will in all probabil>! finance committee Mr of report the by property e 90 : " . men| of a force put they that aper Y > > =78 873-2,519 Bes O00 tow; ard ae {raving expenses of | ty work mining into the extinct crat- | was | result the and volcanoes, of ers tourna-| Bowling Western |} the c oming - Crystals Climb Iigher. aeg-r mia a a a | the discovery of the stone thought to] Crystals "took three "in st cession | 3 mee: tin a cee { . m oe for 2] pe ehrysolite and the to dis- | Oe failure a efore eo appropriatio § St i : : - ued Smith " ‘Totals mo) Mi ling the |Claimant +H 144 li epworth class say that If thé war continues the, Members .. its a peace countries. an‘l} Y.: Y. probably years evand _ | University by comed Scores: ‘ Oe 7 NPaltor, the there has} factions of the good has . State, to clear | able a: ~ "ec" ........ . . dekind Totals'. | given for ri former. character : "ae : Hy | this ‘ Games. 202 in the second. Mis: "one ig yaa and McLeod eof Bunn us yy || Ande eae 1 art. factions. by;:both the which another risen heart at the game in the atta a We ork has. Peres oO Over ine ermar' the nicht, Jast alleys }ace ehG of two Only straight three }ning |ydayers went over the double eentur scoring 222 in the last game Tobin | ins a 28, and the fight Meanwhile ever made being is effort vo , by - Running the Athletes, ‘Adams entered the By. STRAIGHTS | E bowling Poor ef- was ready assurwould wi factions tepresentatives of both at the meeting of the1 ] in attendanee be execully bi G dy 1} 9 f r the ; N : CHA An New\ ‘ : York on February Will be made there, letes 14 4 hl yds Gites frowi the | and uthe:KingProperties of the the with wee senrtth co ive In whatever Springs Best of depth TO over to the State GeologiRied a | anq within squad track tT niversity of/the haba oe To Erovo friends Adams stated cal Survey, with a request to make a 1e had made all arrangements for en- |} 4} a cps | mines the of Ugation inve thorough at once. the local school tering hand a Ps ea further to cemarit: the claastiredl assured, its shares risdictions Soa a University of Utah stock took a} decidcd jump last night it beot Adams Mark when rie cick Sie "rove, one of the best all-around ath- meets. | as the and privilege, the voting made Chrysolite State's of fur- of the Tinundergone at Holy Ru Bau ' ike has that velopment at the properties of the Boston Consolidated, and the results are relied on | prestige of id not a little to the wae 4 E ed - LOCAL TRACK Seve: One Adams, nee : ang g00d | gulding ster Among the speakers were Senorita | tonnages of ore that have been opened Hindobro of Chile, who discoursed on| 4p in that region Before departthe women of Chile and Argentina in| ing for camp, the visitors will make Eas , Such early a Missourians-Other it Saas to: Take the oe a i U nanimous It JOIN ian HANG Make Make be protected are known alone to Downi ane aEC few a aches of those‘ who o are p pushing and Both spring cen tg 0 is thie amie poncluded This reported morning On various dents matters "thurman Peepzel B. B, contents Convention. : Woman's ' A | Originators ss -13.-The ee niara hat aRade poerized ana Rigthe work1 ofl and: ; arter- | a jsttong man in? the quarteris: ‘Teeetm the.: Hardy | both neNE His appearance on the eT | mile event a few | the City learue in the te ae a th word he brought to rel and to go ahead the new track What had that the new track days ago all right to build ances he this se eae TUXEDOS E be ‘he . i the xe NE a When the east fort of the new faction. Downing returned from by for ae ne 30 fire ae there i will least, at This, that nile Se, Pe out Maddock Goach secure talent to appear. state > ‘put cal loca Ung into condition The | apout 50 ; Es trac a new that In the event force. is started a new franchise w ue _ ve Ba be secured tio get riders fre to it will be aieult Othe clin CLA, of Heagren TO ee Re AouiGe BReoE: en Huntsman and Hume are alre ady get- ae Abo eontract with the N. C. A.' giving. the racesin | {jack conduct right Salt here Palace during the the comingto year, 18 still a Se ¢ Friends ee will be school "ot the most sign up to te Nee nA to or on "gym" material the new in of work a host at now team : some lit-| at isk hits fecal adding e seo + chalcocite, -|ouslypene been those nuwith 1is evening session addresses on the subject of | merous sant). AMBRE GEE CRETE ineai Brot Springs the ~o he tHE of of positively or- his SESSION CONGLee | securlng iF progress ay Bae ....Rose 1) from Reports Cenneaie cA. 4 ae frorsek aa a aidecision | ae P'OW": ae eae noe pa 7 are to the effect thatata a s still stronger mg An ae baskets Be afrom field, : 5; free throws, Meteors, 16 team will represent that school | 2° ; Meteors, ‘S| >) track efsk ae gover ugh ; ) eReperiaiateat this season. the Pate Pes ae sull rir jOaYy inl cy« ng lis resignation With the veterans. of last year's aa Ssiecessitates ( ‘ ie}, an copped: by | tined style and rs presented acts Suffrage 7 as a Baltimore, Feb night lannual } oe night 6 Friday R. LF F. | roe ra ai a mete ae an ah eel ae al closely contested meets ever seen in}Harris ....... R.G. ...... W atkins ne It aie Ha Sen site : oes Cae ae Utah, Since that time, however, the]T « t.lot ..... edie S iseu Aader two bodies have active ied. At pres-|@olorado team has strengthened and ‘ 5 pape ent . anuveEr: con-| are his experiments when that hither-| results will show they cluded to unattained. | ' thirty-six will ‘play Positions Neill Huber (Capt)... most of They Wednesday Lake Salt : at e) to|and Team. Colorado team | by the univer-| one = : wins out Meteors, the the nin order of popular appreciation seem work on the properties of the Utah | gersoll, secretary, and E. T. Wolver- | %) ss ton, managing director This feature of the inquiry] be "The Tale of a Turkey," by Mr. | COPPEr: all}tg le: ee fra p sia, Ne. | is appealing to. the eastern ‘sharemin converse See . 4 $ ‘shares of ithe B erston of the ¢ of deplece as has holders, |" ' no a other artis old Ene United Statesof the Mining « company States || %&& United: shares the been underta Ken | into aera 25 ‘WOMEN a number, ee mie Be into will opportunity their quality. Colorado Has Good | Show | of of ne oe ane ro ie The oe nelehborine o l 5 fran-]| vage is sug-| | < Ve a tnerease. Trouble Since ine | Accompany | neighboring Downing, will also | the to secure effort in an gO east chise for the new track : which Aaa Springs ‘ determinations repre-| Guggenheim of goo oritatives ‘aré the onthe teround: with the: Meanwhile Ao of has. the been,| Se™% inations a ills th ‘thus' f far resultult nations by by drills inby by the in-|,; | ¢*@™ ais The 5 . >e .|ings as foretold. That metal-| : the a . | } : | held "April 27 al Colorado Springs| west by Manager Hahn of the MeAddress Speakers game | Distinguished the locals Univer-|teors. of enthusiastic a || and atsity aof number Utah students will probably |The victory hereplaying made a a rough record of Suffrace Conventi which time the local matter will come : : : % , . . local ridentative of the A repre up ers, probably ee at 5 he select- been w ho » has I'. Is. Schefski, I ba US5 eo, tant far Ed anaes ‘ Welhe Villard: Of 4 4 to is of H. Robinson who has Hea increas- | ® * i nt operation this table, without rie: /gal deur. | consisting Mare: So eeMrs, réd les , | and Yaro Mrs and Alf Mareena; Alice Shaw land the Frevdo Brothers, the latter reit woul as boys, home the for a fons json reg 1e same ul eee aed 1} -- aha a ae move and that the combinec Ody of | covering ne meet last year will prob- |} teach them to control themselves in lcently from Europe. 7 7 : fast against playing when future the spring this again ela - for with him the local riders will sign by Man- | company made been also have *lans = this and the two asons coming > re Pete rane : , seas ate a tantwill go to : Ck ; on ae i: iaeime ; ae tre 5° of ihe ds the Se) thee oni Lake and is-re nee sred in Swinging jchestra, een MON! YE and ‘borntte.. From these ores heft] iailad" rom: London for, the gene ta) J to you. ¢.G oo 2 ar é attrac ee " on | which points twenty-one of out throws : istc he | tives of the B, Y. U. of Provo, the Chambe ‘rlain was the star for work good doing L.|/home team, coming few weeks to run in opposition | Agricultural college at Logan, the to the Salt Palace. t Is stated th: S. university and Coach Maddock | through the game. Coach Deetzel was a 5good the game that Univer a e lared the yilatt from Jensen se : can : Heagren get7: backing for ae such a) jand sity M: of Mean, Ute TI ed to manage the races season, ace the coming ay F. Bet- | ager George in hand, re oben creel emacs » Satta and seasons, former in | tractive davk agile that. oy 0? at- less 5S as ulpment, ite ae hike: There} is farce the sts atid Soelsinies. weiliPs Tt is hardly expected again this season, at denying no be ac- Family" Fully| least with the present company. | can super- group, perpen who construction the a White, T. Roberon intend SRAVeen ie hcnickaep : digvae a.tewwters mie Con., a8 a of aPore ie o f the|! 1e bee properties e : izer e¢ is to being e Installed. Withdewaterfive} StarSonditions Tintic, are improving y yes- Lake's Wife's "My with superiorstart. || people taare generous sixteen tabbed and |gqme about fleld tie that free at 4] will be made Ke will start | the middle of May, that states Lake. _ , . |} meeting today between ac ‘presenta- | ehanc ans ere a aiere within the | here track on a new Salt here/at to 14|to were their will as ers. M4 ¢ : arly an I o 7 experience. whol wee ee a OO nearly had 30th teams enone equal chance atand freelanded throws,onlybut cignt| Rose | pusiness. Thisstrengthened week's bill further stil]. ‘rvous vas Was nervous ane 3 still further strengthened out of ofaa possible nineteen. : Harris, pos i S, of OF | tc Q ‘ nber, : _| state] meet, for ; the and field Cumming's at he: hetd Strong -- Team Aner ang , al arre ee | inte rcollegia track of the cycling track | no for manager union at Contests Track 28. showed team Tonight a|quaintance r for at Bingham, A. the undertaking another is to add "Mary and evenings, ? the} » | a Y¥.U ~~ F Hso ene thorn field Or foul newees the game was lost to ‘he | ; Feb, uniforms, and si? night Consolidated presented 'T hur: =. | tles, who has be Provided Be : Table Battery ; oe ; F ' : " "Ten Nights = a T product that is quite Saties 1 eus offices obtain in a|_ | obtaining Tomescow night local they became acc ustomed to the style of play, the Chicago-lads mixed| Barroom," with a company which hasas|@s | factory to the and management, as, well : ooye; he has no doubt to himeet of, will succeed It was in the fallure| been well spoken things freely. for Date to Settle Today to Meet white in will [isovzststomscrs'tceh'and, after |[ferings To So . Body and alert fa dressed boys, Chicago blue and ; . es Before Governing In New York, 5 at game. the witnessed the . county, Calll., -is scheduled to return a loyal weli eas theater. by the With which to expedite his experi- | 'he last of the week. It was said last night that Manwho have or- | ments on the properties of the Boston | matinee. Stuaee? ey eet Oe eo The pox sale of seats began [terday 4 oice gan ie ham season Meteors at the gymnasium final score being 26 persons The 1:17. Time, third. 5, to | Schetskt and Downey will Probably!' ARRANGE FIELD SPORTS ne the |in favor of the Chicago players. 6|700 McIntyre), (W. 99 Conjuress, °" FIGHT END TO re Chicago the rough game |tonight, the nehaha, $7 (Koerner), 3 to 1, sec: A. rn B de fe at of t Saturday day and eb first hands Vv "Macbeth ] to Feb. is. rovo tolits 1:48. Time, third; 5, Controversy. N. C. B. i 0 "ska ; iven to Another "ole wil be Kni chts of Columbus, ie U.| || dered 100°tickets for Friday won Hugh, 108 (Heffernan). even: | Young university basketball team met . CALL From Score 26 8 to 1, Springer), 9 1: Gentian, rd. Time 1iask Te . ; mile Nal-sand seventy y Fe worl_ Sixth race, XN Wins Chicago Plant . With _- segahbingst Experimental 7,2 hl 1 THEATRES GEER 99 (Smith), ; 2 to 1, ' first, ° Morendo, 111 : (Delaydy4: to 6; second; Tapiola, 29 Time, 1:42: third. to 1, furlongs-Capitano, (Kogrner), Fifth race, 6 six LAKE US SALT T BE METEORS to 30 Legend, VG 3-5. 1:48 é 4 4 4 4 q Don Maguire, general manager of the Santa Maria company's propertles, north of Ogden, was among the day's visitors from that locality. we 6 to 6, sec- Austin), (D. 110 MILL we (McIntyre), Time, race, mile-Royal S ares Veo 107 Bencolio, third. Fourth from the copof Washington county. BOSTON mining the expert Vr ; 1, ' AT day. ik. P. Jennings, engineer, has refurned per-bearing regions Be Shawana, the ae ae - od and Abroa | Sports at Home ond; ‘MINING = (Continucd from Page Six.) 56 06-00 6 00644 marketed two more lots of company high grade copper concentrates during : ake AG. "aS ere 14, 1906. F EBRUARY CITY, WEDNESDAY, SALT LAKE REPUBLICAN, INTER-MOUNTAIN THE Senator ten C be our glad office to hare aod At Re mi see the new models or send for illustrated booklet de- scribing Ze the ) new ; Cype - EY nglon i riier ERR Co features. pany sO0O5C days t New York brol Wice of Péllakke Wire of Pollock eee ii We will ail pone a @ & ri Ce Lo. Cashier Hayes of the Utah Copper| & SSS | Sy SSSsSs SSSSEE! 172 S. West Temple RRS SRL i St., Salt Lake City, Utah. , aia |